
a venomous snake was clinging to the life jacket! a chinese female tourist was bitten by a snake while traveling in phuket, thailand


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mr. zou and his family from suzhou never expected that their originally pleasant trip to thailand would turn into a nightmare because of an accident.

mr. zou told red star news that his family had signed up for a tour group and arrived in phuket on august 25. at noon on the 26th, just after lunch, mr. zou and his family were going to take a banana boat ride according to the tour group's arrangement. "before boarding the boat, the staff asked us to put on our life jackets, which were hanging on a tree by the sea. when my wife went to get the life jacket, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her finger." mr. zou's wife didn't expect that there was a poisonous snake clinging to the life jacket, and it bit her right middle finger!

after identification, it was found that the snake that bit mr. zou's wife was a purple-spotted mangrove bamboo snake, which is highly venomous.

▲tourists in the ambulance after being bitten by a snake. photo provided by the interviewee

on august 29, accompanied by local staff, mr. zou went to the local police station to report the case. the police report provided by mr. zou recorded the brief process and specific time of mr. zhou's wife being bitten. "all this happened on the second day after we arrived in thailand. the originally pleasant journey ended before it even began." mr. zou, who has now returned to china, said.

venomous snake clings to life jacket

tourist bitten while trying to get life jacket

in july this year, mr. zou’s wife, ms. gao, signed up for a 6-day, 5-night, semi-self-guided tour to phuket, thailand for their family of three through an online platform, hoping to spend a happy summer vacation with their daughter.

on the evening of august 25, the family arrived in phuket. on the 26th, after lunch, around 12:30 noon, according to the itinerary, mr. zou and his family prepared to take a banana boat ride. "i was buying coconut water for my wife and daughter at a nearby store when i suddenly heard my wife scream. i panicked and ran over immediately."

tourists in the same group told mr. zou that when ms. gao went to get her life jacket after being reminded by the tour group staff, she was bitten by a snake that was clinging to the life jacket. mr. zou saw that the life jackets were casually hung on a tree by the sea. mr. zou said that he saw that his wife was bitten on the middle finger of her right hand, and there were two small holes on the fingertips, and blood had seeped out.

according to the photos provided by mr. zou, the red star news reporter saw that the photos were taken at 12:47 noon on august 26. this is a gray-brown snake with a dark brown head. after identification by professionals, this snake is called the purple-spotted mangrove bamboo leaf pit viper, which is a type of bamboo leaf pit viper with a higher toxicity and can cause intense pain when biting people.

mr. zou said: "my wife kept crying out in pain, so the locals beat the snake to death with a stick, put it in a bag and asked us to take it to the hospital so that the doctor could identify the type of snake. then they tied up my wife's fingers and other parts with ropes to prevent the venom from spreading further throughout the body, and immediately found someone to drive her to a nearby hospital."

▲the poisonous snake that bit the tourist was provided by the interviewee

on the same day, another chinese tourist, ms. wang, witnessed the scene. ms. wang told the red star news reporter that she and mr. zou's family were not in the same group, but they were also visiting the island that day. "i was playing on the beach when i suddenly saw a staff member holding a lady and running towards the yacht in a hurry, wanting to take the yacht to leave the island." ms. wang said that later she heard from her tour guide that the lady was bitten by a snake on her life jacket.

mr. zou said that, accompanied by the tour guide, they went to a nearby hospital and entered the emergency room. "but in the emergency room, only a young doctor came, took pictures of my wife's wound and the snake, and left." during this time, mr. zou, his wife, and the tour guide waited in the emergency room. "we arrived at the hospital at 1 pm, and it was not until around 3:45 pm that my wife was given some saline solution. i watched my wife's wound gradually turn black."

mr. zou said that they waited in the emergency room until 4 pm before a doctor came to tell them that his wife was bitten by a blood-venomous snake and injected serum into her. after that, his wife was transferred to a larger public hospital in phuket.

after the tourists reported the case to the local police

currently returning to china for treatment

"after arriving at the public hospital, we waited for four hours, during which time the hospital did not do anything to treat my wife's wound," mr. zou told red star news. "it was not until around 8 o'clock that night that the nurses from the hospital came. they did not squeeze out the poisonous blood from the bite of my wife, but applied a little iodine and bandaged the wound. soon, my wife's hand began to swell."

mr. zou recalled that after being bitten by the purple-spotted mangrove bamboo snake, his wife felt intense pain and was in unbearable pain. the hospital injected his wife with 4 injections of morphine for pain relief. "but that night, my wife still couldn't sleep all night because of the pain." on august 29, his wife's pain was relieved, and mr. zou wanted to take his wife back to china for further treatment. before leaving, he went to the local police station to report the case accompanied by the travel agency staff. the police report provided by mr. zou recorded the brief process and specific time of mr. zhou's wife being bitten.

on august 30, mr. zou and his family boarded a plane back home. mr. zou said that his wife is no longer in danger. according to the photos sent by mr. zou, the red star news reporter saw that the muscle of his wife's right middle finger where it was bitten was black, the ulcer was yellow, and the swelling on the palm had basically subsided.

mr. zou said that his wife had been experiencing allergic symptoms since the injection of the serum. on the evening of september 4, his wife suddenly developed a large rash on her body. currently, while taking care of his wife, he is negotiating with the travel agency and the online platform that ordered the travel products on the follow-up rights protection work.

red star news reporter shen xingyi