
magnificent poems of red star over china|“carrying pole games” passed down for decades


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editor's note: under the guidance of the network communication bureau of the central cyberspace administration of china, co-organized by the cyberspace administration of china party committees of xinjiang production and construction corps, shaanxi, gansu, qinghai, ningxia hui autonomous region, xinjiang uygur autonomous region and china internet news center (, and funded by the china positive energy network communication special fund of the china internet development foundation, the online theme publicity event "seventy years of hard work and progress, setting sail for a new journey - from nanniwan to the corps" went to aral city, the first division of the xinjiang production and construction corps, to showcase the tremendous changes in the provinces and regions along the line of the 359th brigade's entry into xinjiang since the founding of new china 75 years ago, and to record the magnificent journey of the xinjiang production and construction corps' 70 years of hard work and progress.
tarim university, located on the edge of the taklimakan desert, has a tradition that the annual school sports meeting is concluded with a shoulder pole relay race. this tradition is inseparable from the history of the founding of tarim university. in the tarim university history museum, many "old" exhibits tell the same story of the founding of the university, witnessing the poplar spirit taking root and growing here.
the "desert university" came into being
entering the green school gate of tarim university left over from the 1980s, passing through the red square decorated with the poplar spirit of "hard work, self-improvement, taking root in the frontier, and willingness to make sacrifices" and where the sculpture of general wang zhen stands, the tarim university history museum slowly welcomes you.
the "tarim university fu" at the entrance of the school history museum eulogizes the glorious history of tarim university. the relief on the second floor depicts the scene of teachers and students working and teaching at the beginning of the school. the six photos of the school gate on the walls of the exhibition hall tell the development and changes of tarim university.
in september 1958, the party committee of the first agricultural division decided to establish an agricultural college in the aral reclamation area on the upper reaches of the tarim river, and named it tarim river agricultural university. in october, tarim river agricultural university came into being in a poplar forest at the source of the tarim river and the northern edge of the taklimakan desert, becoming a "desert university". at that time, the school gate was made up of only a few poplar trees.
in march 1960, wang zhen, then minister of the ministry of land reclamation, visited the university and proposed to change the name of the agricultural university to the agricultural reclamation university. he also personally wrote the name of the university, “tarim agricultural reclamation university”. in 2004, tarim agricultural reclamation university was renamed tarim university.
in the early days of the school, there were only 19 teachers and more than 500 students. the teachers and students reclaimed land on the ancient wasteland, treated sand and alkali, cut wood and removed bricks, and built the school while working. they lived in dugouts and slept on red willow beds. they built the school during the day and held classes in the poplar forest at night. they set up classrooms in the poplar forest, hung blackboards on tree trunks, and placed books on their knees. "the sky is the room, the earth is the bed, the field is the classroom; holding a pen in hand, carrying a hoe on the shoulder, the earth writes articles." this is a true portrayal of the hard work of teachers and students at that time.
the carrying pole long-distance running tradition has been passed down till now
the tarim university history museum was built in 1999 and was upgraded and renovated in 2018 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the university.
li dandan, director of the campus culture management section of the propaganda department of the party committee of tarim university, introduced that the exhibition area of ​​the school history museum is more than 1,100 square meters and is divided into 9 chapters: "glorious years", "unchanged original intention", "passing on the torch", "educating talents for the country", "striving for progress", "taking roots in the frontier", "educating people for the party", "dedicating them to the frontier", and "looking to the future". it takes the school's development process over the past 60 years as its context, and runs through the school's history and achievements in educating people with the spirit of poplar and serving the development of xinjiang and the consolidation of its borders.
the school history museum displays the founding speech, charter, roster of teachers in 1958, old photos of the desert school, and school tools such as straw hats, hoes, and shovels. they silently tell the scenes of the hard work of half farming and half studying in the early days of the establishment of tarim university.
the violin, piano, accordion, dutar, gehu and other musical instruments in the exhibition hall, as well as the old photos of sports games on the walls, reflect that although the conditions were difficult in the early days of the school, the cultural life of teachers and students was rich and colorful and full of revolutionary optimism.
one of the photos, of students carrying shoulder poles and running on the track, is particularly eye-catching. this old photo vividly reproduces the touching scene of teachers and students carrying out sports on the simple track at the beginning of the school, using the shoulder poles they used in their daily work as tools. later, tarim university retained the tradition of the shoulder pole relay race and made it the finale project, so that teachers and students can remember the hard life at the beginning of the school and cherish the hard-won education and teaching environment.
populus euphratica spirit takes root
in the "passing on the torch" exhibition hall of the school history museum, several sculptures of poplar trees stand tall, symbolizing that the poplar spirit has taken root here.
"the tarim university history museum is a business card for the inheritance and practice of the populus euphratica spirit. every year, when new students enter the school and new teachers start work, they have to go to the school history museum to receive the 'first lesson' of the new semester and the 'first lesson' of their employment. this allows them to feel the touching stories of the teachers and students who worked hard, half farmed and half studied, and fought against nature and earth and worked to build the school in the ancient wasteland at the beginning of the school." li dandan said.
she said that the school takes the populus euphratica spirit as the theme and carries out elegant and diverse campus cultural activities such as the populus euphratica cultural and art festival to educate people with culture. every year, the school organizes 10,000 teachers and students to go to the countryside to experience and practice the populus euphratica spirit in volunteer services and social practices, understand the local social and economic development, and aspire to take root in the frontier and contribute to the frontier.
"every year, a large number of teachers and students from tarim university go deep into the grassroots to carry out social practice, scientific and technological services, popularization of mandarin education, and cultural benefits for the people. teachers and students write their papers on the land of southern xinjiang and bring warmth to the hearts of the people. for example, our 'little poplar education support group' has established a good relationship with children in grassroots schools." li dandan said, "at the same time, the school has established a choir and a song and dance troupe, and they will also incorporate the corps spirit, the poplar spirit, and the veteran spirit when performing and rehearsing red songs and song and dance repertoires."
students take root in the frontier
in recent years, tarim university has made remarkable achievements in education and teaching, scientific research, and social services. it was awarded the right to confer master's degrees in 2003, became a "model university for innovation and entrepreneurship of the ministry of education" in 2017, and was awarded the right to confer doctoral degrees in 2018. it was awarded the "national may 1st labor award" in 2019, and was awarded the national advanced collective for poverty alleviation in 2021... today, tarim university has become a comprehensive university with agricultural science as its advantage, life science as its feature, and coordinated development of agriculture, science, engineering, medicine, literature, management, economics, law, education, art, history and other disciplines.
since its establishment, tarim university has trained more than 80,000 graduates, many of whom have settled in the frontier areas. "they can go down to the frontier, stay, be employed, and do a good job" is the general evaluation of tarim university graduates by employers.
at the same time, tarim university adheres to open education, responds to the country's "belt and road" initiative, and strengthens cooperation and exchanges with domestic and foreign universities and research institutions.
in recent years, while guiding students to respond to the national call, serve the development of border areas and face the "belt and road initiative", the tarim university history museum has attracted a large number of party members and cadres, young students and people from all walks of life from inside and outside the region to visit and study. li dandan introduced that the university received more than 1,200 visits last year alone.