
a man died after having 23 teeth extracted in one day? the social account of the hospital suspected to be involved released an explanation of the incident


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recently, ms. shu, a resident of yongkang city, zhejiang province, reported that her father huang had 23 teeth extracted at one time at the local dewei dental hospital and 12 teeth implanted on the same day. he then suffered from constant pain and died of cardiac arrest 13 days later. on september 3, according to modern express, staff from the yongkang municipal health and health bureau confirmed that this incident was true, and stated that since the tooth extraction and death were 13 days apart, the specific cause is still under investigation.

around 8 am on september 4, a social media account with the nickname "yongkang dewei yaya" on a social media platform, which was suspected to be the hospital involved, posted "yongkang dewei stomatological hospital 0826 mr. huang incident statement", which stated:

▶ on august 14, after the patient mr. huang signed the preoperative informed consent, the hospital involved performed the surgery and the patient went home on his own after the surgery;

▶ between august 14 and august 24, mr. huang went to the hospital for three follow-up examinations. ct scans showed that the implant positions were all good and there were no abnormalities.

▶ on august 26, 13 days after the operation, the patient's family called to say that mr. huang had died of a heart attack.

▶ on august 27, more than a dozen family members of the patients came to the hospital to demand compensation. the hospital believed that the responsibility was unclear and gave care money first out of humanitarianism, but the negotiation failed due to the huge difference in the amount;

▶ from august 28 to september 23, family members of patients went to the hospital gate to prevent other patients from receiving medical treatment, causing the hospital to be unable to operate normally.

however, the reporter from jingshi live saw that the account did not directly respond to the situation that the hospital involved extracted 23 teeth of the patient at one time and implanted 12 teeth on the same day in the event statement released by the account.

on the morning of september 4, according to bailu video, after investigation, it was found thatan account nicknamed "yongkang dewei yaya" on a certain social platform issued a statement a few days ago, saying that some medical troublemakers had recently posted illegal remarks on the internet, and our hospital has reported the case to the public security department.

a reporter from jingshi live contacted dewei dental hospital, and a staff member said that they would no longer respond to any information regarding this matter and that it had been handed over to a lawyer to handle.

afterwards, the reporter contacted the yongkang municipal health and health bureau, and a staff member told the reporter that they were not aware of the social account of the hospital suspected to be involved in the incident posting a statement of the incident. currently, the medical administration section of the yongkang municipal health and health bureau is handling this incident.

at 11 a.m. on september 4, when the reporter opened the social media account of "yongkang dewei yaya" again, he found that several videos including this statement had been deleted.