
ministry of foreign affairs: china will continue to be committed to providing public goods to the international community


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on september 3, foreign ministry spokesperson mao ning hosted a regular press conference. a reporter asked, according to reports,handthe seminar on building capacity for machine artificial intelligence has been opened in shanghai. could the spokesperson introduce the relevant situation of the seminar?

mao ning said that currently, artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly and beginning to be widely used, and has become an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. as a major artificial intelligence country, china attaches great importance to the development of artificial intelligence technology. against this background, china proposed a resolution to "strengthen international cooperation in artificial intelligence capacity building" at the united nations general assembly this year, which was adopted by consensus and co-signed by 143 countries.

as a follow-up to the resolution, china and the united nations co-hosted a workshop on artificial intelligence capacity building in shanghai from september 3 to 6, with representatives from nearly 40 countries participating and un secretary-general guterres attending the opening ceremony.

this seminar will help representatives from the "global south" countries gain an in-depth understanding of the current status and trends of the development of artificial intelligence technology through expert lectures, interactive exchanges, visits and surveys, and other methods.china will continue to be committed to providing public goods to the international community, support developing countries in achieving development with practical actions, and promote artificial intelligence for the benefit of all mankind.

(cctv reporter zhang xuesong)

source: cctv news
