
sad xu fan: married to feng xiaogang for 21 years and still a dink, adopted daughter xu duo shares the same face with her husband


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in the dazzling galaxy of the chinese entertainment industry, the marriage of xu fan and feng xiaogang is like a mysterious twin star, attracting countless people's attention. for 21 years, this highly-watched couple has walked hand in hand, but they have never heard the cry of a baby.

people can't help but wonder what made this couple choose a childless lifestyle? was it feng xiaogang's health problems or the shadow of his past experiences? what price did xu fan pay in this seemingly happy marriage? when faced with her husband's possible infidelity, why did she remain so amazingly calm?

in the love story of xu fan and feng xiaogang, the movie "big spender" plays a rather ironic role. when feng xiaogang, who was still an unknown editor at the time, first saw xu fan, who played the leading actress, in the screening room, he was not impressed by her appearance, but rather mercilessly commented: "the leading actress is not a good choice, and her acting skills need to be improved."

"if this blunt criticism reached xu fan's ears, it would probably plant a seed of unhappiness in her heart.

however, fate always likes to play tricks. at the wrap-up party of "big spender", actor ge you introduced xu fan, which gave feng xiaogang the opportunity to re-examine her.

this time, as if his eyes were lit up, feng xiaogang finally discovered the shining light in xu fan. his heart could not help but ripple, and he secretly sighed: "heroes are hard to resist beautiful women.

"that's how feng xiaogang started his "big shot" plan to chase his wife.

feng xiaogang is well versed in the art of pursuit, and he knows that to win the heart of the person he likes, he must first gain the approval of her circle of friends. so he cleverly used his familiarity with xu fan and chen xiaoyi to frequently organize gatherings for the three of them.

in these occasions, feng xiaogang made witty remarks, showing his humor and talent, which gradually planted the seeds of goodwill in xu fan's heart.

feng xiaogang's pursuit became more intense. he kept inviting xu fan to dinner and watching dramas with her, showing his gentlemanly manners everywhere, just like a gentle and considerate "big warm man" image.

for xu fan, who had just experienced the pain of a broken heart, feng xiaogang's thoughtfulness and care were undoubtedly a good medicine to soothe her soul.

feng xiaogang's persistence finally paid off. at a party, he mustered up his courage, held xu fan's hand tightly, and announced in public: "this is my girlfriend!" although xu fan felt a little embarrassed by this sudden confession, she was deeply moved by her courage and sincerity.

from that moment on, their relationship quickly heated up. after a trip to guangzhou, they finally officially established a romantic relationship. feng xiaogang, who once disdained xu fan, has now become the most important person in her life.

this love story, which began with misunderstanding and ended with true love, seemed like a joke played by fate on the two people, but it also became a beautiful story.

however, they might not know at that time what kind of tests this hard-earned love would face and what kind of life choices it would bring.

although the love between xu fan and feng xiaogang was passionate, it also faced severe tests of morality and reality. in this relationship, xu fan had to bear huge psychological pressure and doubts from the outside world.

at that time, feng xiaogang was already married and had a 9-year-old daughter, feng siyu. due to poor information dissemination, xu fan was unaware of this fact at the beginning of the relationship and inadvertently became the third party.

when the truth came out, xu fan must have experienced a huge psychological shock. she had to face the inner moral torment and the possible social criticism.

this situation is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an actress whose career is on the rise.

feng xiaogang was caught in a dilemma. on the one hand, he had a sincere and deep affection for xu fan; on the other hand, he could not give up his responsibility to his ex-wife zhang di and daughter.

this emotional tug-of-war lasted for seven years, during which feng xiaogang's directorial career flourished and xu fan became a star. however, under the glamorous surface, both of them were under tremendous pressure.

in the end, zhang di chose to make it happen, and feng xiaogang and xu fan finally got married. however, this hard-won marriage immediately faced a difficult decision: whether to have children.

feng xiaogang's daughter feng siyu was once a cleft lip patient. although she recovered well later, this incident left an indelible shadow in feng xiaogang's heart. in addition, he himself suffers from vitiligo, which makes him even more worried about fertility.

therefore, at the beginning of their marriage, feng xiaogang proposed the idea of ​​becoming a dink family.

this was undoubtedly a difficult decision for xu fan. for a woman to give up the opportunity to become a mother requires great courage and sacrifice. however, out of understanding and respect for her husband, she chose to suppress her wishes and buried her desire for children deep in her heart.

xu fan once said affectionately: "he (feng xiaogang) is the sunshine and soul of my life", "he is my emotional salvation." this deep affection supported her through countless days and nights without the laughter of her children.

