
“true friends are those who share the same path” - journalists from many countries praise the achievements of china-africa cooperation


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guangming daily reporter ruan ziyan
the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation attracted more than 3,000 chinese and foreign journalists to interview and report, a record high. journalists from various countries praised the achievements of china-africa cooperation and hoped that china would lead the global south towards modernization.
at the news center, anna, a reporter from the manila times of the philippines, was chatting enthusiastically in english with the bionic humanoid robot volunteer "xiaoqi". "xiaoqi" can provide consulting services to reporters on site in chinese, english and french, attracting many people to interact. anna, who has lived in beijing for more than two years, praised the rapid development of china's emerging technologies to reporters: "china has done an excellent job in high-tech, green development and other fields, and has also greatly promoted the modernization of africa and the entire global south, which is admirable."
"the summit reached a lot of consensus, and these consensuses were actually implemented into specific projects, bringing tangible help to africa in many fields such as health, education, and art." samis, a sri lankan self-media blogger who came to china for the first time, said that he was impressed by the "ten partner actions" proposed by china. he will post more content about the summit on social media platforms to let more people see china's responsibility and commitment as a major country.
speaking of the fruitful results of china-africa cooperation, nigerian journalist taiwo expressed his gratitude for china's infrastructure assistance and quoted an african proverb: "true friends are those who share the same path." he particularly emphasized that thanks to the light rail built by china, the traffic conditions in lagos, nigeria's largest city, once known as the "city of congestion," have been greatly improved. "the summit brought so many countries together to discuss future development plans, which is of great significance. i hope that china and africa can unite more closely and build a high-level community with a shared future."
"not only africa, but also indonesia has benefited from china's aid projects." mario pasco, a reporter from the medan branch of indonesian national radio, who visited china for the first time, praised the jakarta-bandung high-speed railway, a landmark project of the belt and road initiative. "china shares its development experience with the world and is willing to share its development achievements with the world. as the theme of the summit said, china is working with other countries to promote modernization."
"some african countries are still facing problems such as poverty, hunger and insufficient development momentum. i am very pleased to see that china has sent many experienced experts to help them." ivan shapkin, a russian journalist from the eurasian media group, said, "we cannot just follow the development path of developed countries, but we must decide how each country should develop based on its national conditions and actual situation. the most valuable thing is that china's help to africa is without any political conditions attached. china has always firmly supported africa in exploring its own development path."
hamidi, a reporter from iraq's rudao media group, also agreed. he said that china's successful experience is inspiring and enlightening the vast number of developing countries to actively explore development paths that suit their national conditions. hamidi, who has visited many chinese cities such as shanghai, guangzhou, and harbin, highly praised china's active role on the international stage: "at a time when the undercurrent of anti-globalization is surging, all countries and regions need more communication and mutual understanding. this summit has built a good communication bridge for china, africa and the entire global south, which is beneficial to peace and development around the world."
guangming daily (page 07, september 07, 2024)
source: guangming daily