
global times: adjusting the transnational adoption policy is inevitable for china's development and progress


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the chinese government has recently adjusted its transnational adoption policy. from now on, except for "foreigners adopting children and stepchildren of collateral relatives within three generations in china", no more children will be sent abroad for adoption. this adjustment is both a respect for the spirit of relevant international conventions and a necessity for the development and progress of china's social security cause.

children in difficult situations are one of the social groups that need the most care and protection. the adjustment of the intercountry adoption policy reflects the chinese government's emphasis on the protection of children's rights. the spirit of the convention on the rights of the child and the convention on protection of children and cooperation in respect of intercountry adoption both emphasize ensuring the best welfare of children, and china's starting point for developing children's affairs is completely consistent with them.any policy adjustments on the protection of children's rights will be made after careful investigation and research, with the best interests of children being put first. they will also help to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of orphans under the new circumstances.

in the early days of reform and opening up, china's economic foundation was weak, with an annual per capita gdp of only a few hundred us dollars. the living conditions of ordinary families were far behind those of western countries, and the social welfare system was insufficient to support all orphans in receiving care and a conducive environment for growth. international adoption became a realistic choice for some orphans to change their living conditions. over the past few decades, international adoption has generally allowed many children who have lost their parents to feel the warmth of their families in a foreign country. but at the same time, some international adoption cases have also seen unfortunate situations such as abuse, exploitation, and violence, which is heartbreaking.

today, international adoption has completed its mission in recent years, china has followed the spirit of "maximizing the interests of the child" in the convention on intercountry adoption and the principle of "the best interests of the adoptee" in the civil code of the people's republic of china, and insisted on the practice of "domestic adoption first". currently, domestic adoptions account for nearly 90% of the total other words, long before the relevant new policies were introduced, the number of inter-country adoptions had actually been on a sharp downward trend, which is consistent with the development trend of inter-country adoptions in various countries. this is mainly due to the great changes in china over the past few decades. the rapid economic development has driven the continuous improvement of the social welfare system. the government's investment in education, medical care, social security and other aspects has continued to increase, and great progress has been made in maintaining social fairness and justice, eliminating extreme poverty, and protecting the lives of the people, laying a solid foundation for the transformation of orphan adoption policies.

a fact that cannot be ignored is that the overall economic and social progress has significantly reduced the number of orphans in china.statistics show that in 2013, there were 549,000 orphans in my country, and this number dropped to 144,000 by the end of 2023. correspondingly, the number of child welfare institutions such as orphanages has also been greatly reduced. today, china has built a well-off society in an all-round way, with a per capita gdp of more than 10,000 us dollars. the improvement of medical and health care has greatly reduced the rate of newborn disabilities, and the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls has also changed greatly. with the significant improvement of people's living standards and the continuous improvement of the social security system, the willingness of domestic people to adopt orphans has become stronger and stronger. in this case, it is natural to adjust the policy of transnational adoption and no longer send children abroad for adoption.

in recent years, while china has continued to achieve economic and social development and progress, it has also increasingly explored a social security system for orphans, and the living conditions of orphans, including children with disabilities, have been greatly improved.the average basic living security standard for orphans raised in centralized care in china has reached 1,885.4 yuan per person per month. local governments have also established a natural growth mechanism for basic living security for orphans based on the actual economic and social development. the state has strengthened the professional level of child welfare institutions, and continuously improved the integrated development of orphan care, medical care, rehabilitation, education and social work. some healthy orphans with mild disabilities have returned to their families and integrated into society through domestic adoption, family foster care and "family-like" care. some severely disabled orphans who are not suitable for family adoption can receive professional medical rehabilitation in child welfare institutions.

in order to promote the return of disabled orphans to their families, the chinese government has introduced support service policies to encourage domestic families to adopt disabled orphans. shandong, shanxi, inner mongolia, ningxia, yunnan, anhui, guangdong, liaoning and other places have also formulated corresponding incentive mechanisms. local governments have also formulated corresponding caring service policies based on actual conditions. by taking measures such as the "disabled orphans surgical rehabilitation tomorrow plan" and orphan aid, the burden of raising and medical rehabilitation on families adopting disabled children is reduced, so that disabled children can receive rehabilitation assistance and regain family can be said that with the solid progress of china's child welfare work, the adjustment of china's intercountry adoption policy is only natural. as long as you have some understanding of the relevant current situation in china, you will not be surprised by the adjustment of the intercountry adoption policy, and there is no need to over-interpret it.

the adjustment of the intercountry adoption policy is a microcosm of the overall development and progress of chinese society, and also a reflection of china's continuous exploration of the protection and safeguarding of children's rights.we also hope that the international community can continue to work with china to promote the development of global child welfare, so that every child can grow up healthily in love and care.