
the era of "human-machine symbiosis" is accelerating, with new applications and new challenges


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as new technologies such as ai accelerate their integration with the physical world, the intelligent era has entered a new era.prologue, people can't help but ask, where will the surging wave of ai take us? what challenges and problems will the era of "human-machine symbiosis" bring? during the bund conference held recently, many academic experts, industry pioneers, and entrepreneurs in the artificial intelligence industry gathered to discuss the present and the future around the development and challenges of cutting-edge technology.

more than 20 ai assistants made their debut

when ai enters our daily lives, how will a day in the life of a human being change? at the bund expo exhibition area, visitors can interact with more than 20 ai assistants and experience a day of living with ai.

in the "future assistant" exhibition area, visitors can click on alipay's ai life butler "branch"xiaobao", you can top up your phone bill, check your parcel,checklast month's consumption, medical insurance balance, out-of-town medical records, etc. when you haven't seen your friends in person for a long time, put on special artificial muscle fiber clothes and you can feel the "hug transmission". this smart wearable device has recorded the strength and posture of your friends' hugs in advance and transmitted them to you. the audience can also use xiaoice's "digital clone" to clone their own avatar in 3 minutes, let the digital person assist them in completing their work, or use the digital person toant forceCodefusethe code assistant implements ai programming, greatly improving work efficiency.

under the technological trend, the elderly who "walk slowly" have also received attention from the ai ​​industry. blue vest volunteer chen youjuan demonstrated a mobile assistant named "chen youjuan teaches you how to use your mobile phone" based on her prototype.oldintelligent agent, what does "uninstall" mean in a mobile phone, how to make an appointment in advance on the mobile phone when going to the hospital for treatment, is it true or false when a stranger says he can help your grandson get admission to a famous university...the answers to these questions can be found in this intelligent agent installed on the mobile phone.

in addition to "iq", big models also begin to possess "eq", which was once difficult for machines to possess. during the conference, big model startup xihu xinchenreleased and launched china's first end-to-end speech model "xinchenlingo". in the actual conversation scenario demonstrated on site, the large model can not only understand the voice content of the human on the other end of the phone, but also capture the other party's tone, rhythm and emotions, and communicate with the other party in an extremely natural and highly anthropomorphic tone.

"xinchenLingo can capture subtle changes in speech, not only understanding what you said, but also what you wanted to express, giving ai high emotional intelligence and insight into people's implicit meanings.chenCEOxingchen introduced,heartchenduring the training process, lingo employs professional psychological counselors, psychology doctors and other professionals to label data, providing high-quality materials for its "emotional intelligence" training.

from "combining parameters" to "combininguse

just as the steam engine changed the world because it began to merge with ships, trains, and textile machines, the field of ai is also experiencing a "baimothe key evolution from "war" to "industrial application". "the development and application of ai technology is a continuous iterative process, and it is necessary to discover the difficulties in the implementation of technology in the application.letthe direction of technological development is more focused. "ant group president han xinyi said that intelligent agents, as a product form of generative artificial intelligence, can make large models grow "hands and feet", which is the core direction of current large model applications.

fudan university's intelligent microscopy model unifmir,it breaks the limits of existing fluorescence microscopy and greatly improves the quality of observation and analysis in fields such as life sciences and medical research. alipay officially launches an open intelligent ecosystem plan for the industry and launches a one-stop intelligent development platform "treasure box". zhou jian, a post-00s who lost his right arm at the age of 12, uses artificial intelligence and brain-computer interface technology to play a piano piece with his bionic hand. tongji university and shanghai artificial intelligence laboratory jointly launch the "scholars and saving the world" digital financial platform... at the bund conference, the trend of in-depth integration of artificial intelligence technology represented by large models with multiple industries has initially emerged.

entrepreneurs also reached a consensus during the discussion: the industry is currently at a critical juncture in its development - large models are moving from "parameter matching" to "spellapplication". they believe that the industry will face two problems in the future. one is how to reduce the cost of large models such as inference costs, thereby promoting their large-scale application, and the other is how to use applications to drive the development of technology.

sun maosong, foreign academician of the european academy of sciences and executive vice president of the institute of artificial intelligence at tsinghua university, analyzed that large models need to be useful, easy to use, and effective in order to solve the problem of "popular but not popular". he reminded that it is meaningful to let artificial intelligence technology play its autonomous role in changing scenarios. "if automation can solve the problem, and it can be done quickly and cost-effectively, don't use artificial intelligence to do this, because that would be asking for trouble."

focus on ai governanceprevention techniquesabuse

the era of "human-machine symbiosis" that is accelerating is still constantly generating new problems.

professor of the school of computer science and technology at fudan university and director of the shanghai key laboratory of data science pointed out that the large-scale application of ai poses several major challenges to human life.generative ai technology is advancing rapidly in months, but human emotions, values, and ethical concepts are adjusting very slowly. how to reconcile this contradiction is one of the challenges we need to face.xiao yanghua believes that the second challenge is the issue of technology inclusion. we should prevent a small number of people from using advanced technology to gain unfair competitive advantages. in addition, we should pay special attention to preventing technology addiction and preventing advanced technology from backlashing against humans. in his view, large-scale abuse of ai may damage the nature of "being human". the application of ai technology should be done with caution, and attention should be paid to technology governance to prepare for a rainy day.

"the lack of attention to collectivism, uncertainty and incentive mechanisms are three aspects missing in the current discussion of artificial intelligence." michael jordan, a master of machine learning and a member of the american academy of sciences, believes that the implementation of artificial intelligence in the industry requires the formation of a collaborative collective, and to build an artificial intelligence collaborative system, the "incentive" perspective of economics must be introduced. he said that humans can better cope with uncertainty when working in groups, but how to make the current ai system have similar collective collaboration capabilities is still a key unresolved issue.

source: beijing daily client

reporter: sun qiru
