
why is it necessary to delay the start of school due to high temperatures?


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text|wang can
due to the continued high temperature, chongqing recently issued a notice to postpone the start of school. the start time of the 2024 autumn semester for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens has been postponed to september 9; chongqing normal university and three other universities have also confirmed the postponement of the start of school. zigong, nanchong, suining, luzhou, leshan, meishan, ziyang and other places in sichuan have also announced the delay of the start of school.
it is reported that the high temperature process that the sichuan basin is experiencing is rare in the same period. not only does the high temperature last for a long time, starting from late august and lasting at least until early september, but the high temperature is also strong, with some areas experiencing extreme heat of over 40°c for consecutive days. for example, shapingba in chongqing has exceeded 40°c for 8 consecutive days, and may set a record of 40°c+ all-time in late august.
in such extremely hot weather, delaying the opening time of universities, colleges, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens is a reflection of the scientific thinking and safety awareness of the education authorities, and reflects the humanistic care for the physical health of students.
it is true that compared with outdoor workers, the impact of high temperature on students is relatively small. students' activities are mainly in classrooms, dormitories and other indoor places. however, it should be noted that parents and students will inevitably run back and forth and handle various matters on the first day of school. after normal classes, they will also face outdoor activities such as physical education classes. the high temperature of more than 40°c is unbearable for adults, and it will inevitably bring severe challenges to children's health. at this time, it is very necessary to delay the start of school appropriately to let students avoid the days when the high temperature is "at its peak". because the physical health of students should always be ranked first.
in fact, there are precedents for changing education and teaching plans due to high temperatures. in 2022, two schools in nanjing postponed or canceled military training and national defense education. the changsha education bureau also issued an emergency notice: all military training for junior high school freshmen in the city will be stopped; military training for high school freshmen is strictly prohibited outdoors when the temperature is above 35°c (including 35°c). this year, many schools in neijiang, sichuan have also postponed military training. from postponing or canceling military training to postponing the start of school; from the independent decisions of individual schools to written requirements issued by provincial and municipal education departments,this is also the popularization of a new educational concept, that is, increasingly recognizing the value of "people" in the field of education, and putting respecting people's rights and interests and caring for people's feelings as the priority in ranking other educational evaluation indicators.
it is worth mentioning that this flexible handling is also supported by policies and systems. the "emergency notice on strengthening the safety protection of important urban infrastructure" issued by the national development and reform commission in 2021 clearly stated that once extreme weather and other extraordinary situations occur, the highest level of response must be resolutely and immediately initiated, and those who should suspend school, those who should suspend work, those who should suspend business, and those who should suspend operations must suspend operations. local regulations on the arrangement of suspension of classes and the handling of lost work in response to extreme weather have also been issued in various places. sichuan province recently issued the "notice on doing a good job in safety production in recent high temperature weather". although it is mainly aimed at the deployment of safety production work, education, as a basic livelihood field that directly affects the rights and interests of minors and the well-being of thousands of households, must also "prefer to be defensive in case of ten defenses and nine failures, rather than one failure" in response to high temperature weather. education departments and schools must eliminate fluke mentality, overcome paralysis, and try to do their work in the front and in a comprehensive manner.
there used to be a view that children need to "suffer" and experience difficulties and setbacks in their education, otherwise they will not be able to be trained, grow and progress.nowadays, this concept of "hard work without suffering" has gradually faded from the public's view. people are increasingly aware that training children's physical fitness and willpower is not a rush, but a scientific and moderate is a consensus and a trend to fully understand the harmful effects of extreme weather on human life and health and take effective measures to minimize the adverse effects.
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