
luohu district of shenzhen organizes pre-service education for "double qualified" youth in the second half of 2024


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recently, luohu district of shenzhen city organized pre-service education for "double qualified" youth in the second half of 2024. the purpose is to improve the overall quality of young applicants and provide high-quality recruits for the army.
on the training ground, the young recruits were dressed in neat training uniforms, all of them were in high spirits, and their slogans were earth-shaking. under the strict guidance of the instructors, they conscientiously carried out queue training, physical training and other subjects, striving for standard specifications for every movement, and every drop of sweat witnessed their efforts and growth.
in addition to basic training, luohu district also focuses on ideological and political education for young applicants. through special lectures and watching red movies, young applicants can deeply understand the glorious history and fine traditions of the people's army and enhance their patriotism and national defense awareness. at the same time, some retired soldiers are invited to share their military stories to encourage young applicants to follow their examples.
the luohu district people's armed forces department attaches great importance to pre-service education. the main leaders have visited the scene many times to cheer up the young recruits. the training instructors are required to carry out training with high standards and strict requirements to temper the will and quality of the young recruits and strengthen their sense of discipline. it is emphasized that pre-service education is an important beginning for local youth to transform into soldiers and an important link in joining the army. we must strictly follow the requirements of the troops and do a solid job in all aspects to ensure that the young recruits join the army in a good state and with excellent qualities.
text and photos by reporter li yige, correspondents zhu yuyin and yang xingchen