
tu lei was hospitalized due to a serious illness, and 100,000 curses appeared in the comment section: who did the national emotional mentor offend?


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tu lei has been in trouble recently.

he posted a video of himself in the hospital. unexpectedly, it triggered a lot of ridicule.

among the hundreds of thousands of comments, many were gloating.

such an abnormal phenomenon is due to the fact that his remarks are slightly controversial.

some people label him as "the originator of poisonous chicken soup, harming countless women."

some people put him on trial: "many chinese men cannot find wives, and he has played an indispensable role!"


there is too much emotion and too little fact in this kind of words.

——even if there is truth, it is exaggerated.

becausetu lei doesn't have that ability.

the awakening and resistance of women are not brought about by tu lei alone.

the combined effect of many factors, such as the popularization of higher education, the enlightenment of gender culture, competition in the workplace, the abundance of information, the growth of critical thinking ability... has brought about an irreversible awakening of women.

most importantly, the improvement of women's economic power has enabled them to begin to rebel and to be able to defend the right to choose that they have won through the rebellion.

these are naturally disadvantageous to men.

this...i won’t say much, those who understand will understand.

when interests are damaged, power is restricted, and people can no longer do whatever they want, they will naturally become angry.

the anger of the crowd needs an outlet.

they then turn their attention to the person who stands the highest, has the loudest voice, and can attack (there are too many people they dare not attack).

unfortunately, tu lei is one of them.

he bears the violence derived from human anxiety, the frustration brought about by the survival dilemma, and the anger caused by the confrontation between the sexes.

there was nowhere to fire the bullets.

ultimately, focus on the one who stands out.


as an emotional expert, tu lei's profession is expression.

but we all know that once a word is spoken, it is no longer words.

it became a puppet that could be dressed up by anyone.

anyone can add specific era, society, circumstances, mood and other factors to make it completely unrecognizable.

an attacker can turn it into a killing weapon.

people who are healing can turn it into a thin blanket on a cold night.

for example:

"men should give more to women"(tu lei's philosophy) this sentence,in the context of marital harmony, it is thoughtfulness.

in the context of gender confrontation, it is the bible for "gold diggers".

for example:

"a man who is willing to spend money on you may not love you, but a man who doesn't spend money on you definitely doesn't love you."(tu lei)

when the economy is on the rise,it is the quantification of love and the proof of sincerity.

but when the economy is in a downturn, it becomes a conceptual bomb that is ready to explode, causing collective discomfort among men.


therefore, at present, being misunderstood is no longer tu lei's destiny.

being attacked is.

the out-of-control life and the tension in marriage and love concepts have turned the field he is in into the most intense discourse arena.

men and women no longer tolerate each other.

in many areas, they even confront each other.

his words once flowed freely and reached countless audiences.

now there are thunderstorms everywhere.

but do you believe it? once the economy recovers, tu lei's audience and market will be even bigger.

times create heroes.

the times also create pioneering ideas.

the feng shui changes year after year. today it is left, tomorrow it is right. today conservatism is the priority, tomorrow pluralism will be the main force of public opinion.

who can tell for sure?

it is really impossible to determine his life or death based on just a few quotations now.

as smart as tu lei is, he would never leave any fatal bugs to the public, nor would he let a truly powerful boomerang hit him.

he will be attacked now.

but it won’t be blocked.


think about it carefully, has tu lei ever said anything truly powerful?

not really.

over the years, i have only two impressions of his words:

1. there are many golden sentences.

2. there is comfort, but no power.

he always seems to be producing.

what is outputted is mostly superficial, empty and general.

for example:

"for those who hurt us, to forgive once is persistence, to forgive twice is tolerance, to forgive three times is cheapness! for those who love us, to hurt once is unintentional, to hurt twice is ruthless, to hurt three times is shameless!"

"never compare yourself with your lover to see who loves you more. love cannot be compared. too much is a debt, too little is a complaint. it is enough to love your lover 70% and the remaining 30% is to love yourself."

"if you love, love deeply. if you abandon, abandon completely. don't be ambiguous. it hurts others and yourself."

"woman, never let someone become your everything, otherwise one day he leaves, you will be left with nothing! in the end, you will find that you are your own support!"

the writing is very beautiful.

some women couldn't help but give the thumbs-up after watching the video, feeling that he spoke for them.

but has he dug deep into the chronic diseases and deep-rooted problems of both sexes? has he faced the truth about misogyny and patriarchy? has he exposed the realities of unequal rights and responsibilities in marriage, childbirth exploitation, and motherhood punishment?


did he promote the advancement of women's thinking? did he encourage women to strive for their abilities, studies, professions, and careers? did he advocate for women's rights in the legal field and in the male world?

neither do i.

at best, he just said some light words about love and respect on an emotional level.

it briefly comforted the trapped woman's heart.

but even this has caused dissatisfaction among the male group.

as a result, there were waves of criticism and controversies, and hospitalization was also applauded.


is it scary to hear so much curses and heated discussions?

it's shocking to outsiders.

as for tu lei himself, it should be harmless.

his die-hard fans will not leave because of this.

onlybeing abused makes you more loyal.

he will have more loyal recognition and more passionate fanssticksex.

after all these are converted into cash, it’s all money.

perhaps wetu lei should not be seen as an opinion leader, but as an emotional businessman.

businessmen pay attention to input and output.

the scolding i encountered today isit cannot be considered a backlash from speech, nor can it be considered a collapse of one's image. it is just the cost paid and the price borne for making money.

his earnings far exceeded this, and as an investment, it was still a good deal.

i also believe that he will not leave this track because of this.

after all, for so many years, women have had few male spokespersons.

with his sharp words and outstanding eloquence,strongly fill the market gap.

it gave emotional resonance to millions of women.

gained countless fans.

business friends should know thatin the world of purchasing power, whoever wins the female market wins the world.

tu lei made a fortune from this.

in addition, emotions are an eternal necessity, so his emotional business will continue to be a blue ocean and will always be booming.

and it will become more and more popular.

some people said of him, "i was originally from the back mountain, but i occasionally became a guest in the front hall."

others say that he is "self-righteous, self-deprecating, self-conceited, and self-aggrandizing. he is in front of others but harms those behind them, and he is in a high position but abuses those below him."

he was armed with guns and sticks and the keyboard was clacking loudly.

but what does it matter to businessmen?

the direction of public opinion is something that changes in waves. anyone who is tripped up by it is not a businessman.


finally, has the emotional businessman tu lei brought real growth to women besides making money?

it's hard to say.