
china criticizes eu for taking sides on south china sea issue


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our reporter fan weithe chinese mission to the european union issued a statement on september 2 urging the eu to be objective and fair and to be prudent in its words and deeds on the south china sea issue. reuters said the statement was a response to the eu's comments on the conflict between china and the philippines over the xianbin reef last weekend.on september 1, the european union expressed support for the philippines and condemned china's "dangerous actions" in a statement. the eu claimed that the conflict at xianbin reef "is a threat to the safety of life at sea and a violation of the right to freedom of navigation and overflight." the statement also stated that under international law, all countries enjoy the right to freedom of navigation and overflight in the south china sea. in addition, the eu also ignored the fact that the philippines sent coast guard ships to stay at xianbin reef for a long time and unilaterally changed the status quo of uninhabited islands and reefs in the south china sea, claiming to "condemn all illegal, escalatory and coercive actions that undermine the principles of international law and threaten peace and stability in the region." the eu said it would "continue to be committed to supporting its partners in exercising their legitimate rights in the region and beyond."in response to the eu's unfair remarks, the spokesperson of the chinese mission to the eu said in a statement on the 2nd that the eu is not a party to the south china sea issue and has no right to make comments on the issue. the statement reads: "the eu side is determined to ignore the facts, confuse right and wrong, and openly endorse the philippines' provocative behavior of violating china's territorial sovereignty. what is the intention of this behavior of adding fuel to the fire and taking sides?" the spokesperson stressed that the south china sea is the safest and freest sea area in the world for navigation, and there has never been any problem with freedom of navigation. the "south china sea arbitration case" is a complete political manipulation and political farce. the so-called ruling itself is a serious violation of international law, especially the united nations convention on the law of the sea. "the eu's repeated hype about freedom of navigation and the "south china sea arbitration case" not only goes against the common desire of countries in the region to maintain peace and stability in the south china sea, but also does not benefit the eu's own interests and international reputation."ding duo, deputy director of the institute of marine law and policy at the china institute of south china sea studies, said in an interview with the global times on september 2 that the eu and some european countries frequently interrupt on the south china sea issue for three reasons: first, they have a deep-rooted misunderstanding of china's rights claims and rights protection measures in the south china sea, which highlights the differences between china and europe on the interpretation and application of some rules of international law, especially the law of the sea; second, the eu's involvement in south china sea affairs reflects its urgent desire to "show its presence" in the asia-pacific region, which has its own interests and is also to cooperate with the united states; third, the eu itself is also a "maritime alliance" with inherent concerns about navigation safety and freedom of navigation.ding duo said that it must be pointed out that freedom of navigation and safety of navigation in the south china sea have never been a problem. no matter how complicated the disputes in the south china sea were or how tense the maritime situation was, the freedom of navigation and safety of navigation in the south china sea have never been affected. in fact, not only the eu, but also the united states, japan, south korea and other countries are all beneficiaries of freedom of navigation and safety of navigation in the south china sea. "it is inappropriate for them to accuse china of this now."after the farce on august 31, some western countries have successively "stood up" for the philippines, making the philippines feel that they have gained strong support. on september 2, the manila standard specially compiled the statements of institutions or individuals from seven countries and regional organizations, including the united states, the european union, japan, south korea, france, australia and new zealand, in support of the philippines and urged china to abide by the so-called international law and the "south china sea arbitration ruling."ding duo believes that the statements made by some western countries, including the eu, are neither based on objective facts nor fair and just, and their starting point is not to truly maintain regional peace and stability. therefore, their role is actually destructive and not constructive. "whenever a conflict breaks out in the south china sea, these countries always come out to express their views, which has become a habitual practice. but overall, this is just a formality and will not subvert the overall situation in the south china sea."at a regular press conference held on september 2, chinese foreign ministry spokesman mao ning stated that on august 31, a philippine coast guard ship that had been illegally stranded in the xianbin reef lagoon for a long time deliberately rammed a chinese coast guard ship that was defending its rights on the spot in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, causing a collision between the two ships. china took necessary countermeasures in accordance with the law, which was legitimate and beyond reproach.mao ning said that the relevant actions of the philippines seriously violated china's sovereignty, international law and the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea. china demands that the philippines immediately withdraw its illegally detained ships and immediately stop its infringement and provocation. "china will continue to take resolute and forceful measures in accordance with the law to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and safeguard the seriousness and effectiveness of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea. at the same time, we are willing to maintain dialogue and communication with the philippines through diplomatic channels, properly handle relevant issues, and manage the maritime situation well."▲