
he married xie xian's ex-wife and recognized their "four-in-one". the couple has been in love for 24 years. there is a reason for his generosity.


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kong yiu-cheng is known as "ah kong". he has long been a background board and a little follower of his wife deborah. it is rumored that he is 11 years younger than deborah, but in fact he is 4 years older than deborah. deborah was as beautiful as a fairy when she was young and loved to dress up. how could she fall in love with kong yiu-cheng, who is plain-looking, and have been in love with him for more than 20 years? the reason behind it is understandable.

jiang yaocheng is a singaporean who used to be an airline pilot. he was married once before marrying lagu, but his wife passed away first, leaving behind a pair of children who were not with him.

in 2000, jiang yaocheng and deborah registered in singapore and became a legal couple. with deborah's shrewdness and decisiveness, she would either not remarry or find a man who understands her feelings. although her ex-husband, xie xian, was handsome, he was a playboy and a gambler. finding an honest man like jiang yaocheng was a way to make up for the missing part in the previous marriage.

many people are puzzled as to why jiang yaocheng could tolerate the close relationship between lagu and xie xian after marriage, and even the two of them, including their two families, get along like friends. there is actually a mystery behind this.

jiang yaocheng and deborah had known each other long before they were both single, but neither of them had any other thoughts at that time. however, jiang yaocheng always regarded deborah as his idol. later, deborah divorced and jiang yaocheng's wife also passed away. when deborah needed comfort the most, jiang yaocheng always stayed by her side, and even accompanied her through a period of depression.

at that time, deborah cried every day and even wanted to commit suicide at one point, but jiang yaocheng stayed by her side and helped her slowly get out of the pain, so deborah finally chose him to be her second husband.

in the seventh year of their marriage, hong kong media photographed lagu holding jiang yaocheng's arm, shopping with her ex-husband xie xian and daughter xie tingting. the four of them wandered among the major famous stores, discussing and negotiating. lagu has always been very interested in shopping, and jiang yaocheng even spent 150,000 yuan a day to pay for his wife and stepdaughter.

xie xian followed generously, without paying a penny for his sunglasses and was very confident, after all, the gorgeous woman in front of him was already someone else's wife. hong kong media reported that jiang yaocheng had a gloomy face the whole day. this is not necessarily true, he usually has a poker face; or maybe he was really angry, but jiang yaocheng always forbears, so it's okay.

this is probably what love is like to the core. in fact, the couple are often photographed by the media shopping together. usually, la gu is enthusiastic, while jiang yaocheng follows patiently. he is always the bag-carrying man and is very caring towards his wife.

at the age of 72, jiang yaocheng was photographed appearing in a busy area of ​​a night market in hong kong, helping la gu to pick up some customized ingredients from a restaurant. it is estimated that xie xian would not do these trivial things for la gu.

of course, the above advantages are not all that jiang yaocheng has. the greatest kindness he has shown to deborah is to tolerate her relationship with her ex-husband, patrick tse. what's more, he can even let patrick tse participate in his private gatherings, which is something that not every man can do.

moreover, both patrick tse and deborah lee are not ordinary people: patrick tse can say in front of the media whether they know that deborah lee is his ex-wife and that she used to call him "dear"; deborah lee is even more extraordinary, as she can put her arm around patrick tse's shoulders in front of jiang yaocheng and kiss him actively, and the key is mouth to mouth.

this scene was also captured by hong kong media. jiang yaocheng, who was standing in the background, stared at his wife and ex-husband being intimate without moving a muscle. even if the former two only did so briefly, it must have been difficult, right?

it can only be said that the two people came together because of a deep fate. such a passionate and unrestrained deborah naturally found the other half of the calm and generous jiang yaocheng. behind the extreme complementarity between the two is the recognition and fascination of each other's temperament.

deborah actually loves jiang yaocheng. although she makes him spend money and endure the so-called "humiliation", she will also share an ice cream with him and carefully prepare his birthday party every year. interested friends will also notice that they often wear matching couple outfits.

when the threesome was together, there was also a scene like this: xie xian sat with deborah lee and her husband and watched his ex-wife and jiang yaocheng being affectionate with each other, with a look of envy in his eyes. it is true that he no longer loves deborah lee, but after breaking up with his young girlfriend, no one can relieve his loneliness.

as carefree as fourth brother is, he would envy others who go out in pairs, but being alone in his old age is probably his fate. after all, he has experienced and enjoyed everything when he was young.

deborah once made a pertinent comment about jiang yaocheng. she said: i am so lucky. whenever my mr. jiang and a few others with the surname xie sit together, he will say he is going to the bathroom and may not come back for two hours. he will then send me a message and ask me to contact him after the talk. or if there is anything important happening with the two children, mr. jiang will disappear and let us be "four-in-one". i am so grateful for his behavior!

deborah was once an orphan, and she especially longed for a complete family and wanted to give her children a complete home. however, patrick tse was too sentimental. however, after the divorce, she still had a strong sense of family. she missed nicholas tse and tiffany xie, and occasionally took care of her grandchildren and granddaughter, and was very busy.

jiang yaocheng understood and tolerated all of this.

perhaps her second marriage is too perfect. even at her old age, deborah still has fair and smooth skin, looks radiant, and dresses in bright and fancy colors.

she has long regarded patrick tse as a friend, but feels that she must fulfill her responsibilities as a parent and not let her relationship with her children affect her children. "whenever the topic of children comes up, i and my fourth brother will discuss it. even if there is no official status, we are one."

although la gu is a good mother, the man behind her, jiang yaocheng, is even better. it is his understanding and support that make nicholas tse's family "the family is separated but the people are together".

however, there is a reason why jiang yaocheng did such a good job both inside and outside. he knew very well that the past between la gu and xie xian was really over. even if la gu's feelings for xie xian were complicated, they were just friendship with a little bit of care, and there was no element of love. this is the premise for jiang yaocheng to be a magnanimous husband.

so what if it’s a “threesome” or a “fivesome”? my wife is with me both physically and mentally. jiang yaocheng’s calmness is evident. most importantly, he is much younger than patrick tse. why should he compete with a man who is 11 years younger than him? not every man can marry a beauty pageant champion. he still made a profit.

over the years, jiang yaocheng has maintained himself as well as his wife, and is far beyond the reach of patrick tse, whose face is full of wrinkles.

it is no wonder that lagu often acts like a little bird, holding her husband to show their affection. they are really in love, and her husband is also really capable, always putting his wife first.

of course, there are also scenes like this: three or four people are in the same frame, jiang yaocheng automatically stands aside, allowing la gu and xie xian to link their arms and smile at the camera - only winners will be calm and relaxed, and those who understand will understand.

deborah's famous quote: i can play mahjong with anyone, and i can date men of all ages. my two major hobbies are mahjong and men. so, the happiest person is lagu.