
is it okay to be released without bail? four major mysteries left after ke wenzhe's release


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due to his involvement in the "jinghua city" scandal, people's party chairman ko wen-je was tortured for three days and three nights, and after being deliberately humiliated many times, he was finally sentenced by the court to be "released without bail", which means that he was not detained and was released in court without paying a bond. this can give him and the people's party a temporary respite.

however, this does not mean that ko wen-je is fine. the four major suspense that will follow have attracted much attention from the outside world.

suspense 1: whether ko wen-je can completely get away from the "jinghuacheng case" remains uncertain. release without bail does not mean that he is innocent. it only means that the prosecutors have not yet grasped the financial flow between ko wen-je and the key person involved in the case, shen qingjing, chairman of the weijing headquarters group, and have not grasped the hard evidence of ko's corruption and bribery. the crime of corruption is not established for the time being. the prosecutors will most likely appeal against the court's release of ko wen-je. if they find solid evidence of financial flow in the future, it is not ruled out that the case will be reversed again.

in addition, it is difficult to say whether ko wen-je is involved in the crime of "benefiting others" in this case. when former taipei deputy mayor peng zhensheng was interrogated, he confessed to the prosecutors that the increase in the plot ratio by 20% was "all ordered by ko wen-je." is peng zhensheng's statement true? or is he accusing ko wen-je for self-protection? in the future, the prosecutors will definitely focus their investigation on whether ko wen-je illegally interfered with the decision-making process of the "jinghua city case", which will be the key to determining the crime of "benefiting others." if the crime of embezzlement is confirmed, the sentence will be more than 7 years; if the crime of benefiting others is confirmed, the sentence will be more than 5 years, both of which are considered heavy sentences.

suspense 2: in addition to the "jinghua city case", ko wen-je is also facing a series of corruption charges, including the taipei shilin science park, tai chi kuang, and political donation fraud cases. can ko wen-je get away with all these cases? what is particularly troublesome is that ko wen-je has put tens of millions of election subsidies into his own pocket, which is a confirmed fact. he did what no one dared to do, which has formed a stereotype of him as a "money lover". the public sentiment can be used, and the investigation agencies will inevitably use a "magnifying glass" to examine each of his corruption cases.

this reminds us of the treatment ma ying-jeou received after he left office. the democratic progressive party once used the "sea of ​​lawsuits" to politically persecute him, reporting hundreds of cases. what is amazing is that ma ying-jeou's gentle, respectful, frugal and non-stick personality, like a golden bell, has kept him indestructible. facing the next wave of corruption cases, can ke wenzhe "pass every challenge" like ma ying-jeou?

suspense three: how will the people's party get rid of the dilemma of being a "one-man party" in the future? what is a "one-man party"? the people's party is too dependent on ko wen-je, just like the people first party is too dependent on james soong; once ko wen-je is no longer in command, the people's party may collapse quickly. these days, ko wen-je was "taken away", and the people's party is leaderless. no one dares or is willing to act as the party chairman, no one can coordinate party affairs, and no one can command the overall situation. in the future, if ko wen-je fails to hold on, if he is sentenced to prison, will the people's party quickly fall apart? therefore, ko wen-je may have to think about how to establish a successor training mechanism and a collective leadership mechanism.

suspense 4: how will the people's party face the "blue and white coalition" in the future in the democratic representative institutions and in the 2026 and 2028 elections? in the recent series of storms in taipei's political arena, lai qingde's hunting down of political opponents is clearly visible, and he is ruthless and ruthless. some commentators pointed out that although ko wen-je has been temporarily "released without bail", he will at least be stripped of a layer of skin. in the future, ko wen-je and the people's party can only survive if they firmly follow the path of "blue and white coalition". otherwise, the blue and white will inevitably be defeated one by one.

ko wen-je also regretted that if he had known this would happen, he should have signed the six-point agreement of the "blue-white alliance" and continued to move forward. yes, if the "blue-white alliance" had not broken in the 2024 election, would the people's party be in the same situation today? i'm afraid many people would have been promoted to higher positions.

every failure is a learning experience. ke wenzhe's top priority is how to deal with the upcoming corruption investigation, how to keep his supporters together, and how to prevent the people's party from becoming a bubble.

strait herald reporter wu shenglin