
tianjin launches "internet home care" pilot project to solve patients' urgent needs


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original title: tianjin launches "internet + home care" pilot to solve patients' urgent needs
workers' daily-china workers' network reporter ji wei
in response to the many social difficulties such as continued rehabilitation treatment faced by postoperative cancer patients and elderly cancer patients, we explored and standardized the healthy development of "internet + nursing services" in oncology specialties. in december 2022, tianjin cancer hospital responded to the requirements of the national and municipal health commission to carry out the "internet + nursing services" pilot work. relying on the "internet + smart medical" platform of the cancer hospital, it formed a distinctive and humane "online appointment, offline service" "internet + home care" model between the hospital and families, and the service scope radiated to the six districts in the city.
the cancer hospital is one of the first specialized hospitals in tianjin to launch "internet + nursing services". under the leadership of the director of the nursing department, it has established a three-level management system for "internet + home care", formulated and improved the management system, norms and processes of "internet + home care", and formed an experienced and high-level "internet + home care" team, which will connect with doctors in the cancer hospital according to the personalized needs of patients and tailor nursing plans for patients. patients only need to place an order on their mobile phones and enjoy the door-to-door service of professional nurses without leaving their homes. at the same time, they will provide patients with disease-related health education and guidance, completely relieving patients' worries about home rehabilitation.
an 80-year-old male patient who had prostate cancer and had a pressure sore on his sacrum and coccyx, with a pressure sore covered with eschar and severe redness and swelling around the pressure sore, tried to make an appointment for pressure sore care. the visiting nurse skillfully and quickly cleaned the wound for the patient in just half an hour, from debridement and rot, anti-inflammatory and swelling to promoting granulation growth and skin crawling, and explained relevant knowledge such as pressure sore care, nutritional supplements, and precautions. a pressure sore care expert was specially assigned to the patient. after 3 months of professional home care, the patient's pressure sore wound gradually shrank until it healed.
according to the needs of patients, tianjin cancer hospital has established 22 home nursing service projects, covering 15 basic nursing care and 7 specialized nursing care. so far, nearly 500 patients and their families have benefited from the home nursing services of the cancer hospital's specialized nurses.
a patient with advanced breast cancer had a metastatic tumor rupture in the right iliac region. after chemotherapy, her blood count dropped and she was unable to get out of bed. when she was about to be discharged from the hospital, dressing changes and blood-raising treatment became a problem for the patient and her family at home. when she was at a loss, she found the internet hospital home care center to make an appointment for specialist home care services. the visiting nurse changed the dressings for the patient's ulcerated wound every day, injected blood-raising needles according to the doctor's orders, and took venous blood to check blood counts, achieving a "one-stop" solution for three problems for the patient in one visit.
the nursing department of the cancer hospital was the first in tianjin to launch a convenient measure that provides multiple nursing services in one visit. a single visit to the patient's home can help the patient solve multiple nursing problems. currently, it has provided nearly 1,200 specialized nursing services to patients. at the same time, "internet + home care" also incorporates nursing mdt into the process of home visits.
source: workers daily client