
the explosion revealed that the former secretary of the political and legal affairs commission was involved in business. how can we prevent this from happening?


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public officials engaging in business is, after all, a form of power derailment, a shadow cast by the exercise of power in the sunshine, and a form of overt corruption that must be curbed.

according to news from the supreme people's procuratorate on september 4, the case of li yongning (deputy department level), former member of the standing committee of the yinchuan municipal party committee of the ningxia hui autonomous region and former secretary of the political and legal affairs committee, suspected of bribery, major responsibility accidents, and abuse of power for personal gain, was designated for jurisdiction by the people's procuratorate of ningxia hui autonomous region, and the zhongwei municipal people's procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the zhongwei intermediate people's court in accordance with the law.

on june 21, 2023, a particularly serious gas explosion occurred at fuyang bbq restaurant on minzu south street, xingqing district, yinchuan city, killing 31 people and injuring 7 people. reports show that 66 public officials have been held accountable. it is mentioned that five public officials, including li yongning, former member of the standing committee of the yinchuan municipal party committee and secretary of the political and legal affairs commission, are under disciplinary review and supervision investigation for suspected serious violations of discipline and law and duty crimes.

in april this year, li yongning was expelled from the party and removed from office. the notice mentioned that li yongning was obsessed with profit, used public tools for personal gain, failed to distinguish between close and clean relationships in government and business, used his power to amass wealth, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, colluded with others during the organizational verification period, interfered with the investigation, attempted to cover up the fact that he was engaged in business and enterprise, and resisted the organizational review.

when an official who took bribes and perverted the law was expelled from the party and removed from office, the public applauded. in fact, the fight against corruption has never stopped. the "decision of the cpc central committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting china's modernization" adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee emphasized that "the mechanism for promoting the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt should be improved, and efforts should be made to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption" and required "deepening the rectification of corruption in areas with concentrated power, intensive capital, and rich resources."

however, it should also be noted that the reason why li yongning was investigated and expelled from the party and removed from office was a particularly serious gas explosion accident. this accident caused extremely serious consequences and attracted great attention from the whole society. after the accident, with the approval of the state council, a state council ningxia yinchuan fuyang bbq restaurant "june 21" special serious gas explosion accident investigation team was established, led by the ministry of emergency management, and participated by the ministry of public security, the ministry of housing and urban-rural development, the ministry of commerce, the state administration for market regulation, the national fire rescue bureau, the all-china federation of trade unions and the people's government of the ningxia hui autonomous region.

it is not difficult to see the standard and importance of the investigation. it is precisely because of this that it was found that li yongning, as a state employee, violated regulations by investing in a production and operation enterprise, violated safety management regulations during production and operation activities, and thus caused a particularly serious accident with casualties, the circumstances of which were particularly bad.

there is reason to applaud such a thorough and detailed investigation. however, if it were not for this tragic accident, is it possible that the true face of li yongning, who was "disloyal and dishonest to the party," would continue to be hidden from the public?

public officials engaging in business is, after all, a form of power derailment, a shadow of power operating in the sun, and overt corruption that must be curbed. therefore, we must be proactive and down-to-earth in investigating officials engaging in business and running enterprises, and we cannot wait for some accidental events to happen, let alone pin our hopes on the "self-exposure" of relevant personnel.

in short, we must adhere to the rules, enhance effectiveness, work hard to prevent corruption, tighten the institutional cage, and make up for shortcomings. take li yongning for example, he had already "violated safety management regulations in production and business activities." in other words, his violations of discipline and law had already been exposed in business activities. if we can follow the clues, perhaps his true colors can be exposed earlier.

"if you want to be an official, don't get rich. if you want to get rich, don't be an official." li yongning's violations of laws and disciplines not only involved economic problems, but also caused a particularly serious accident with casualties. it can be said that the lesson is painful. his expulsion from the party and prosecution is also a loud reminder: party members and cadres cannot be public officials and pursue the life of businessmen. anyone who goes astray will be severely punished by party discipline and national laws.

jin yu, special commentator of red star news