
hong kong's 2 billion real estate prodigy, luo zhaohui, revealed that he had played with more than 10 female stars. why did he die suddenly?


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in 1991, hong kong's famous chungking mansions was burned beyond recognition in a fire. the owner, cheng yu-tung, had no choice but to sell it, but no one was interested.

when he was in a state of panic, an unexpected person appeared.

he is luo zhaohui, who used to be a long-term tenant of this "slum", but now he has spent 140 million to take over this mess.

where does he get so much money?

luo zhaohui's life is extremely legendary.

he was born into poverty and worked his way up the social ladder, but within a few years he went from having nothing to becoming a billionaire.

in his twenties, he became one of the top ten richest people in hong kong and was known as "prodigy hui".

in the first half of his life, he lived a glorious life, made friends with wealthy people, and dated many female stars.

however, he would never have thought at that time that one day he would lose everything and die suddenly.

if he could live his life over again, perhaps he would not be so blindly arrogant and ruin his thriving career.


grassroots counterattack, from security guard to rich man

in 1964, luo zhaohui was born into a poor family in hong kong and experienced the hardships of life at the bottom of society since childhood.

because of poverty, he was looked down upon by his classmates; because of poor grades, he was disliked by his teachers.

at such a young age, he is looking forward to growing up quickly and making a name for himself in the world.

but before he could grow full wings, reality gave him a loud slap in the face.

one day, luo zhaohui, who was sitting in the classroom, was criticized by the teacher in front of the whole class, saying that he had stolen his classmates' clothes.

no matter how he argued, the teacher didn't believe him.

feeling aggrieved, he swore when he got home at night:

"i will never go to school again. if i go again, it will be ××..."

so, at the age of 14, he went to tsim sha tsui alone to make a living, dreaming of doing something big and letting those who looked down on him take notice.

but life is never easy, especially since he is still a minor. no matter how big his ambition is, it is not as important as filling his stomach.

he could only find some odd jobs to do, and he would do any work that was available, never being picky.

he has worked as a handyman, a security guard, a salesman, and even helped a prostitute to attract customers in a restaurant.

having been tempered by society at an early age, he began to develop excellent communication skills.

he gradually learned how to please others and what different people like to hear.

as a teenager, he was already worldly-wise.

in a mixed environment, he accidentally heard people talking about real estate and stocks and realized that they were ways to make a lot of money.

luo zhaohui, who was unwilling to be mediocre, also wanted to give it a try.

but he has no funds and no connections. what should he do?

he chose a roundabout way and went to work in a real estate company to get into the circle first.

with his excellent communication skills, he successfully got a job as a real estate agent, earning 900 yuan a month, which was considered a high salary at the time.

from a security guard to a respectable real estate salesman, luo zhaohui at that time had completed an identity leap.

but his ambition goes far beyond that, he hopes that he can become a winner in life like the clients he receives.

he just lacked an opportunity.

fortunately, he soon had an opportunity.

with his eloquent tongue, he was very successful in sales and was highly appreciated by his superiors, so he was assigned to connect with wealthy people.

this not only means higher commissions, but also means that he has the opportunity to catch up with the rich and embark on the train of success.

during a business reception, he met the first great benefactor in his life, liu luanxiong.

for a wealthy man like liu luanxiong, luo zhaohui not only regards him as a client, but also as an elder brother and even as a life goal.

therefore, in front of others and behind their backs, luo zhaohui tried his best to please liu luanxiong.

he made inquiries from many sources and learned that liu luanxiong loved antiques. he spent all his savings, even borrowed foreign debts, and bought an antique watch for 200,000 yuan as a birthday gift for liu luanxiong.

for liu luanxiong, who is used to seeing treasures, a 200,000 antique watch is not uncommon, but he admires luo zhaohui's courage and vision.

so, from then on, liu luanxiong accepted this younger brother and took good care of him.

he not only introduced wealthy clients to luo zhaohui, but also introduced him to his friends.

relying on the big tree of liu luanxiong, luo zhaohui achieved gratifying results and he and the company made a lot of money.

after accumulating some funds, luo zhaohui decided to go it alone.

in june 1988, he founded the royal group, which was engaged in real estate sales and construction, and mainly "property speculation".

he always had good ability and luck. not long after the company was established, he spent 10 million to buy an old shop, renovated it, and sold it in parts, making a net profit of 7 million.

at this point, he finally succeeded in becoming one of hong kong's wealthy men and was full of confidence.

