
nissan ceo: develop five new energy vehicles for the chinese market, to be launched by 2026 at the latest


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according to fast technology on september 5, things are different now. the once glorious japanese cars are now experiencing a sales winter in the chinese market, especially nissan and honda.

data shows thathonda's terminal car sales in china in august were 56,959 units, a sharp drop of 44.298% year-on-year, sold 525,432 vehicles from january to august this year, a year-on-year decrease of 27.2%; nissan’s sales data for august has not yet been announced, but it is expected to be lower than honda, after all, it only sold 47,102 vehicles in july.

recently, nissan ceo talked about the chinese market in an interview with the media and shared his future plans. he said: "compared with other parts of the world, the needs of chinese customers are very different.if we continue to do things the same way we have been doing them, i don’t think our chances of survival are great.

we strive to stay in china, and there have been major changes in strategyin simple terms, it means designing and manufacturing localized nissan cars in china. our previous r&d work was all done in japan, and then adapted to the united states, europe and china. this method will no longer exist, and jdm will be given priority. "

"china's explosive growth in the auto industry and its heavy investments in electric vehicles mean nissan, like other foreign automakers selling cars in china,huge investments in electrification are necessary, nissan will produce electric vehicles with solid-state batteries by 2028.”

he also said that chinese automakers can develop new cars at an astonishing speed, and nissan is currently working with its chinese partner dongfeng motor group todevelop five new energy vehicles for the chinese market, to be launched by 2026 at the latest