
“china truly cares about the needs of developing countries”


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on the morning of september 3, president xi jinping met with malawian president chakwera, who was in china to attend the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation, at the great hall of the people in beijing. the two heads of state announced that china-malawi relations would be upgraded to a strategic partnership. in an interview with reporters, chakwera said that malawi has benefited greatly from cooperation with china. in the future, malawi will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with china in various fields, and look forward to continuously expanding economic and trade exchanges and raising the level of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries to a new height.

since the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and malawi in 2007, the relationship between the two countries has developed steadily and healthily, with strong political mutual trust and fruitful cooperation. chakwera said that malawi cherishes its relationship with china. china respects the development path chosen independently by all countries and helps them realize their development vision. "china truly cares about the needs of developing countries and firmly safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries in international occasions. china's support is not an empty promise, but is based on extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation." chakwera said, "africa-china cooperation is a model of global cooperation and is conducive to the development of african countries."

in march 2022, china and malawi signed a memorandum of understanding on jointly building the belt and road initiative. in recent years, chinese companies have actively participated in malawi's infrastructure construction, greatly improving the local economic development. chakwera said that the cooperation between malawi and china in building the belt and road initiative has achieved fruitful results. "the joint construction of the belt and road initiative has helped malawi vigorously develop infrastructure and better connect african countries through roads, railways and waterways. these infrastructures have not only reduced trade and transportation costs, but also improved people's living standards."

faced with a complex and ever-changing international situation, chakwera called for global solidarity and stressed the importance of south-south cooperation. he said that the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation provides an important opportunity for both sides to jointly cope with challenges and achieve common development. "no country can survive and prosper alone. countries should cooperate under the framework of multilateralism, and all countries should be treated fairly. strengthening south-south cooperation will contribute to global solidarity." chakwera specifically mentioned china's key role in south-south cooperation. he said that china has spoken for developing countries on multilateral platforms such as the united nations, demonstrating its responsibility as a major country.

chakwera said that the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation will provide an opportunity for africa and china to strengthen cooperation, enhance the ability of both sides to jointly cope with risks and challenges, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. he expects malaysia-china cooperation to reach a new level and bilateral relations to move forward further.

(reporters yuan meng and tian yi from people's daily online participated in the interview and writing)

people's daily (10th edition, september 6, 2024)