
no one studies civil engineering anymore.


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at the beginning of the school year, an explosive piece of information appeared.

it is said that students of wuhan university's architecture class collectively ran away because the school opened a green channel for changing majors, so they all left in their freshman year.

there were originally forty or fifty students, but only four were left after the transfer, which directly resulted in more teachers teaching than students attending the classes.

in order to add some irony to this black humor, he finally said:

"i am a very dark person. i always hope that the unemployed teacher at jingjiangui university can also experience the pain of finding a job, so as to avoid pua every day."

other universities and institutions were also ridiculed.

the inability to recruit enough people and the vacancies seem to indicate that architecture is doomed.

is the situation so serious?

in fact, the original post did not name wuhan university by name.

it's just that when he posted the notes, he used the geographical location of "wuhan city", but the ip address was once from shanghai. this is not the point. the point is, are there really only 4 people in the architecture class?

i checked online, but didn't hear about any green channel for changing majors.

the news did say that wuhan university has relaxed restrictions on changing majors, but that starts with the freshmen class of 2024.

moreover, whether it is the number of professors and associate professors in the school of civil engineering and architecture, or the situation of the architecture major, they are all different from the 211 university mentioned in the post.

it can be basically concluded thatthis matter has nothing to do with wuhan university.

this is true, but traditional civil engineering majors are really not popular nowadays.

hunan university, a 985 university, has a civil engineering major that ranks among the top ten in the country. in 2022, 98 students transferred out of the school of civil engineering and no one transferred in, far ahead of other colleges.

the students who transferred out mainly went to these colleges.

after a year, the situation improved and it was said that two people finally transferred to the civil engineering college.

but at the same time,106 people transferred out.

this huge gap between transfers in and out is not new in other prestigious universities.

xi'an jiaotong university announced the 2025 graduate source information, and three undergraduate civil engineering students will graduate next year.

netizens are very confused. the major was once ranked well, so it is impossible that only three students would be admitted.

although we don't know exactly how many people have changed their majors, it is an established fact that the once golden majors are no longer glorious. what should we do?

obviously, you have to please the candidates.

one way is to lower the admission score.

it is not as easy as usual for students to enroll in civil engineering programs at wuhan university, huazhong university of science and technology, lanzhou university and shandong university in henan, a province with a large number of college entrance examination candidates.

tongji university is no exception, with its admission ranking in shandong dropping by more than 400 places.

this wildly declining line graph shows how china's once top university of civil engineering and architecture has to succumb to the dismal enrollment reality.

the situation at china university of geosciences (beijing) is not much better. while the total enrollment remains unchanged, the ranking of admitted candidates has dropped by nearly 5,000 places.

the most controversial scene happened at guangzhou university.

the minimum admission score for the 204 majors (planning, architecture and civil engineering) of the general physics program of guangzhou university has dropped to 453 points, which is more than 100 points lower than those studying it and big data.

at that time, shenzhen vocational and technical college, which had just been upgraded from a junior college to an undergraduate college, had a minimum score of 555 for admission to the physics major.

after seeing this score difference, many people complained:it is better to go to a technical school to study architecture.

but being angry won’t help. what other methods are there to please students?

there is a solution, which is to shorten the school system.

the dalian university of technology's architecture program has been changed from 5 years to 4 years in order to break the long and time-consuming training method of 5 years of undergraduate + 3 years of postgraduate.

after all, what teachers in universities teach is often out of touch with reality, so it is better to let students face the projects earlier.

is there any other way?

yes, we welcome liberal arts students.

the doors of huazhong university of science and technology's urban and rural planning, landscape architecture, and architecture majors are open to liberal arts students.

this is not about trying to integrate professions or advance academically, but there is really no other good solution.

because over the past decade, the number of undergraduate graduates at this college has dropped by 26%, and it is unclear what will happen in the future.

at this time, a university provided a reference.

they simply deleted the word "architecture" from the college, saying that they could no longer recruit students.

then there will be no tuition fees, and the teachers’ salaries will become even more of a problem.

at this time, the fourth solution is obvious: divert teachers.

let them go to other colleges and other majors to make a living based on their own abilities.

we know that the process that teachers have to go through as the number of students decreases has nothing to do with students or teachers. they are just involved in the process and then bear the cost.

but maybe one day, when they figure out these problems, they will feel most deeply about a classic theory:

whether you are sitting in an elevator, lying flat or doing pull-ups, it does not affect your ability to gain development dividends;

but if you are sitting in a descending elevator, sorry, you have to pay for the electricity of the elevator.

why doesn't anyone apply for civil engineering and architecture anymore?

there are thousands of reasons.

but for students, the answer is just one sentence -you don't treat us as human beings at all.

