
xinjiang tomatoes are popular across the country, and the "red industry" has a new development opportunity


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china news network xinjiang news, september 6th: "the ingredients are only tomatoes and water, it is cleaner than your face" "you can scoop a spoonful and soak it in water to drink directly, it is more effective than skin care products..."
on social media, the "new chinese fat-loss meal" has made canned tomatoes popular. this generation of young people particularly prefers diced tomatoes from xinjiang and canned whole peeled tomatoes. the convenience of not having to wash or peel them and just opening the lid and eating them has made it a must-have "magic weapon" for fitness enthusiasts who love chinese food. in addition to making delicious food, they have also developed a series of new ways of eating that have been imitated.
taobao data shows that the search volume for taobao factory's xinjiang canned whole tomatoes has increased by 1389% compared to february this year. taobao factory, which has added fresh food supply this year, has set a record of selling 2,000 canned tomatoes a day. the "cofco tunhe" in changji, xinjiang has sold more than 100,000 diced tomatoes and more than 60,000 canned whole tomatoes. the two popular products have received 100% positive reviews in the past three months due to their good taste and lack of additives.
according to hengli, head of the fresh food industry at tao factory, the overall consumption of tomato sauce and canned tomatoes at tao factory is showing a trend towards health, convenience and high-end development. the consumer group has also expanded from the elderly who care about their health to urban white-collar workers and fitness people. the proportion of young people aged 18-35 in first- and second-tier cities is as high as 75%.
is this popularity just due to the "new chinese" trend? delicious food is grown, and the secrets are hidden in the place of production.
it is understood that the core supply of tao factory canned tomatoes is produced in changji, xinjiang and bayannur, inner mongolia. due to the special geographical environment such as the average daily sunlight of 16 hours, the large temperature difference between day and night at 42 degrees north latitude, and the soil and climate, this place has become a golden production area with a high content of natural tomato.
data shows that relevant data on tomato production in 2023 show that the planting area and output of tomatoes in xinjiang basically account for more than 80% of the country. among them, changji, tacheng, bazhong and other places are the main production areas of processed tomatoes.
on september 4, the reporter came to changji, the core origin of tao factory canned tomatoes and the "chinese tomato capital". in ashili kazakh township, one of the core tomato producing areas, harvesters and transport vehicles, tomatoes and people formed the most pleasing labor scene of this harvest season. the frequent transport vehicles raised an uninterrupted dust belt on the rural dirt road.
the more than 1,000 acres of tomatoes planted by farmer xu bin are in the peak harvest season. because the picking volume has been booked in advance, they have arranged the harvesting time for different varieties of early, mid and late-ripening tomatoes. "we are just waiting for the harvest to be paid for."
in the past nearly 20 years of tomato planting, farmer ye jincheng's life has become better and better because of tomato planting. "i bought a bigger house, a new car, and my children went to a key high school." he now also owns a local leading agricultural machinery store, and "business is also very good."
"cofco tomato" joined tao factory for the first time this year and tried to supply seasonal products such as whole tomatoes and canned diced tomatoes. it soon achieved good results of "opening sesame doors higher and higher". the sales volume in august increased by four digits compared with july.
yu gang, party secretary and director of cofco tunhe tomato co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "cofco tomato"), told reporters that in changji, "cofco tomato" adopted the "enterprise + village collective economic organization/cooperative + farmers" interest linkage model.
with the entry of domestic retail e-commerce companies such as tao factory, the output of small-packaged diced tomatoes and canned tomatoes has increased fivefold compared to last year. "as a sunrise industry, canned tomatoes will continue to increase their market share in the future." this also means that more growers and companies will join this "red industry" in the future. "cofco tomato has increased its purchase volume by 12,000 acres in changji alone this year."
behind the supply boom is the consumption boom. sun ping, general manager of the r&d center of cofco tomato, analyzed that the reason why tomato sauce and new products such as diced tomatoes and canned whole tomatoes are so popular is that people have found these products to be very good substitutes for fresh tomatoes in recent years. "the bigger the pieces, the more nutrients they can retain." in addition, they are in line with the consumption habits and preferences of the new generation of young people from a visual aesthetic point of view. it is natural that diced tomatoes and canned whole tomatoes have entered the diets of more young people.
it is understood that "cofco tomato" will increase its investment in tao factory in the future. it will develop customized diced tomatoes in soup and diced tomatoes in thick soup for high-frequency consumption families and catering individuals, and will also launch a series of organic tomato products for fitness and health people to increase the added value and richness of the products. it will also set up warehouses in the core consumption areas of tao factory people to shorten delivery time and improve logistics efficiency, so that people across the country can eat the first can of "whole canned tomatoes" as soon as possible this autumn.
"now is the peak sales season for whole tomatoes and canned diced tomatoes. this time, we are able to introduce high-quality canned tomatoes from xinjiang and inner mongolia, which are only available for four months, to tao factory. this is a small satisfaction for consumers who like healthy food. it is also the original intention of tao factory to explore good and inexpensive food from china." hengli said.
it is understood that from the "ban on greening" of hydroponic bananas in zhangzhou, fujian, to the hairy crabs in gucheng lake, to whole canned tomatoes, diced tomatoes, and tomato sauce in xinjiang, it can be seen that the demand of consumers on tao factory for fresh food is not only rich and diverse, but also has a more obvious tendency to try new things, value nutrition, and interesting and fun choices, and even has a very obvious sense of consumer leadership.
data shows that tao factory, which focuses on direct supply from the source industry belt, added fresh food supply in march this year. through the semi-trusteeship model, tao factory has entered the industry-intensive provinces of guizhou, yunnan, fujian, shandong, henan, sichuan, xinjiang, etc., and through the "sales first, production later" order model, it has driven agricultural and sideline food products from various places to the whole country.
in the past six months, tao factory has promoted nearly 100 industrial belts to have monthly orders exceeding 1 million, and nearly 200 industrial belts to have monthly orders exceeding 500,000. in the future, tao factory will continue to cultivate the "brand", implement the "china treasure origin" ip, and help local industrial belts develop faster and better through the "1 city 1 festival 1 business card" approach. (end)