
peninsula commentary | the public account replied with "sarcasm", can this also let ai take the blame?


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peninsula omnimedia commentator chen yamei
recently, a netizen posted that he asked about the payment deadline on the wechat public account of the finance department of a certain university in jiangsu, and received a "condescending" and "weird" reply, which not only accused the student of not actively paying the fees, but also said that asking such questions was "weird". afterwards, the university's finance department said that the reply was "caused by the beta version of ai" and "not caused by human beings".
can the relevant personnel be exempted from responsibility by putting the blame on ai? behind the technology are people in control, from which it is not difficult to see the shirking attitude of some units towards the problem.
it is not uncommon to find someone to take the blame when something goes wrong. at 11:20 on august 28, the service hall of haicheng court in liaoning province was empty, as the staff went out to eat. the court responded that lunch time was 11:45, and the staff did leave early, but they were all temporary employees. some netizens mocked, "another batch of temporary workers have been laid off, so are we going to hire another batch of temporary workers to take the blame?"
in the final analysis, this is a kind of irresponsibility and inaction. the decision-makers hope to blame the mistakes on a certain group or individual, so as to reduce the big things to small things and the small things to nothing. this will not only fail to solve the problem fundamentally, but will also cause new problems or contradictions, making innocent individuals bear the responsibilities and public condemnation that they should not bear without knowing or being forced, and will also cause a crisis of trust and corrupt social atmosphere.
if this continues, people will just pass the buck when something goes wrong. who will ever face up to their own mistakes and problems?