
what does it take to ensure the safety of a torpedo? let's interpret the "battle position answer sheet" of the torpedo support personnel


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ensure the torpedoes and uphold responsibility
■ chen zesheng, liberation army daily reporter xiang liming
the night was as dark as ink, the harbor was quiet, and the technical support workshop was brightly lit. soldiers of a naval support brigade in the eastern theater command received an order to complete the support mission before dawn.
the factory was filled with the pungent smell of engine oil. next to the torpedo rack, officers and soldiers were cutting torpedoes into sections, waiting for the next test. in the battery room, another group of officers and soldiers had already prepared the batteries. in the study room, several engineers were arguing fiercely about a fault.
"this is the place where we 'look, smell, ask and feel' the torpedoes. all the torpedoes that leave here must be qualified and reliable." the captain told reporters that for submarines sailing in the deep sea, they must hit the target immediately when encountering danger, and there is no room for error. therefore, providing technical support for torpedoes is a very important job.
it was not until the sky began to lighten that the torpedo was finally ready.
the harbor was awakened by a burst of hurried footsteps in the early morning. a submarine was about to cast off in the mist. at the dock, the submarine officers and soldiers communicated with the support brigade officers and soldiers tacitly through gestures and commands, carefully lifted the torpedo from the torpedo vehicle with a hook, and then placed it steadily on the raft beside the submarine...
the torpedo support officer's position is very small.
most of the space in the factory is occupied by instruments and equipment, and torpedoes, testing equipment and lifting tools are everywhere. guarding this space that can be reached in more than 30 steps, they have been unpacking, segmenting, testing and debugging time and time again, and they don't know how many times they have gone back and forth.
the "world" of the torpedo support officer is very big——
year after year, the torpedoes they ensure follow the submarine's tracks, cross the ocean, brave the wind and waves, and witness the dangerous and magnificent scenery.
although the torpedo support personnel had never seen those scenes with their own eyes, they still felt heartfelt joy every time they heard the news of the successful live firing of torpedo shells at sea. in those silent years like submarines, the torpedo support personnel had accumulated their experience for ten years and achieved the "deafening" at every critical moment.
what needs to be done to ensure the safety of a torpedo? for the officers and soldiers of the support brigade, the answer to this test paper is always updated with the changes of the times.
in recent years, the frequency of submarines sailing to the distant oceans has been increasing, the combat readiness training tasks have increased, and the intelligent information technology transformation has brought new challenges. the officers and soldiers of the brigade are also actively adapting to the combat needs of the new era, innovating support models, improving support methods, and improving work efficiency in the process of performing their tasks. they strive to improve their own skills and firmly adhere to the key link of torpedo support.
in the wave of leapfrog development of the people's navy, they face the winds and waves in ordinary positions and "guard" the thunder in silence.
today, let us get closer to this support team and appreciate their youthful struggle.
interpreting the "battle position answer sheet" of the torpedo support officer
■ chen zesheng, he shengfa, bao yong, people's liberation army daily reporter xiang liming
a submarine sails on the surface. photo by ding guowei
multiple choice questions——
continuously upgrading and expanding the "capability toolbox" is the only option to deal with practical test questions
put on protective clothing, protective glasses, and protective gloves... after making preparations, sergeant first class chen an and his comrades from a naval support brigade of the eastern theater command took their positions, stood next to the batteries and began to inject liquid.
batteries are an important component for driving torpedoes. during each maintenance mission, chen an and his comrades had to inject electrolyte into hundreds of single batteries and fix them with thousands of screws.
on the table, electronic scales, syringes, multimeters and other tools are arranged in order. after the initial injection, they need to put the batteries on the electronic scale and add liquid one by one to ensure that the weight of each small battery meets the standard. in the complicated support tasks, only by keeping a meticulous mind at all times can we use these precision tools to perform precise "operations" for torpedoes.
that year, chen an and his comrades received an urgent mission and had to complete the support work within the specified time. this made them dare not slack off - any mistake in any step would make the battery preparation work go to waste, so they had to be patient, calm and focused. because he had no free hands to wipe the sweat, chen an's glasses kept sliding down due to the sweat, and he could only use his arms to push the glasses up from time to time...
after a series of intense and orderly operations, groups of batteries were arranged on the charging table in a specific order, and chen an checked the status of the batteries one by one. suddenly, a small battery showed an abnormal temperature, which made him nervous instantly. chen an immediately took out a multimeter and tested the small batteries and battery components separately.
"i found the cause!" looking at the data on the multimeter, chen an had a clue in his mind. he asked his comrades to fetch the corresponding components and find all the tools needed to troubleshoot the problem from the toolbox. disassembly, replacement, assembly... soon, the problem was solved smoothly and the battery preparation work continued.
in order to make the support safer and more efficient, many professional positions of the brigade have summarized and compiled a set of "exclusive tool boxes" during the years of missions. in a professional tool box, they are loaded with equalizer assembly tools designed and made by themselves, which are both labor-saving and reliable. some professional officers and soldiers carry data interpretation instruments with them, which can quickly read internal data by connecting with the corresponding components...
