
international sharp comments | a new starting point: how can china-africa economic and trade better "go both ways"


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in the past two days, the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit has drawn a new blueprint for china and africa to jointly promote modernization. as an important cornerstone of china-africa cooperation, how to deepen cooperation in the economic and trade fields has attracted great attention from entrepreneurs on both sides. they have been looking for new opportunities from the new practical cooperation initiatives proposed at the summit.
on september 6, the 8th china-africa entrepreneurs conference was held in beijing. this is an important supporting event for the summit. in addition to chinese business representatives, business representatives from 48 african countries including senegal, south africa, kenya, etc. attended the conference, covering many industries. among them are traditional industries such as energy mining, infrastructure, as well as emerging industries such as electronic technology, communication satellites, and biomedicine. at the opening ceremony of the conference, chinese premier li qiang proposed that china and africa should further strengthen market docking, further promote industrial integration, and further strengthen innovation-driven development. chinese and african entrepreneurs also carried out in-depth exchanges and explored new directions for deepening cooperation, looking forward to better "two-way running" and achieving more mutual benefit and win-win results.
china-africa economic and trade cooperation has a solid foundation. in particular, in the past decade, under the guidance of the china-africa "ten cooperation plans", "eight actions" and "nine projects", china-africa economic and trade cooperation has accelerated and yielded fruitful results. china has maintained its position as africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years. in 2023, china-africa trade volume increased by nearly 35% compared with 2013. since 2013, china has participated in the construction of more than 6,000 kilometers of railways and more than 6,000 kilometers of roads in africa. a number of chinese technology companies such as e-commerce and mobile communications have taken root in africa, and more than 200 special products from 23 african countries are hot-selling in the "africa good goods online shopping festival"... the traditional areas of china-africa economic and trade cooperation have been upgraded, and new areas and new formats have flourished.
at the forum on china-africa cooperation summit, china proposed that in the next three years, it is willing to work with africa to carry out the ten major partnership actions to promote modernization. public opinion generally believes that this is the main line of china-africa practical cooperation at present and in the future. standing at a new starting point, chinese and african companies will usher in more cooperation opportunities.
opportunities come from the further integration of industrial chain and supply chain, which is the foundation of economic and trade cooperation. china is a developing country with the most complete industrial chain in the world, and africa is the continent with the most developing countries in the world. china and africa have strong complementarity in industrial chain and supply chain. in the process of working together for modernization, china can provide corresponding technology and industrial chain to help "made in africa" ​​improve quality and upgrade. at the same time, african products can enter china's product supply chain and obtain more development opportunities.
for example, in the industrial parks jointly built by china and african countries, there are both chinese and local enterprises. moreover, many materials come from local suppliers, which effectively promotes the integration of the china-africa industrial chain and supply chain. for another example, african coffee beans appear in chinese coffee shops, and the establishment of the coffee supply chain has brought a win-win situation. the ten major partner actions announced at this summit include the industrial chain partner action. from creating an industrial cooperation growth circle, to focusing on the construction of a pilot zone for in-depth economic and trade cooperation between china and africa, to launching the "african small and medium enterprises empowerment plan", the integration of the china-africa industrial chain will reach a new level in the future.
opportunities also come from the continuous accumulation of new momentum. from working together to expand "silk road e-commerce" to china's new energy vehicles, solar panels, and wind power equipment to help africa's new energy development, china and africa have deepened cooperation in the fields of digital economy and green development in recent years. african entrepreneurs attending the conference believe that the key to china-africa cooperation is innovation, and china's experience in new fields such as new energy and electric vehicles is worth learning. the ten major partnership actions announced by china include jointly building a china-africa digital technology cooperation center, deepening cooperation in e-commerce and other fields, and implementing 30 clean energy projects in africa. this will help both sides to jointly cultivate new development momentum and discover more new economic growth points.
opportunities come from highly compatible cooperation concepts. at the 8th china-africa entrepreneurs conference, entrepreneurs showed a strong willingness to open up and cooperate. this is of great significance at a time when protectionism is on the rise, and it brings positive energy of mutual benefit and win-win to the world. they paid special attention to china's proposal to actively and unilaterally expand market opening, and decided to grant zero tariff treatment to 100% of tariff items of all the least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with china, including 33 african countries, and to speed up the negotiation and signing of the framework agreement on economic partnership for joint development. this will promote the chinese market to become a great opportunity for africa and promote the construction of an open world economy.
people who share the same path are true friends. to make the "cake" of china-africa economic and trade cooperation bigger and bigger and to continuously improve the value of china-africa cooperation is the common voice of chinese and african entrepreneurs. with the goal of jointly promoting modernization, china-africa economic and trade cooperation will develop to a deeper level and a higher level, which will not only benefit the people of both sides, but also benefit the prosperity of the world.
(international sharp comments commentator)
source: cctv news client
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