
hard work is the foundation of life. "black myth: wukong" and "olympics" become high-frequency words in the opening ceremonies of primary and secondary schools


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huang yuechu, principal of the high school affiliated to hunan normal university.
wu wei, principal of zhounan meixihu middle school in changsha.
ning kai, principal of changsha lushan binjiang experimental school.
wang tianle, principal of nanya bilingual experimental middle school in yuhua district. photo provided by the school
xiaoxiang morning news reporter li nan reports from changsha
september 2 is the first day of school for primary and secondary schools in changsha. let's take a look at what the principals said at the opening ceremony!
the popularity of "black myth: wukong" resonates with the principals
video games and education seem to be contradictory. but this summer, the release of black myth: wukong brought a whole new perspective to everyone.
in their speeches at the opening ceremonies of various schools, many principals mentioned black myth: wukong and made in-depth analyses of the lessons and reflections that can be learned from it.
among them, wu wei, principal of changsha zhounan meixihu middle school, said: "on august 20, 2024, "black myth: wukong" - china's first 3a game was born. mainstream media flocked to it, and the streets were hotly discussed, so that people who were usually isolated from games also heard of its name. the person who released this "sun wukong" was feng ji, the founder and ceo of game science. he said: "it is more important to embark on the journey to obtain scriptures than to arrive at lingshan." this sentence is not only a refinement of the essence of "journey to the west", but also his firm and persistent strength and responsibility to create the quality of national style. "you can't lower the quality just because you have a national style label. you should have a greater sense of responsibility and make more efforts." art designer yang qi graduated from the china academy of art. he insisted on "impressing yourself first and making things that you understand, recognize and like." what went out of the circle is a game, what went overseas is chinese culture, and what stands out is the team's firm belief in promoting the progress of the social industry."
liu hong, principal of changsha no. 1 railway middle school, said in a speech titled "positive life, wings to carry dreams to the sky" that "during the summer vacation, black myth: wukong, with its cultural overseas expansion, has drawn our attention back to the image of sun wukong in journey to the west. the resistance of the monkey king, the escort of the dingxin monkey, and the conversion of the fighting buddha, wukong's growth is the path of positive self-enlightenment. emotions, beliefs, and responsibilities constantly awaken his self-power of enlightenment and realize the victory of human nature over monkey nature. our growth should also be a constant search and victory over ourselves. after completing primary cognition, the power of enlightenment calls for independent responsibility."
chen qilin, the principal of xiya middle school, also quoted a famous saying by feng ji, the developer of black myth: wukong, saying that we should maintain a focused mindset. "no matter how good a rough jade is, it will not shine without being carved; but ordinary people can stand out as long as they are willing to practice for a long time and focus. everything in life must be done by yourself, and a small step will open up a vast world. students, the road of life is long. on the road of growth, there are plains and mountains, slow streams and rapids. when you walk this road with your heart, you will be tempered into a better self in the ups and downs of life."
the principal explains the educational code of the paris olympics
in the past summer vacation, the 2024 paris olympics undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people. for principals, what kind of educational code is hidden behind the olympics?
huang yuechu, principal of the affiliated middle school of hunan normal university, listed pan zhanle, zheng qinwen, zhang boheng, hou zhihui, sheng lihao, quan hongchan and other athletes in his speech "questions of the times, answers from the affiliated middle school", and said frankly: "in them, i feel the characteristics of young people of this era: the patriotic background in their life direction, the unyielding spirit in their life struggles, and the optimism and relaxation in their life experiences."
among the many olympic champions, zheng qinwen is the athlete most frequently mentioned by the principals. he jun, principal of changjun meixihu middle school, told the growth story of zheng qinwen in detail, sharing her hard training, self-disciplined diet and other aspects. what makes zheng qinwen so obsessed with fighting? he jun believes: "it is the charm of dreams! zheng qinwen witnessed li na's australian open championship ten years ago, and at that moment, the seeds of 'dream' were planted in her heart."
the olympics are not only about star athletes. if we want to talk about the paris olympics, what else can we talk about? ning kai, principal of changsha lushan binjiang experimental school, gave the answer: "if we want to talk about the paris olympics, we can't just talk about the olympics. we have to talk about riding across the rivers and lakes and fighting all over the world; about standing proudly in the world and being high-spirited; about boiling blood, vowing to defend and fight; about difficulties that could not stop him from being brave and ambitious; about white horses, about stunning beauties, about the calmness of being in trouble, about being able to do one thing and showing his edge..."
