
first lecture of the new semester | wu huqiang, principal of hunan normal university zehu school: be responsible like water


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changsha evening news changsha on palm september 2 (all-media reporter chen liang) on the morning of september 2, the daze lake school of hunan first normal university held the 2024 fall opening ceremony and the "lei xiaofeng" education launch ceremony. principal wu huqiang encouraged students to respect the world, serve the country, be trustworthy like water, be wise, perseverant, magnanimous, and sentimental, and have a sense of responsibility like water.
at the opening ceremony, wu huqiang first read a passage: "the world is yours, and it is ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours. you young people are full of vigor and vitality, and are in your prime, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. hope rests on you."
"does any of you know who said this? yes, in november 1957, chairman mao zedong delivered a famous speech at moscow state university, "hope rests on you," which inspired young talents in new china to strive for patriotism and climb to the top." wu huqiang said, "it is now eight or nine in the morning, and the sun is particularly warm today. seeing you and your classmates, i seem to see a bright future! i think everyone will feel very proud! because the school we attend is chairman mao's alma mater - a school jointly run by hunan first normal university and wangcheng district education bureau! congratulations on growing up and upgrading!"
so, what is the sign of "growing up"? wu huqiang said that one of the signs of growing up is "knowing etiquette and having ambition". confucius said, "if you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up." only when a person abides by etiquette, politeness, courtesy, laws and customs can he be recognized by others and accepted by society, and can he contribute to the motherland and society.
he told the students that with the "courtesy" ticket, they should also have the ambition to serve the country and have a sense of patriotism, just like the olympic athletes who fought bravely and won glory for the country in the olympic games this summer. so, how can we realize our dream of serving the country? we should learn from "water". water is the origin of the world and the foundation of all things. our school is built by the water, facing the xiangjiang river and adjacent to daze lake. the highest good is like water, and it carries all things with great virtue. we should be trustworthy like water, which always arrives on time regardless of the ebb and flow of the tide, rain, fog, frost and snow, which is what we call "good words and good trust"; we should be wise like water, judge the situation, go up to the sky and down to the earth, and be good at coping, which is what we call "good timing"; we should be perseverant like water, which can wear away a stone with its accumulation, which is what we call "good ability"; we should be magnanimous like water, which can accommodate all rivers and learn from others' strengths, which is what we call "good governance"; and we should be sentimental like water, which can selflessly nourish every life, which is what we call "kindness and benevolence"!
he said to the students: "our school is a new school, carrying the dreams of countless people. each of us should be as responsible as water, which can be ding-dong at a minimum and rushing at a maximum. water always nourishes all things and does not complain even when people hate it. this is the spirit of responsibility of water and the highest respect it pays to all things in the world! our school song "i am a little water flower" interprets this spirit! if we want to serve our motherland, we need this spirit!"