
performing magic in factories and finding global business opportunities in blank spaces - changsha companies go global in various ways


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huang tingting, reporter of huasheng online
more than 1,800 companies are engaged in cross-border e-commerce business, with more than 200 companies increasing each year... since being approved as a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone in 2018, the number of business entities and trade scale of changsha's cross-border e-commerce have increased more than ten times.
with a large number of enterprises rushing to go overseas, how can changsha enterprises highlight their own advantages? at the 2024 hunan (changsha) cross-border e-commerce trade fair held from august 30 to september 1, changsha enterprises demonstrated new strategies for going overseas.
relying on operations to “go out of the circle”
——the third generation of the factory took over and "performed magic" to open up overseas markets
"miss, i'll perform a magic trick for you." in the bustling exhibition hall, this call attracted the attention of reporters.
at the booth of hunan zhongfa shaofeng fluid intelligent control co., ltd., zhao shaofeng, a young man born in 1999, held a cup and a small ball and began to perform the "ball disappearing trick." the unconventional promotion attracted many overseas buyers to the booth.
steel pipes, bellows, valves...zhongfa shaofeng has been deeply involved in pipeline systems for more than 30 years and has never thought about exporting. zhao shaofeng said that the factory was founded by his grandfather and he is the "third generation" of the factory, having just taken over last year.
"the domestic market is too competitive, so why not go abroad and have a look?" young people took over old factories and wanted to go overseas, so they had their own set of trendy sales methods.
in the video account of the changsha factory, zhao shaofeng made a table "float" in the air and move freely. he was "led" by the tablecloth to run through the warehouse and take everyone to visit the factory. zhao shaofeng also used empty iron basins as props to conjure valves, clamps and other products out of them... with magic performances, zhongfa shaofeng's videos were interesting and eye-catching, and soon received overseas orders.
"there are more and more online orders, and truckloads of goods are shipped domestically and abroad." zhao shaofeng said with a smile, from southeast asia to north america, africa, and europe, zhongfa shaofeng's cross-border e-commerce exports have exceeded one million yuan since the beginning of this year.
fill in the blanks with products
——dominating the e-commerce platform, from selling products to building an ecosystem
how to have a t-shirt that is unique to you?
at the booth of hunan sijiu technology co., ltd., the staff turned on the engraving machine and computer, designed the pattern online, put it into the t-shirt, and used high-temperature heat transfer. a unique diy (handmade) t-shirt was then completed.
not only limited to t-shirts, but also hats, water cups, backpacks and other products can be printed with exclusive patterns.
in 2018, four people born in the 1990s jointly founded sijiu technology in changsha. at the beginning of its establishment, even the chinese name of this type of product could not be found in china.
the market gap is a business opportunity. in july of that year, changsha's cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone was approved. taking this opportunity, sijiu technology entered the amazon platform, starting from exporting membrane materials to independently developing products. after 6 years of exploration, sijiu technology's products have long dominated the relevant categories of nine major international e-commerce platforms such as amazon, ebay, lazada, and wish.
"in addition to selling products, we also need to build an ecosystem." booth staff member zhang jiayu turned on the computer and showed the graphic content library to reporters.
after purchasing a plotter, overseas consumers can find their favorite patterns from the rich content library and easily complete the design. sijiu technology is trying to cooperate with traditional handicrafts such as hunan xiang embroidery and local designers to jointly create ip patterns.
"most of the content library is free. we have cooperated with changsha designers to launch jointly designed paid patterns, and the results are good," said zhang jiayu.
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