perhaps, he didn't know at this moment that his great luck was still to come.


a real estate prodigy who lives an extravagant life and is a womanizer

in 1991, the famous "slum" chongqing building caught fire and became a mess.

this was very unlucky for hong kong people who pay attention to feng shui, so the owner, cheng yu-tung, had to sell the house urgently.

luo zhaohui saw the business opportunity and, with the help of liu luanxiong, took over the chongqing building with a loan of 140 million yuan and renovated and decorated it.

after the renovation, the chongqing building is no longer the dilapidated one it used to be, but now magnificent, fashionable and stylish, and was renamed "italian-french-japanese plaza".

two years later, luo zhaohui resold the entire building for 680 million yuan, making a net profit of 540 million yuan, and became a top billionaire.

this gamble not only made luo zhaohui rich, but also made him famous and he was hailed as a "real estate prodigy."

at that time, he seemed to be particularly favored by god. he was able to buy low and sell high the land and buildings he handled, and he never failed.

with this trick, his wealth snowballed and he became the most famous person in the world.

at the same time, with the help of liu luanxiong, he invested in the stock market and made a lot of money, and had a net worth of 2 billion.

in 1994, luo zhaohui successfully acquired the "dongfanghong group" and his status was raised to a higher level, becoming the controller of a listed company.

as the stock market soared, his net worth rose to 3 billion, making him a true tycoon. at this time, he was only 30 years old.

with huge wealth, rising status and the title of child prodigy, he truly achieved fame and fortune.

as the saying goes, enjoy life to the fullest when you are happy. luo zhaohui was so obsessed with wealth and popularity that he couldn't help himself.

he began to live a life of extravagance and luxury.

he bought luxury cars and luxury houses one after another.

it is said that he owns more than ten luxury cars including porsche, ferrari and rolls-royce, and spent more than 40 million to buy a luxury yacht.

with money, beautiful women are inevitable.

although he is married, he believes that marriage is marriage and love is love.

he loves watching beauty pageants and treats the competition as a selection of concubines. he specifically chooses miss hong kong and will not give up until he achieves his goal.

at that time, luo zhaohui was known as a female star harvester. he had scandals with hong kong beauties, celebrities, and supermodels.

his method of pursuing celebrities is simple and direct: spending money.

he said: "as long as you have money, it's not difficult to catch up. if one million doesn't work, try ten million. if ten million still doesn't work, then one hundred million!"

at that time, he kissed carina lau in the street, and there were even rumors that he divorced his wife for carina lau.

however, the two remained silent about this relationship at the time.

later, sun jiajun, the beautiful and well-built beauty pageant champion, became luo zhaohui's target. he pursued her for three years, but sun jiajun always ignored him.

so, he spent tens of millions to pay off the beauty's debts. under his intense offensive, sun jiajun finally fell into his arms.

but before long, he shifted his gaze to other beauties.

in 1990, anita yuen won the miss hong kong title and became the dream lover of countless people, including law siu fai.

he put a lot of thought into pursuing the goddess.

on anita yuen’s 20th birthday, luo zhaohui drove a luxury car and brought 20 different rare flowers to celebrate her birthday, which moved anita yuen beyond words.

however, they only dated for two months before anita yuen left.

luo zhaohui has changed girlfriends again and again, and he has been rumored to have had affairs with 9 female stars.

his private yacht was a paradise for fun, and that period was also the peak of his life.

but fate is unpredictable, you never know what will happen next.


once bankrupt, he behaves like a madman

in 1997, hong kong's property market was in a frenzy.

this was a sign that the bubble was about to burst, and liu luanxiong immediately realized that something was wrong.

but luo zhaohui felt that this was an opportunity and he wanted to make a big move.

he took out all his savings and even mortgaged his shares in dongfanghong to buy land and properties. he fantasized that the real estate industry would usher in a new glory after hong kong's return.

liu luanxiong advised him to be cautious, but he retorted: "are you disgusted with my wealth?"

but facts have proved that liu luanxiong's judgment was correct, and the bubble burst overnight.

the real estate that luo zhaohui hoards is not an asset but a burden.

you can't sell it, but you need to pay a large amount of property and other fees.

to make matters worse, the financial crisis broke out shortly afterwards, and luo zhaohui went bankrupt overnight, with debts of hundreds of millions.

from being a rich man to being in poverty, he found it hard to accept the reality.