"the actual operation ability of a torpedo supporter must also be an all-round and versatile 'toolbox'." checking and maintaining each component is a prerequisite for ensuring the good performance of a torpedo, and it is also a key link for submarines to cruise in the deep sea and win on the battlefield. this requires a torpedo supporter to have multiple abilities such as inspection and testing, problem analysis, and fault repair.
"report, data from a certain device is abnormal." during a mission, the data curve of a certain device suddenly fluctuated, and the engineers involved in the support immediately began to look for the fault. after they carefully opened the instrument, densely packed parts appeared before their eyes.
there is not much time left before the final delivery. if the fault cannot be eliminated on site, the delivery of the torpedo to the submarine will be delayed due to the fault.
for the officers and soldiers of the brigade, this test is like a multiple-choice question. through repeated mission baptism, they have long rooted in their hearts the combat concept of "fighting a war is to fight for support, and protecting against mines is to protect victory" - winning is their only choice when facing future battlefields.
they must complete this race between ability and time.
"prepare the tools and repair it immediately!" after discussion, the officers and soldiers concluded that as long as the location was locked, the faulty components could be quickly found and repaired accurately. so, several engineers disassembled the equipment bit by bit from the outside and tested each part one by one.
after continuous work, they successfully completed the processes of disassembly, sorting, analysis, and recording, and finally found a clue in an inconspicuous small component. after consulting the drawings and comparing them many times, the engineers finally confirmed that it was a switch failure that caused the abnormal curve. after replacing the component, the fault was successfully eliminated.
after the mission was completed, the officers and soldiers of the brigade wiped the used tools clean and performed simple maintenance on them as usual, and placed them in order in the toolbox, waiting for the next use.
"whether it's organizing tools or improving capabilities, we are all preparing for the next mission," said engineer zhang hongxing. for torpedo support personnel, the failures and challenges that may occur at any time are like test questions. continuously upgrading and expanding the "capability toolbox" is the only option to cope with actual test questions.
torpedo support personnel from a naval support brigade in the eastern theater command discuss the use of professional tools. photo by ding guowei
true or false questions——
to determine whether a torpedo is qualified or not, we must first determine whether the business capabilities meet the needs of the torpedo.
in front of the testing table, the lights kept flashing, but corporal cui yong was still hesitant to write anything on the inspection registration form.
"why is the light flashing so fast?" "if i don't write now, i'll run out of time." "how should i write and what should i write?"... time passed by little by little in cui yong's chaotic thoughts. he didn't expect that after finally going through theoretical study and practical training, he would be caught off guard for the first functional joint debugging training.
the lights flickered in front of him, and the curves on the screen kept changing. cui yong forced himself to concentrate and began to fill in the inspection registration form. however, he felt flustered and made many mistakes as he had to pay attention to the content on the screen and write down the patterns of dozens of indicator lights changing between light and dark. finally, cui yong reluctantly walked aside and handed the form in his hand to the squad leader zhou shuguang.
"watch me do it." after glancing at the form, zhou shuguang began to operate. timing, watching the lights, giving commands, testing... he paid attention to the technical requirements, screen information and lights, while comparing the items with the inspection content, and recording the actual test values ​​in an orderly manner. after the demonstration, zhou shuguang stacked the two inspection registration forms together and handed them to cui yong.
looking at his two short lines of writing and comparing them with the full page of records by the squad leader, cui yong felt ashamed. "you once asked me if memorizing the practical process would reduce the amount of theoretical study. today's result is the answer." zhou shuguang's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting cui yong's heart hard.
when learning professional knowledge before, cui yong always spent time memorizing practical steps, and only dabbled in obscure theoretical knowledge and stopped at coping with exams. it was not until this practical training that he finally understood that theoretical knowledge is the cornerstone of practical operation.
the two inspection registration forms with huge differences entered cui yong's mind at that moment. from that day on, he started to tackle the problem from the most basic circuit, writing down the circuit diagram from memory, marking it and deepening his memory. slowly, cui yong figured out many questions: why the interval between two flashes of light is a fixed number of seconds; why the turning point of the curve on the screen is a certain value; why some seemingly identical steps are repeated...
after hard training, cui yong stood in front of the test table again. facing the examiner's repeated questions, he answered calmly and accurately; in the tense practical operation, he handled all kinds of situations smoothly. in the end, he used a clear and detailed inspection registration form and received high recognition.
today, cui yong has become a professional backbone, but he has kept those two forms. "if you want to learn how to operate, you must first understand the principles. this is not only responsible for yourself, but also for combat effectiveness." every time he is on duty, he always uses this "failure" registration form to remind himself - to judge whether a torpedo is qualified or not, you must first judge whether your business capabilities meet the needs of the torpedo.
not long ago, a high-pressure gas distribution box used in a torpedo suddenly malfunctioned, and gas gushed out through the narrow slit. sergeant yu longjie quickly put on protective clothing, avoided the air flow, and closed the main gas distribution valve. when the scene was restored to safety, he immediately replaced the faulty parts along the gas path and recorded the troubleshooting process in the inspection registration form.
for long jie, the ability to be independent is not easy to come by. when he was first assigned to the support brigade, he could only stand beside the veterans and help pass wrenches for a long time. seeing his comrades skillfully writing operation records on the registration form, yu longjie felt frustrated.
