
land rover driver was detained for hitting someone while driving against traffic. the truth should have been revealed long ago.


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recently, the "qingdao land rover driver who drove against the flow of traffic and cut in line and beat people" incident has continued to attract attention, and the topic has been on the hot search list for many consecutive days. while the public opinion is hotly discussing this matter, various half-true and half-false information about the female driver wang has also been widely circulated on the internet.
according to relevant reports, the incident occurred on august 28, when wang drove his land rover in the opposite direction near the qingshan village observation deck in laoshan district. because the driver lin, who was driving normally in the opposite direction, did not give way to him, wang got out of the car and insulted and beat lin. on the evening of august 29, the local police issued a notice saying: "after investigation, wang's behavior violated article 42 and article 43 of the "public security administration punishment law of the people's republic of china". the public security organ imposed an administrative detention of 10 days and a fine of 1,000 yuan on wang in accordance with the law."
two drivers met on a narrow road. one of them violated the traffic rules first, but he did not repent and beat the other driver. the severity and illegality of his behavior are self-evident. in this regard, this is a simple public security violation. however, because the attacker was too arrogant at the scene, many people questioned whether she had any "background". in addition, the local authorities did not report the results of her handling until a day later, which made the matter more complicated.
in this context, various speculations and rumors have emerged online. some say that wang holds a public office, while others say that she has a "background". even after wang was detained, there were still rumors that she was "detained at home". in response to these news, relevant departments at all levels in laoshan district, qingdao city, spoke out to clarify for several consecutive days. first, on august 30, it was stated that wang was not the deputy director of the district urban management bureau, nor was she a community cadre in qingshan district. on august 31, it was added that wang was a villager in qingshan community, married to the city many years ago, and once ran a clothing store. as for the rumor that she was "detained at home", the fanling police station in laoshan district denied it on september 2.
from the perspective of the government, it is really frustrating that just after debunking one rumor, another one pops up. however, there is no smoke without fire. the reason why rumors about this matter keep popping up and many netizens believe them is that after the incident aroused public opinion, the truth was not made public in the first place, and then the final word was not made, so that the public who care about this matter felt like "seeing flowers in the fog".
if you put yourself in someone else's shoes, how could netizens not be angry if they saw someone beating someone else and showing a rampant attitude of ignoring the law, and the person being beaten was a retired soldier? how could they not want to ask the truth behind the incident? in this case, the local authorities should also realize that although this is not a big case, it must be handled promptly, fairly, impartially and openly, so that the public can be convinced and the credibility of law enforcement agencies can be maintained. as early as the exposure of the live video, there were many voices on the internet speculating on the identity of the woman. if the truth is not disclosed in time and occupies the "c position" of the public's vision, rumors will naturally stir. this truth should also become an important experience summed up by all sectors of society from this incident.
at this moment, various rumors have already fermented online, and it is correct and necessary for the relevant departments to actively refute the rumors. however, if the local authorities had dealt with the illegal driver according to law on august 28, the day of the incident, instead of waiting 24 hours to take action, online public opinion might not have boiled over to this extent.
to put it another way, if the relevant departments had been able to clarify wang's identity when he was detained, instead of revealing information "intermittently" in the next two days, many outrageous rumors would not have had a breeding ground. now that the truth has come to light, wang has paid the price he deserved for his evil deeds, and the matter has come to an end. and we also hope that when similar incidents occur again, the "truth" can come out sooner.
written by yang xinyu
editor/huang shuai
source: china youth daily client