
rotten apples entered the juice factory? the municipal supervision bureau responded again: the random inspection was qualified


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recently, a netizen broke the news that a truck was pulling rotten apples into a juice factory in liquan county, xianyang, shaanxi province to make juice. the netizen said that he passed by this place every day on his way to and from get off work, and the smell was very bad. he could smell the sour smell of apples from a distance of one or two hundred meters.

on september 3, the liquan county market supervision and administration bureau told jiupai news that the factory has a formal production license and has a screening process for production. after sampling and testing by the investigation team, the factory's process is fine. "(the production process) definitely includes screening and cleaning." he said that the factory is currently in the stage of suspension and is preparing to resume production.

a staff member of the relevant department of liquan county told jiupai news that the factory involved produces concentrated juice, not directly squeezes fruit into juice. he said: "it is not as rumored online that you can squeeze juice out of rotten apples. you can't squeeze juice out of rotten apples."

the staff member said that the factory in question is currently shut down, with a loss of more than 3 million yuan a day, and "it may take a few more days to resume production." as for how to deal with the bad fruits, the staff member said: "the bad fruits will be taken away and destroyed, and generally buried deep to become organic fertilizer."

some of the apples loaded on the truck have rotted. image source: red star news

earlier, a media visit found that there were seven or eight trucks full of apples parked on the roadside of keji road in liquan county. when approaching, one could smell the sour smell of rotting apples. the entire compartment of the truck was filled with fruits, and black juice seeped out from the gaps in the compartment and dripped onto the ground.

a truck driver told red star news that the parked fruit trucks were all preparing to transport the fruits to liquan andeli fruit and vegetable juice co., ltd.

the company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of andeli, a dual-listed company on the a-share and h-share markets, with a registered capital of rmb 100 million and its business nature is the production and sales of concentrated fruit juice.

manager zhang, the person in charge of the company, told red star news that the video circulating online is misleading. not all fruit trucks that arrive at the factory will be accepted, and not all fruits will be made into juice without screening.

"these raw material trucks are parked at our door, but not all of them will be collected. if the defective rate of the raw materials is too high, they will be returned. there is also a very strict screening procedure after the fruits enter the market. we at andeli are the leader in the entire industry, and we have very strict control over the quality," said manager zhang.

some trucks carrying apples at the scene. source: red star news

on august 30, liquan andeli fruit and vegetable juice co., ltd. responded to a reporter from beijing business daily, saying, "our company has noticed that the media has recently spread information about the issue of fruit juice raw materials. our company attaches great importance to it and has set up a working group to conduct an investigation."

at the same time, the company also issued a statement that "there is no case of using spoiled fruits to process concentrated juice."

the statement said: "the company strictly controls the quality of raw materials and has a strict raw fruit acceptance system. the company has always attached great importance to food quality and safety, strictly controls product quality and food safety during the production process, ensures that unqualified raw fruit does not enter the production line, always adheres to the principle of 'quality first', and does a good job in product quality management."

liquan andeli also stated, "the videos and pictures involved in some reports are misleading. the company reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for malicious editing of videos and pictures to mislead the public and affect the company's reputation."

according to the relevant person in charge of the liquan county market supervision bureau, an on-site investigation was started at the factory on august 27, and the relevant report was submitted to the superior. the same type of juice currently produced was also sampled and sent for inspection, and the inspection results are awaited. at the same time, the company was ordered to stop the delivery of finished juice and other products. if any products that endanger consumer health enter the market, the company will be ordered to recall them.