
"the strongest mistress" lin yueyun: occupied her best friend's husband for 31 years, gave birth to patty hou, and received a billion-dollar inheritance


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in the 1970s, lin yueyun was the most popular and popular leading actress in taiwan's film and television circles. with her outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills, she created a typical image of a pitiful and delicate woman, winning the hearts of countless male audiences on the screen. this "dream lover" sought after by thousands of people actually became the "strongest san of the century" in real life.

a difficult start but a long way to go in the film industry

lin yueyun was born in 1951 in an ordinary farming family in taiwan. her family was poor. in order to reduce the burden on her family, she went out to work to earn money when she was more than 10 years old. by chance, lin yueyun entered the minnan dialect film and television circle because of her outstanding appearance. with her extraordinary talent and hard work, she developed quickly and soon gained a firm foothold in this small circle.

the 1970s was the most glorious period for lin yueyun. back then, she quickly became the most popular actress in the film and television industry with her pretty face and sweet and delicate image. whether in film and television or variety shows, lin yueyun always won the love of the audience with her excellent acting skills and cute and likable image.

at the same time, lin yueyun also entered the social circle of celebrities and wealthy wives with her beauty and charm. in the process, she met the wealthy woman guo chunmei, and the two became close friends. however, behind this "sister" friendship, lin yueyun secretly had an ulterior motive.

the emotionally hurt best friend became a little san

the beautiful lin yueyun hooked up with her best friend guo chunmei's husband hou shihong and became his lover. at that time, lin yueyun was only 22 years old, and hou shihong had been guo chunmei's husband for many years. this pair of mandarin duck-like sisters suddenly became "enemies" who were fighting each other to the death.

what's more frightening is that lin yueyun also gave birth to a daughter, patty hou, who was branded as an "illegitimate daughter" when she was a child. although hou shihong has always supported the mother and daughter financially, lin yueyun and patty hou are still subject to criticism and discrimination in society.

despite this, lin yueyun, as a mistress, received a large amount of wealth from guo chunmei's family. for a time, she relied on hou shihong's money to show off her wealth and live a luxurious life in the entertainment industry. this lifestyle undoubtedly aggravated lin yueyun's reputation as a "mistress".

however, lin yueyun did not stop there. after the previous extramarital affair broke down, she actually set her sights on another friend's husband and returned to her old ways to become someone else's mistress.

cunning money-making is despised

lin yueyun, through her identity as a performer, got acquainted with the wealthy businessman cai guizhao, and they soon became close friends. but the scary thing was that lin yueyun, a woman who "blooms at the sight of beauty", was soon bewitched by cai guizhao's husband qiu jiaxiong.

in this way, lin yueyun became a mistress again, interfering in other people's marriages, and started a 31-year underground relationship with qiu jiaxiong. during this period, qiu jiaxiong transferred a considerable amount of money and property to lin yueyun.

it can be said that in these 31 years, cai guizhao lived with a heart that was always broken. when qiu jiaxiong was 76 years old and dying, he actually left most of his inheritance to his mistress lin yueyun and illegitimate daughter patty hou, and ignored his wife cai guizhao.

all this finally led to a complete family conflict, and lin yueyun and her daughter were subjected to a storm of condemnation from the society. the outside world accused them of being "heartless and ungrateful, and ruthless", which broke the hearts of the cai family.

what is even more infuriating is that at qiu jiaxiong's funeral, lin yueyun and patty hou, who benefited the most, did not show up at all. their indifference and selfishness made this mother and daughter the target of public opinion, and they were labeled with the embarrassing name of "the most powerful mistress of the century."

as a result, lin yueyun and patty hou lost their reputation overnight and were despised and criticized in taiwanese society. but surprisingly, in the face of such huge public pressure, the mother and daughter behaved quite calmly.

love experts cut through emotions

some commentators pointed out that the reason why the mother and daughter, lin yueyun and patty hou, were able to show no remorse in this family turmoil was because they were good at cutting off emotions.

patty hou, who has been looked down upon by people as "illegitimate daughters" since she was a child, has learned to deal with social criticism with a fake smile and high emotional intelligence. she once admitted that her mother trained her to learn the skill of "cutting off emotions" since she was a child. and it is obvious that her mother, lin yueyun, is the master of this skill.

it is not difficult to find that at every stage of lin yueyun's life, she can be calm and cut off her past emotions without guilt. it is precisely because of this ruthless ability that she can always stay out of the incident of interfering in the marriages of two good friends and remain undefeated.

it is this skill of cutting off emotions that allows lin yueyun to aggressively and calmly protect her own interests after breaking up the close marriages of her friends. in addition, she and her daughter still received a large inheritance in the end, seemingly the winner.

of course, for ordinary people, the practice of "cutting off emotions" is undoubtedly despicable. this not only makes the mother and daughter lose their spiritual wealth while making money, but also seriously undermines the ethics of the family and society.

however, it must be said that although lin yueyun and patty hou's actions are despicable, their calmness and gangster style make people admire their top skills in the love field.

it is not easy to acquire wealth and status in such a reckless way. perhaps it is this reckless personality that allows lin yueyun and her daughter patty hou to live their own way under the coercion of morality and live the life they want.

however, this philosophy of survival has its price. as time went by, although lin yueyun and patty hou made money, they had nowhere to stay in taiwanese society and suffered the fate of isolation and scorn.

paying the price

what lin yueyun and her daughter patty hou did is undoubtedly a serious violation of social morality. they ignored their friendship and interfered with their best friend's marriage, destroying two complete families. this behavior has seriously violated basic moral ethics and human ethics.

what's even more frightening is that after they gained money and benefits, they turned a blind eye to the benefactors and showed no apology to cai guizhao and guo chunmei, the two wives who suffered heavy losses. at qiu jiaxiong's funeral, none of them attended, showing unprecedented indifference and selfishness.

as mother and daughter, they are not only hard-hearted and have lost basic human warmth, but also instilled wrong values ​​in their daughter, teaching her to "cut off emotions" and ignore the feelings of others. this kind of parenting concept will undoubtedly seriously affect the growth of the next generation and accelerate the corruption of social morality.

the most frightening thing is that in the end, not only did they not receive the punishment they deserved, but they made a lot of money from it, and were complacent and shameless about it. this development trend will undoubtedly seriously undermine the bottom line of social values, give a green light to those who are profit-seeking and unscrupulous, and further aggravate the moral decline of society.

therefore, we need to clearly oppose the behavior of lin yueyun and patty hou, and use the strong power of public opinion to spurn and punish such practices that destroy families and people. only by making such incidents pay the due social price can we reshape the moral bottom line of society and prevent more such tragedies from happening.