
the "regulations on the management of criminal cases involving financial institutions" was issued, defining four major case situations


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the state financial supervision and administration bureau issued today (6th) the "measures for the management of criminal cases involving financial institutions".

the measures clearly state that cases with any of the following circumstances are classified asmajor cases

(1) the balance of the business involved in the case is rmb 100 million (inclusive) or more; (2) at any point in time from the confirmation of the case to the conclusion of the case, the amount of risk exposure (referring to the amount involved in the case less the cash or cash equivalent assets recovered) is rmb 50 million (inclusive) or more, and accounts for 10% (inclusive) or more of the net assets of the legal person institution where the case occurred; (3) the nature of the case is serious, causing major negative public opinion, causing bank runs or concentrated policy withdrawals, and may induce regional systemic risks, etc., which have major adverse social impacts; (4) other circumstances that are deemed to be major cases by the financial regulatory bureau and its dispatched agencies.

related reading

notice of the state financial supervision and administration bureau on issuing the measures for the administration of criminal cases involving financial institutions

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