as time goes by, the number of xu fan's works gradually decreases, while feng xiaogang's career is at its peak.

love is beautiful, but reality is always complicated. xu fan paid an unimaginable price for this relationship. not only did she have to face a moral dilemma, but she also had to bear the regret of not being able to be a mother.

is this sacrifice worth it? perhaps only xu fan herself can answer this question.

as time flies and xu fan enters middle age, her desire for a child becomes stronger. this desire is like a trickle of water, washing her heart day by day. perhaps out of guilt, or perhaps moved by his wife's silent expectations, feng xiaogang finally gave in and agreed to xu fan's idea of ​​adopting a daughter.

in this way, the little girl xu duo became a new member of this highly anticipated family and injected new vitality into this marriage.

xu fan and his wife poured all their love into xu duo's arrival. they spared no expense to buy overseas real estate and create a superior learning environment for xu duo, hoping to give her the best conditions for growth.

in public, they often attend various social events hand in hand, showing the image of a harmonious and happy family. xu fan's eyes reveal the radiance of motherhood, as if the years of waiting have finally paid off.

however, fate always seems to like playing jokes. many careful netizens were surprised to find that xu duo's appearance was surprisingly similar to feng xiaogang, as if the father and daughter shared the same face.

this discovery immediately caused a stir on the internet, with many different opinions. some people suspected that xu duo might be feng xiaogang's illegitimate daughter. this speculation was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves.

these speculations undoubtedly caused xu fan a lot of trouble. as an adoptive mother, she had to face the doubts of the outside world and maintain the harmony of the family. we can imagine what kind of complicated emotions xu fan would have when she saw xu duo's face that looked like her husband.

despite this, xu fan still loves this hard-earned daughter wholeheartedly. she tries hard to play the role of a loving mother, hoping to fill the void in her heart by caring for xu duo.

in public, we often see xu fan holding xu duo's hand with a happy smile on her face. this picture seems warm, but it also makes people sigh at the wonder of fate.

however, we can't help but ask, can this method really make up for xu fan's regret of losing the opportunity to become a biological mother? can the existence of an adopted daughter really fill the desire deep in her heart? when the night is quiet, will xu fan think of the self who once longed to be pregnant? these questions may only be answered by xu fan herself.

the appearance of xu duo has added new colors to the marriage of xu fan and feng xiaogang, and also provided more topics for discussion. but in any case, what we see is another compromise and attempt made by a woman for love.

in the eyes of outsiders, xu fan seems to have an enviable life: she married the successful and well-known director feng xiaogang and enjoyed a life of wealth and glory. however, if we take a closer look, we will find that xu fan made many surprising sacrifices and compromises in this marriage.

the most eye-catching thing is xu fan's attitude towards her husband's possible infidelity. in an interview program hosted by jin xing, when asked how she viewed the possibility that feng xiaogang, a famous director, might have cheated on her, xu fan gave a shocking answer.

she calmly said: "there is no loss for a man to cheat, on the contrary, he will appear more mature and stable." this statement undoubtedly subverted the traditional concept of marriage and triggered widespread discussion and controversy.

not only that, xu fan also made concessions in her career. in order to take care of her husband's feelings, she would deliberately wear heavy clothes when filming passionate scenes to deliberately cover up the curves of her body.

this self-restraint undoubtedly limited her space as an actor and may have affected her career development. however, despite this, xu fan still insists that feng xiaogang is her "emotional salvation."

perhaps xu fan's view on marriage reflects her unique understanding of love. in her view, love requires tolerance, sacrifice and even self-sacrifice.

xu fan's story raises a profound question for us: how should we balance self-giving and giving in marriage? does her choice represent some kind of wisdom, or is it a helpless compromise? these questions are worth pondering for everyone who is in love or marriage.

looking back on the 21-year marriage of xu fan and feng xiaogang, what we see is not only a high-profile celebrity marriage, but also the struggle and compromise of a woman in her marriage.

this marriage seems to be happy and harmonious, but it hides many issues that are worth pondering.

xu fan paid a huge price for this marriage: giving up childbearing, accepting her husband's possible infidelity, and making concessions in her career. although her "inclusive" marriage model maintained superficial harmony, it may have concealed deep-seated inequality.

marriage should be equal, requiring joint efforts from both parties, rather than one party giving and giving in blindly. if this continues for a long time, it is likely to lead to a loss of self-worth.

xu fan’s story reminds us that even in a seemingly happy marriage, we need to maintain our independent personality and safeguard our own rights and interests.

maybe it's time to re-examine our understanding of marriage. a healthy marriage relationship should be based on mutual respect and common growth, not at the expense of one party's happiness.