
to revitalize the global sustainable development partnership, the international parliamentarians friendly exchange forum was held in shanghai


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photo caption: on september 3, the 2024 international parliamentarians friendly exchange forum was held in shanghai. photo by wang yunwei, a reporter from the paper
on september 3, the 2024 international parliamentarians friendly exchange forum was held in shanghai. the forum was hosted by the chinese people's association for friendship with foreign countries and co-organized by the shanghai people's association for friendship with foreign countries and the foreign affairs committee of the shanghai municipal people's congress.
the theme of this forum is "revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development". it approaches the issue from the perspectives of global development and economic recovery, global security and lasting peace, inclusiveness and mutual learning and diversity of civilizations, high-quality joint construction of the "belt and road" and global sustainable development partnership, social fairness and justice and common prosperity, democracy and the rule of law, climate change and environmental protection, poverty eradication and sustainable development. the guests at the forum held heated discussions based on this.
wang dongming, vice chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress, attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered a keynote speech. huang lixin, chairman of the standing committee of the shanghai municipal people's congress, yang wanming, president of the chinese people's association for friendship with foreign countries, and janbuli kanga lawrence, president of the liberian senate, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. shen xin, vice chairman of the chinese people's association for friendship with foreign countries, presided over the opening ceremony.
wang dongming pointed out that president xi jinping proposed the high-quality joint construction of the "belt and road" and three major global initiatives, advocating an equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization. the major reform strategy deployment made at the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee not long ago will not only greatly promote the process of chinese-style modernization, but also provide a broader development space for countries around the world. i hope that fellow parliamentarians will work together to be the defenders of global security, promoters of global development, practitioners of global cooperation, promoters of global openness and promoters of mutual learning among civilizations, and create a good policy and legal environment for practical cooperation in various fields.
huang lixin said that shanghai is an important window for the world to observe china. at present, in accordance with the strategic positioning of president xi jinping, it is focusing on building the "five centers" and accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with global influence, making positive contributions to world peace and stability, people-to-people friendship and economic and social development. the shanghai people's congress looks forward to further strengthening friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with various countries and local parliaments, working together to deepen mutual learning and mutual reference in various fields, and jointly promoting high-quality development.
"compared with last year, this forum is larger and more representative." yang wanming said in his speech that enhancing people-to-people friendship, promoting international cooperation, maintaining world peace, and promoting common development, and promoting "international friendship" with "people-to-people friendship" are the working purposes of the chinese people's association for friendship with foreign countries, and are also the original intention of our establishment of the international parliamentarians' friendly exchange forum. we will work together to build the forum into a platform for exchanges and dialogues, mutually beneficial cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges. i hope that everyone will use the forum as a platform to jointly write a new chapter of friendly exchanges and cooperation between china and foreign countries, revitalize the global sustainable development partnership, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and better benefit the people of all countries in the world.
nearly 50 parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and 75 deputies to the national people's congress and local people's congresses from 43 countries on five continents attended the forum.
as a representative of foreign guests, yambli kanga lawrence spoke from the perspective of cooperation and exchange, saying, "the international parliamentarians' friendly exchange forum and visits provide parliamentarians from various countries with an excellent opportunity to establish connections and share experiences. it also allows us to see that china's success story stems from a persistent vision and belief."
lawrence further stated that to achieve sustainable development, long-term goals, a development model suitable for itself, policy consistency, broad citizen participation and strong execution are all indispensable.
before the meeting, shanghai organized foreign guests to visit the conference hall of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress, the memorial hall of the first national congress of the communist party of china, the pudong reform and opening-up theme exhibition, shanghai tower, saic passenger vehicle company lingang base, commercial aircraft corporation of china (comac) shanghai aircraft manufacturing co., ltd., jiangnan shipyard (group) co., ltd., wufang village, dongtan national bird nature reserve, shanghai aquatic wildlife conservation and research center, sino-dutch modern agriculture innovation park and other places to learn about shanghai's practice of chinese-style modernization.
the paper reporter zhu runyu
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