“what you can and cannot do is proven by your strength. instead of worrying about it, you might as well calm down and study hard.” at this time, the monitor’s words woke him up.
in order to obtain the job qualification as soon as possible, yu longjie began to pass wrenches while observing his comrades' operating skills. while observing, he also asked the squad leader to test him more. the lights of the factory and the dense notes accompanied yu longjie through the nights of overtime study. checking the "person in charge" column on the registration form, his signature order began to move forward from the back, and finally became the first.
for young torpedo maintainers, the inspection registration forms compiled together not only constitute the "physical examination report" of each torpedo, but also their "growth diary" and "qualification certificate."
"the factory is connected to the battlefield, and the guarantee is for victory." this slogan hanging high in the factory has been reminding all the officers and soldiers of the brigade that the moment they sign their names on the inspection registration form is the moment they hand in their combat effectiveness answer sheet.
application questions——
only by unremitting exploration and changing with the times can torpedoes become a powerful underwater weapon to win the battlefield.
deep in the ocean, a submarine waited for a long time. when the target appeared, alarms and commands came one after another, and after a muffled sound, the torpedo came out of the tube. in another sea area, a submarine was cruising underwater with torpedoes loaded, ready to attack at any time.
at the same time, at the naval port, the sea breeze was blowing, and the torpedo trucks loaded with torpedoes were busy going back and forth between the dock and the factory. commanders, crane operators, escorts, and guards stayed at their respective positions, loading and fastening the torpedoes, and then escorting them to the dock for unloading and hoisting, working all day. the frequent voyages of submarines increased the intensity of the torpedo support mission.
first sergeant yang haigang likes to sit in the co-pilot seat of the torpedo truck, follow the torpedo to the dock, and direct it to be loaded into the submarine. every time he sees the submarine set sail with the torpedo he has ensured, he always feels a sense of accomplishment.
having served in the army for nearly 30 years, yang haigang has experienced the difficulty of regenerating capabilities after receiving different types of torpedoes and shells, and has also experienced the tension of supporting major training and exercise missions. changes and challenges have always urged torpedo support personnel to keep up with the times and take the initiative to adapt and seek change.
as the enemy's anti-submarine and offensive and defensive capabilities continue to improve, various complex situations have put forward higher requirements for the quality and efficiency of torpedo support. yang haigang, who is already an experienced technician, has experienced another difficult and profound transformation. the brigade organized a "three-cross" activity across disciplines, positions, and models, allowing all torpedo support personnel to repack their luggage and set off again.
some soldiers have to "cross-border" to study again just after "graduating from the training program"; some soldiers who were originally professional masters have to become "primary school students" again... many old technicians have to jump out of their previous "comfort zone", and yang haigang is one of them. his original profession requires a lot of meticulous operations, which is a "fine work" honed by accumulated experience; the new profession is mainly based on testing, which mainly tests the mastery of electronic component data. the key to guarantee is to accurately judge various situations.
in order to quickly adapt to the new profession, yang haigang worked overtime every day to study and consult his comrades. soon, he mastered the professional knowledge, became the oldest candidate in the new position qualification examination, and successfully obtained the qualification certification. in a recent mission, yang haigang successfully assisted his new professional comrades in providing support in addition to completing the original professional tasks, effectively improving the support efficiency.
today, the brigade has shown results in carrying out the "three-cross" activities, and multi-talented talents have frequently appeared in various professional fronts. torpedo support personnel have developed from preparing a torpedo from beginning to end to supplementary support and systematic operation, and the support system construction is becoming more and more complete.
on another busy morning, yang haigang followed the torpedo vehicle to the dock. as usual, he worked with his comrades to load the torpedo onto the submarine. as a whistle sounded across the quiet harbor, the submarine slowly left the dock. a practical training will kick off in a strange sea area.
after arriving at the training area, the submarine flexibly shuttled through the anti-submarine force network set up by the "opponent", maintaining concealment through a series of tactical actions. on the weapon platform inside the submarine, torpedoes were ready to be launched.
in an instant, the "battle" suddenly began. the submarine officers and soldiers acted quickly: solving the target's motion elements, occupying a favorable attack position, setting the torpedo attack parameters... with the commander's order, the submarine trembled slightly, and the torpedo went straight out, hitting the target "accurately in depth, direction, time and accuracy".
this mission not only honed the submarine's underwater covert attack and system-supported attack and defense tactics, but also tested the performance of torpedoes, allowing officers and soldiers to hone their skills in actual combat. "apply in practice and make good use of in actual combat." this is not only a test of the combat effectiveness of submarine officers and soldiers, but also a requirement for the torpedo support personnel's support capabilities.
torpedoes are continuously loaded onto torpedo vehicles, boarded submarines, and headed for the open sea. for torpedo support personnel, the ability requirements of the battlefield are like an application problem. only by unremitting exploration and changing with the times can torpedoes become a powerful weapon in the water to win the battlefield.