
various pliers and wrenches were thrown down from the 18th floor late at night. the culprit was a 4-year-old child.


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late at night, pliers, wrenches, tape measures and other items were thrown down from a tall building!
recently, the duhang police station of the minhang public security bureau in shanghai received a report from the public that someone threw objects from a high place in a building in a residential area on yantietang road, and two cars parked downstairs were damaged.
various items thrown on the ground
the police who received the call quickly arrived at the scene and launched an investigation. during the process of visiting and checking the residents on all 18 floors of the building one by one, mr. chai, a resident on a high floor, took the initiative to tell the police that it was his 4-year-old son who threw it down.
mr. chai said that his wife happened to be out at the time and he was busy and didn't take care of the child. the child was playing alone at the time and threw the tools such as pliers, wrenches, and tape measures in the tool box out of the window at some point. in response to mr. chai's statement, the police conducted further investigations with the criminal investigation police and finally found out that it was mr. chai's son who did it.
things thrown downstairs by children
the property damage involved two cars, and the roof of one of the cars was even smashed through!
mr. chai, the child's guardian, was worried that he might not be able to afford the high compensation. the two car owners were worried that the other party would shift the responsibility to the child and would not be willing to compensate for the damage to the car.
smashed car
in order to resolve the conflict as soon as possible, community police officer tao jiawei immediately worked with the town judicial office, resident lawyers and others to launch the "three-office linkage" mechanism. after many consultations, they fully listened to the demands of both parties and combined the vehicle repair cost assessment issued by the 4s shop. finally, with the joint efforts and patient coordination of all parties, they reached a mediation and compensation plan that satisfied both parties.
mr. chai apologized to the two car owners for the smashing of their vehicles and the inconvenience caused. he also expressed his gratitude to the police, mediator and lawyer. the police also gave mr. chai a warning and education.
the "three institutes linkage" mechanism was initiated, and after many rounds of negotiations, a mediation and compensation plan that satisfied both parties was reached.
police reminder
throwing objects from high places poses a huge safety hazard. parents must strengthen the education and guidance of minors on prohibiting throwing objects from high places to avoid irreversible serious consequences.
guardians should take responsibility!
this incident also caused heated discussions among netizens, and everyone expressed fear: it was fortunate that only the car was hit, but if it hit a person, the consequences would be disastrous! the guardian should bear the compensation liability.
some netizens also said that if parents fail to provide adequate care for their children, there is a certain possibility that the children themselves will get hurt.
some netizens also suggested that we should not think that children are young and ignorant, and safety awareness should be taught from an early age!
however, after this incident, the parents took the initiative to take responsibility and take their children to receive education together, which is still a good example.
in fact, just a few days ago, a pregnant woman lost her toes when objects were thrown from a high place.
mr. sun, who lives in hefei, anhui province, and his 34-week pregnant wife were going downstairs for a walk when his wife was hit on the right foot by a fragment of a sesame oil glass bottle thrown from a high place. due to the serious injury, the foot could not be reattached, and only about half of both toes were left.
in recent years, safety accidents caused by objects thrown or falling from high places have occurred frequently, with heartbreaking consequences.
how serious are the dangers of dropping objects from high places?
how lethal is it to drop objects from high places? according to professional experiments, a 30-gram egg dropped from the 18th floor can break a person's skull, and if dropped from the 25th floor, the impact is enough to kill a person!
what legal responsibilities do you need to bear for dropping objects from high places?
according to the "opinions on properly handling cases of objects thrown or falling from high places in accordance with the law" issued by the supreme people's court, those who intentionally drop objects from high places shall be punished for crimes such as endangering public security by dangerous means, intentional injury, or intentional homicide, depending on the specific circumstances, and shall be subject to heavier penalties in certain circumstances.
article 291-2 of the criminal law:
【crime of throwing objects from high places】throwing objects from buildings or other high places, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall be fined or fined alone. if the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph also constitute other crimes, they shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of the more severe crime.
article 1,254 of the civil code:
it is prohibited to throw objects from buildings. if objects thrown from buildings or objects falling from buildings cause damage to others, the infringer shall bear the tort liability in accordance with the law; if it is difficult to identify the specific infringer after investigation, the user of the building that may have caused the harm shall provide compensation unless he can prove that he is not the infringer. after the user of the building that may have caused the harm provides compensation, he has the right to seek compensation from the infringer.
comprehensive: news square, people's daily, netizens' comments
source: xiaoxiang morning news