generally speaking, 985 students work 007 like crazy in design institutes, and are happy to receive a monthly salary of two to three thousand plus year-end performance bonus.

but that was in the past. considering the current market conditions, it is considered good enough for some design institutes to pay a basic salary every month. whether there is performance or not depends entirely on fate.

the cruelty of reality is often that one small move affects the entire body.

as a result, some labor dispatch recruitment services have reduced their remuneration again and again, while their requirements have been raised again and again:

salary 3500+ performance-based, 985/211 preferred, more than 5 years of design experience required, and finally take the exam.

when netizens were still complaining about structural exploitation, the old people in the hospital told the newcomers that everyone came here this way, and then patted their shoulders and told them:

look at others. some companies in guangzhou are looking for students, with a maximum monthly salary of 600 yuan, including food and accommodation. just be content.

(civil engineering and architecture are different professional categories)

if this were the early stages of the industry's development, it would be fine. everyone would suffer at first, but then everyone would enjoy the benefits together.

but this is not an upswing, it’s a horrible landing.

graduation statistics from a school show that the employment rate of the school of architecture and urban planning, both for undergraduates and postgraduates, is the lowest among science and engineering majors.

it is so bleak that many people do not believe the authenticity of this chart.

however, human beings do not share the same joys and sorrows. the joys and sorrows of “cows and horses” are each their own tragedy.

sanlian life weekly reported the case of jin hui, the man who fell from a building.

the entire industry quickly shifted from an upward phase to a low point. he had dozens of projects under his belt, but the more overtime he worked, the lower his salary the company paid him. why?

because many projects are evergrande's, and they can't get their money back. the company has no money, so they have to let the workers suffer.

the article analyzes the reasons behind this: the key lies in the unequal salary system and long working hours in the construction industry, which do not bring good returns.

what the article did not directly state is that there are many workers like jin hui who are willing to work hard and are pouring into this declining industry.

it's hard to say how many people there are, but there is already a reference answer to how they live:

"(some employees) rely on huabei, jiebei, and weilidai to borrow money every month to live, and then pay the money back when the bonus is paid."

to translate it, it's basically paid work.

some people can't think straight, while others can.

after the related topic became popular on zhihu, someone provided the case of a spicy architect.

the painting style of this blogger on tiktok hits the pain points of men directly, and the sexiness is almost overflowing from the screen.

she has 600,000 fans and says she is a 40-year-old senior construction engineer in a design institute.

everyone was very pleased after seeing it and praised the long legs for being beautiful, but the title of senior engineer is not easy to obtain.

in order to prove that she was not lying, she started a live broadcast in front of the screen and talked about architectural knowledge.

who would have thought that knowledge could be spread through long legs.

so someone told her that the more the better, and everyone should understand that these are the tears of the times, and don’t blame you:

“rather than wait until i’m 30 or 40 and then struggle to become a live streamer, where my youth is definitely gone and i don’t know how many years i can reap the benefits, i might as well enter the live streamer race while i’m still young and beautiful.

don’t look down on them. some college girls work as anchors and easily earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in four years, and they get their first pot of gold after graduation.”

the personal endings of jin hui and spicy architect represent different aspects of the industry, but the industry always has to look forward, even if the future is not so bright.

houses are now unsold in many places, and the area of ​​newly started housing has been declining year-on-year for the past three years.

large-scale infrastructure construction is no longer being carried out in many places, which means that many architects and civil engineers have no place to work.

maybe it only takes ten years for a person to grow from immaturity to maturity. but it often takes less than ten years for a subject to change from being a popular major to an unpopular one in the college entrance examination.

at this time, young people entering the industry will experience a huge psychological gap and then fall into deep thought:

is what i am learning out of touch with reality?

is my industry outdated?

why are architects in europe and america paid so well?

moreover, i tried so hard, but in the end, it was all in vain. was it because i shouldn’t have tried so hard, or did i make the wrong choice?

you did nothing wrong, but the times have changed without the consent of the parties involved, which has forced you to have a new logic in your life:

the cost-effectiveness of taking the postgraduate entrance examination is not as good as that of taking the civil service examination; taking the unpopular liberal arts examination is even worse than starting to work in self-media early;

complaints are complaints.

none of these may be as good as entering the right industry at the right time and making your first pot of gold.

but not everyone has this kind of luck.

instead of pinning your hopes on such an opportunity, it is better to think more about how to work hard so as to avoid major losses.

it doesn’t matter if you don’t know these tips. skip the fancy volunteer application ads and go to tieba to see the “original intention” of civil engineers:

"those who advise others to flee, are they thinking that others can't bear the hardship because they can't bear it themselves?"