it is worth mentioning that during the paris olympics, many topics were discussed beyond the scope of sports. huang hui, principal of changsha nanya malanshan cultural and creative middle school, said frankly: "as a teacher, i pay special attention to which moments and interviews can bring educational thinking. among them, i repeatedly heard and saw this sentence: 'chinese athletes insist on winning gold medals for morality, style, and cleanliness.'" at the beginning of the new school year, everyone stood on the track of youth. huang hui started a dialogue with teachers and students around the three keywords of morality, style and cleanliness, and encouraged everyone.
at the same time, the "frustration" in the olympics is also worth paying attention to. chen qilin, principal of xiya middle school, said in his speech: "does only gold medals make you a champion? absolutely not. veteran wang shun firmly believes in his passion and has fought in the olympics four times, giving his all without any regrets; xiao ruoteng's dream is still bright, and he has no regrets, accepting regrets and overcoming his heart knot. their perseverance in their dreams, their dedication to their dreams, and their relief after their hard work have all condensed into a light that is more dazzling than a gold medal. they are also shining "champions"!"
wang tianle, principal of nanya bilingual experimental middle school in yuhua district, also paid attention to the gymnastics captain zhang boheng. in his speech, he told the students: "in the olympic arena, there is a captain who is called 'full score captain' and 'uncrowned hero' by the audience. he is zhang boheng, the gymnastics captain from our changsha. just as cctv commented, 'there are twelve volumes of military books, and my name is in every volume'. after the results were already determined, although he felt regretful, he still said, 'we must learn not to think about what we have lost, but think more about what we will strive for next'. the gold medal is never the only goal, and hard work is the background of the olympics and life. children, on the road of learning, there will always be failures and pain, but the road of life is long, and the future is as bright as the stars and the sea. we don't have to hesitate in the past half-acre square pond, we should fight bravely and surpass ourselves without giving up!"
hunan primary and secondary school students attend the "first lesson of the new semester" together
changsha, our newspaper reported that at 9:00 a.m. on september 2, the "i am the successor" online classroom launched the first lesson of the new semester with the theme of "together through thick and thin, people first" for all primary and secondary school students in hunan province.
this "first lesson of the new school term" focuses on the background of hunan province suffering from multiple rounds of heavy rainfall and typhoon "gemei" from june to august, with rainfall in some areas breaking historical records, many areas encountering dangerous situations, and infrastructure being severely damaged. it vividly presents the advanced deeds and moving scenes of party members and cadres at all levels across the province who responded to the "flood" and obeyed orders, and took practical actions to protect the lives and property of the people and ensure the normal opening of schools for students in the fall. it guides children to be informed, empathize, and draw strength from their growth.
in this class, guo xiaofang, a national model of teaching and educating people and the head teacher of the "i am the successor" online classroom, led primary and secondary school students across the province to review the scene of heavy rains and floods above warning levels, to get to know the people's soldiers who stood firm on the front line of flood control on the huarong dongting lake embankment; to listen to xie yuyang who experienced the disaster and urgently evacuated the people; to feel the bravery and unity behind the puddles of silt, the damaged school buildings, the stretchers for saving lives, and the pages of "favors"... transform the great practice of flood control and post-disaster reconstruction into a vivid ideological and political teaching material, and guide primary and secondary school students across the province to become people with great love, great virtue, and great feelings. correspondent wang dali, reporter li nan
primary schools in wuling district, changde city suspend offline classes
according to media reports, due to the continued high temperature, the primary schools in wuling district, changde city will suspend offline classes from the afternoon of september 2 to september 5. due to the recent continued high temperatures, some teachers and students felt unwell on the first day of school. according to the meteorological department's forecast, the city will continue to maintain sunny and hot weather in the next few days. the relevant departments have also issued a red warning for high temperatures. in order to protect the health of teachers and students and ensure a smooth and orderly start of the new semester, at the request of the school, after research, it was decided that the district's primary schools will suspend offline classes from the afternoon of september 2 to september 5 (thursday). students will stay at home and teachers will teach online. offline classes will resume on september 6 (friday).
source: xiaoxiang morning news
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