
many australian media outlets are embroiled in controversy due to gambling advertising


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singapore's straits times reported on the 2nd that many australian free television, radio, newspaper and other media are caught up in controversy over whether they should rely on gambling advertising to maintain operations.

according to reports, in 2021, australia introduced a world-first legislation requiring social media and technology companies to pay local news organizations for the use of their content, namely news royalties. among them, meta and google reached an agreement with dozens of local media to pay australian media about 200 million australian dollars (about 960 million yuan) in news royalties each year (meta paid about 70 million australian dollars). however, in february this year, meta announced that it would no longer renew its agreement with australian media, and several companies intended to follow meta's footsteps. faced with the above difficulties, australian media have to find a new way out, and gambling advertising seems to have become the focus of its survival.

in fact, online gambling advertising has been another important source of income for australian television and radio companies over the past 20 years. data released by the australian national university gambling research center in july this year showed that about 33% of australians have participated in online gambling in the past year, and online gambling advertising on television and radio has played an important role in promoting it.

faced with this situation, many australian politicians and scholars have called for a "total ban on gambling ads". the british newspaper the guardian reported that the australian government is considering banning gambling ads only one hour before and after children's programs and sports live broadcasts. at the same time, television or radio media can only broadcast two gambling ads per hour. the australian government acknowledged the harm caused by gambling ads to society, but currently does not intend to deprive the media of advertising revenue from gambling companies. faced with pressure from public opinion, the australian government insists that "restricting" rather than "banning" gambling ads is an important measure to ensure that domestic television and radio companies can cope with a significant reduction in income. some people have proposed that tax cuts and government subsidies for news activities that are in the public interest may be one of the measures to reduce the burden on australian media.

editor/zhou chao