
the price of milk tea has "plunged", but it does not mean consumption has been downgraded丨jiupai commentary


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text/wen hedao, commentator of jiupai news

recently, topics such as #milk tea prices collectively plunged# and #milk tea returns to below 10 yuan# have become popular topics of conversation. some people believe that the reasons behind this are directly related to consumption downgrade.

it is obvious to all that the price of milk tea has indeed been brought down in recent years. however, unlike luxury goods and michelin, this time, it is not the substitute that is popular, but itself.

over the years, every consumer has noticed such changes: the queuing experience has been upgraded, the raw materials have been upgraded, the product creativity has been upgraded, and the range and diversity of options have been greatly improved.

in today's milk tea market, there are brands that focus on low fat and low calories, brands that focus on tea flavor, brands that focus on service and creativity, and even brands that focus on local characteristics. people no longer have to queue for hours just to buy a cup of colorful and trendy drinks to take photos and post on social media. instead, people can choose products that are more suitable for them according to their needs, and the consumption experience has been upgraded in all aspects.

it can be said that the milk tea that costs 9.9 yuan today is an upgrade rather than a downgrade from the milk tea that cost 29.9 yuan in 2018 from any perspective other than price.

this is obviously in the opposite direction of the "muddling" philosophy of consumption downgrade, which is "good enough is good enough" and "able to bend and stretch".

abusing the term "consumption downgrade" to exaggerate any downward price adjustment caused by normal market competition is not only a complete misunderstanding, but also blurs the judgment on the general direction of the market environment.

how did they do it from 29.9 yuan to 9.9 yuan without sacrificing quality and service?

optimize your own production process, open up the upstream and downstream of the supply chain... everything returns to the most basic industrial logic. this process is the process of gradually balancing the market supply and demand, the process of gradually squeezing out the water in the market price, and the process of continuous improvement of the market in competition.

all this is simply because milk tea has returned to its essence as a drink rather than a "fashion item".

it is foreseeable that with the increasing needs of the people for a better life, many industries will experience the same rise, "chaos", shifts and reshuffles as the tea and coffee industry. however, the final result must be sedimentation. "price downgrade" is inevitable, but "consumption downgrade" is not an excuse. in the great waves, only those who settle down will have the last laugh.

jiupai commentary submission email: [email protected]

[source: jiupai news]
