
shaanxi holds a test competition for the national physical exercise standards


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china news service shaanxi news, september 6 (reporter zhang yichen) on the 5th, more than 800 athletes from 53 units of shaanxi provincial government agencies gathered at the shaanxi provincial stadium to compete in the 2024 provincial government agencies "national physical exercise standards" test achievement competition.
the 2024 provincial government agency "national physical exercise standards" test competition kicked off in xi'an on the 5th. photo by zhang yichen
the national physical exercise standard is a basic sports system that aims to improve the physical fitness of the people and examine the effectiveness of mass physical exercise through testing and reaching the standard. this activity has been held for seven consecutive sessions in shaanxi province, with more than 10,000 workers and cadres participating.
it is understood that this competition will last for two days, with one group for middle-aged and two groups for young and middle-aged people, and will conduct 14 tests on five types of physical fitness: speed, endurance, strength, agility, and flexibility.
"last year, i participated in the competition as a backup and got full marks in five events. this aroused my passion for physical exercise and gave me the motivation to keep doing it." ma liang from the shaanxi provincial development and reform commission said that through two years of physical exercise, his physical fitness and self-confidence have improved, and his efficiency at work has also increased. this is the change brought about by persisting in sports.
"i'm usually very busy with work, so i take part in physical exercise after work, which makes me feel relaxed both physically and mentally." zhang yang, a contestant from the shaanxi provincial audit office, said that with the help of the competition, he would be able to urge himself to exercise more effectively.
zhu li, director of the mass work department of the cpc shaanxi provincial committee, said that the competition not only enhanced the physical fitness of cadres and staff of the provincial government, but also promoted the improvement of their mental outlook. the vitality shown by the players in the competition also provided impetus for the development of national fitness.
the competition is hosted by the shaanxi provincial party committee directly affiliated organs working committee and the shaanxi provincial sports bureau. (end)