
heart-wrenching! after a barbecue, a guangzhou college student went to the icu and had his blood transfused 5 times. the doctor urgently reminded →


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sitting around a fire with a few close friends, watching the barbecue sizzle on the charcoal fire, and drinking a refreshing drink is a little happiness in life. but be careful! although barbecue is fun, it may also hide potential health risks.
recently, the panyu central hospital affiliated to guangzhou medical university admitted a patient with limb weakness caused by barbecue. after consultation with experts, the "culprit" of the disease was found.diagnosed with guillain-barré syndromewith the help of the society, the young man finally got better after more than ten days of active treatment and was successfully transferred out of the intensive care unit.
previously, the young man was in urgent need of blood donation, and the guangzhou daily published a report calling on eligible citizens to actively to read previous reports:urgent help! a student in guangzhou suddenly fell ill and urgently needs a large amount of blood
a guy had a fever and diarrhea after eating barbecue, and his limbs became weak and difficult to walk one week later
a week after the barbecue
weak limbs make it difficult to walk
mr. wang from guangzhou maritime college,after enjoying a barbecue with classmates one evening in august, he developed symptoms of fever and diarrhea.after treatment, the diarrhea improved, but a week later, he began to feel weak in his limbs and had difficulty walking, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to him who was about to enter college.
so he immediately went to the panyu central hospital affiliated to guangzhou medical university for treatment. the doctor found through neurological examination that wang had difficulty lifting his lower limbs off the bed, the muscle strength of his right lower limb was only level 2, the muscle strength of his left lower limb was only level 1, and the muscle strength of both upper limbs was only level 4. his coughing and swallowing functions were significantly reduced, and his condition was progressing rapidly.the respiratory muscles may be affected at any time, leading to respiratory failure or even respiratory arrest., the situation is very dangerous.
doctors make accurate diagnoses.
“find out” the “culprit” causing the disease

after admission, the medical team paid great attention to wang's condition. considering that wang had a history of gastrointestinal infection, he developed limb weakness and dysphagia a week later, and they highly suspected guillain-barré syndrome. in order to confirm the diagnosis and implement precise treatment, the emergency team immediately initiated the emergency examination process and completed relevant examinations such as cranial mri, lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid examination, and peripheral nerve antibody testing on the same day.
despite this, wang's condition continued to progress rapidly.that night he developed breathing difficulties and had to be intubated.due to the patient's acute onset and severe condition, early diagnosis and treatment are the key to recovery. finally, based on the patient's onset characteristics, clinical manifestations and relevant laboratory test results, combined with the consultation opinions of the third district of the brain center, it was clearly diagnosed as guillain-barré syndrome.
citizens enthusiastically donate blood
student wang successfully completed 5 plasma exchange treatments
in response to wang's condition, the hospital's critical care unit team and brain center team discussed and quickly developed a plan."zipper method"treatment options, i.e.plasma exchange followed by immunoglobulin injection, 5 cycles of treatment. because plasma exchange requires a large amount of fresh plasma, blood bank resources were once tight.
however, with the strong support of the enthusiastic public and guangzhou maritime college, where wang was preparing to attend, the required plasma was replenished in time, and wang successfully completed 5 plasma exchange treatments. click to read previous reports:student wang from guanghang: 8800ml of plasma has been received!
with the joint efforts of the medical team of the department of critical care medicine, wang's condition gradually improved, the muscle strength of his hands returned to normal, and his lower limbs were gradually lifted off the bed. in order to help him recover as soon as possible and prevent muscle atrophy, the medical team also started early bedside rehabilitation treatment in the icu, including aerobic exercise on a bicycle in bed, sit-up and sitting balance training, encouraging spirometry training, and walking training from the bedside to the ward.
after more than ten days of active treatment, wang finally got better and was successfully transferred out of the intensive care unit.
doctor's reminder
guillain-barré syndrome is an immune-mediated acute inflammatory peripheral neuropathy with an acute onset and symptoms that peak within 2 weeks. limb muscle weakness is the core symptom. some patients also have sensory disturbances, with fingers and toes feeling like wearing gloves and severe cases, respiratory muscle weakness may lead to breathing difficulties and even life-threatening conditions.

patients should seek medical attention promptly if they experience the following symptoms:

symmetrical weakness of the limb muscles starting from the fingertips or toes and gradually developing towards the trunk;

facial paralysis, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing occur;

symptoms such as sweating, skin flushing, and tachycardia occur;

paralysis of limbs or loss of sensation in the limbs;

double vision occurs.

the hospital doctor said,most cases of guillain-barré syndrome are preceded by a history of infection(gastrointestinal or respiratory tract infection). in this case, eating unclean food caused diarrhea and stimulated immune response. it can occur at any age and any season. it is generally not contagious or hereditary. the key is early identification, early diagnosis, and early treatment. most patients have a good prognosis after active treatment. when there is a history of prodromal infection and discomfort such as limb weakness, difficulty swallowing, and limb numbness, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the disease.

source: guangzhou daily