the loss of wealth was tolerable, but the failure of investment made him greatly frustrated. it proved that his vision was wrong and he was no longer the child prodigy hui.

faced with huge debts, he committed suicide by burning charcoal on a yacht in despair.

fortunately, he was discovered in time and immediately sent to the hospital, saving his life.

his life was saved, but he started to go crazy.

in 2002, luo zhaohui suddenly revealed publicly: "i have had relationships with more than a dozen female stars..."

this sentence attracted the attention of the media.

faced with all this attention, luo zhaohui seems to have returned to his glory days.

he enthusiastically exposed the details of his past relationships with female stars and even released some private photos.

this explosive news made the media very excited, and they were willing to spend a lot of money to buy the information from him.

having tasted the sweetness, he actually regarded it as the main source of income, and the scope of his revelations also expanded to include people in the former wealthy circle.

all of a sudden, people who had contact with him became anxious and kept their distance from him.

and he showed no intention of stopping this madness.

on anita yuen's wedding day, luo zhaohui called to provoke julian cheung, claiming that he had once used 1 million to support his wife.

however, the relationship between julian cheung and anita yuen is as strong as gold and is not affected by his provocation. julian cheung even said that he regretted not meeting anita yuen earlier so that he could protect her well.

perhaps his behavior annoyed too many people, and soon rumors spread that he had mental problems.

however, it is not known whether his brain is in good condition, but he was photographed with an egg-sized abscess on his chin, which was quite scary.

the hospital wanted him to have surgery, but he couldn't afford the money, so the carbuncle only grew bigger.

perhaps, this is also god's punishment for his lack of virtue.

although he had hit rock bottom, he never gave up his ambition to make a comeback.


when he was making a comeback, he died suddenly

he wanted to revive his business, which required funds, but he didn't have any, so he turned to his former big brother, liu luanxiong, for help.

the eldest brother couldn't bear to see his younger brother so destitute, so he helped him open a casino.

the casino's income was not high because luo zhaohui could not change his extravagant lifestyle and spent money lavishly whenever he had it.

with his career frustrated and depressed, luo zhaohui actually became addicted to drugs.

in 2005, he was arrested for drug use. at the time, he was in a hotel box with three women, partying wildly and appearing unconscious. he was dubbed the "crazy king" by the media.

but he did not repent and was found to be involved in drug-related crimes again in 2007 and was convicted.

he confessed to the crimes he committed, but argued that his behavior was out of control and he had a history of mental illness.

his trick failed and he was sentenced.

after being released from prison, luo zhaohui's mental state has always been poor.

as glorious as he was in the past, he is now miserable. it seems that luo zhaohui's dream of making a comeback will never come true.

feeling disheartened, good luck seemed to come to him again.

in 2011, a former wealthy friend suddenly gave luo zhaohui a priceless painting.

it turned out that the wealthy man was deeply saddened when he learned about luo zhaohui's recent situation.

he remembered that he had a painting in his hand, which was worth a lot of money. it was given to him by luo zhaohui. now returning it to the original owner can be regarded as fulfilling his friendship with his friends.

luo zhaohui excitedly sold the painting and got 7 million, which made him very happy.

with the money, luo zhaohui felt that his life had hope again and he wanted to do something big again.

when doing business, naturally the more capital you have the better.

just when he was racking his brains to figure out how to raise the money, he suddenly remembered that he had another property in guangdong, so he hurriedly went to handle the resale procedures.

fate is unpredictable.

on january 4, 2011, luo zhaohui suddenly died while handling real estate procedures at a law firm in dongguan.

it has been confirmed that the cause of his death was a sudden heart attack or other hidden illness. he was only 47 years old.

the ups and downs in the life of a "child prodigy" came to an end.

but the legend about him has always been there.

speaking of luo zhaohui, people lamented that he caught up with the tide of the times and was pushed to the pinnacle.

there is no denying his intelligence and talent, which enables him to seize every opportunity and realize his ambitions.

but the things that fate gives us have already been secretly marked with a price.

he moved too fast and lost himself in the money and the attention.

a short but wonderful life, full of ups and downs. the first half of life is full of vigor and vitality, and the second half falls into the abyss, but we can only say one sentence: "it's all our own fault."

if there is an afterlife, perhaps he will understand that if one makes money without cultivating good character, he will end up losing both his wealth and his life.

you will also understand that when people are riding the wind, they must let go of their arrogance so that they can live a down-to-earth life.