
how taxkirin uses ai to help companies comply with tax regulations and reshape their business value


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recently, the "gathering resources, promoting development" project sharing meeting organized by the party committee of chongqing liangjiang new area internet industry park, chongqing liangjiang new area industrial operation co., ltd., and borui internet of things innovation center was held in the first phase of liangjiang new area internet industry park. the event aims to build a bridge for resource sharing and win-win cooperation, promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, and jointly promote the innovative development of the industry. the event attracted a total of about 70 corporate representatives from all walks of life, covering emerging fields such as it internet and low-altitude economy, as well as traditional service industries such as banking and finance, cultural media, and property management; in addition, there are high-quality enterprises from all over the country, large central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and potential private enterprises. dr. tang yazhou, coo of tax kirin, was invited to attend the event and shared the project as a keynote speaker.
in 2021, the general office of the cpc central committee and the general office of the state council issued the "opinions on further deepening the reform of tax collection and administration", which clearly proposed to achieve the transformation of classified and precise supervision from "tax administration by invoice" to "tax administration by numbers", and comprehensively promote the digital upgrade and intelligent transformation of tax collection and administration. against this background, the state administration of taxation launched the fourth-generation tax service platform - the fourth phase of the golden tax project, which also marked the firm step of tax service management towards digitalization.
based on the third phase of golden tax, the fourth phase of golden tax has included non-tax businesses in tax supervision and further opened up information sharing channels among multiple departments. with the awakening of domestic credit awareness, the corporate tax credit rating has gone through a process from acceptance, promotion to popularization, and supervised, scored and rated corporate business and tax behaviors. through the supervision system, the corporate business behavior is regulated, and the legal competition of enterprises is guided to create a fair and open business environment and market environment. it promotes the awareness and environment of honest and legal operation of enterprises in business management in an all-round and three-dimensional manner.
the country's ever-increasing regulatory capacity and strength have put forward new requirements for the compliance management of enterprises' business, finance and taxation. however, limited means and rigid financial applications have made it difficult for most enterprises today to build a systematic business, finance and taxation compliance and digital decision-making management framework, from financial accounting to business analysis to business control. tax kirin adopts the innovative "tax compliance maturity physical examination" and enterprise life cycle management methodology, based on the tax bureau's audit rules, big data knowledge graph, and enterprise life cycle modeling, to accurately solve the integration and compliance issues of business, finance and taxation faced by enterprises, and to accumulate enterprise business control data assets in real time. through the new generation of data-driven saas+ai platform and tax services, it reconstructs the integrated compliance management capabilities of enterprises and opens up the main line of lean business management.
dr. tang yazhou said at the conference that taxkirin established "physical examination indicators" based on industry and tax data, and carried out targeted analysis on enterprises in various industries based on the business characteristics, development history and new ideas and requirements of the country. if an enterprise is found to have business risks, it will notify the enterprise in time, give early warning, and help the enterprise conduct precise self-examination for specific problems. at the same time, taxkirin's senior tax accountants will help enterprises correct deviations and eliminate business risks by interpreting physical examination reports, explaining tax policies, and guiding enterprises to improve systems.
tax shield ai tax service cloud platform uses big data technology to screen and integrate production and operation information of different industries and enterprises, forming risk control indicators with strong correlation sensitivity and directional identification capabilities, thereby strengthening the identification and analysis capabilities of enterprise operation risks. at the same time, the platform unifies the data entry of business, finance and tax sources, integrates and coordinates the business, finance and tax data of enterprises, and opens different analysis models and financial and tax indicator governance rules to enterprises to meet various needs and scenarios of enterprises and tax-sensitive groups. the system supports customized data warnings and online data review processes.
the taxshield system of taxkirin has preset more than 50 types of special physical examination and data analysis indicators. these indicators are set by comprehensively considering the characteristics of tax source structure, domestic and international accounting standards, accounting laws, tax collection and management laws, national and local policy adaptation, indicator identification efficiency and data verification difficulty. they have the characteristics of clear direction, low verification difficulty and high accuracy. the physical examination indicators fully consider the logical relationship between different types of taxes involved in the business activities of enterprises. in daily work, it engineers use big data technology to extract taxpayers' tax-related data and declaration information, enterprise information, and use proprietary big models to compare and analyze physical examination indicators to find abnormalities between enterprise-related data, and then lock in the doubts of enterprises in the approval of income, cost, budget management, business development, contract standards, data declaration, invoice issuance, policy enjoyment, additional deductions, etc., and send "pop-up" warning information and physical examination reports to enterprises through the taxshield platform to remind enterprises to pay attention to risks. after receiving the physical examination report, enterprises can quickly carry out targeted self-inspection of suspicious business, or use the risk cleanup professional ability of taxkirin to correct mistakes.
after the implementation of the enterprise management and operation physical examination measures, due to the accurate identification of risk points and the fast information transmission speed, the tax unicorn and various departments of the enterprise cooperated in "risk elimination" and worked effectively, so it played a positive role in the identification and early warning of enterprise operation doubts, abnormal expenses, budget overruns, operations that did not meet expectations, and targeted "risk elimination" of irregular business. if the enterprise encounters difficulties in the process of self-examination and handling, or the enterprise's risk problems are more prominent, the tax unicorn can provide targeted risk counseling, analyze and explain relevant policies and regulations, management cases to the enterprise, help the enterprise improve its management system and management procedures, and strive for "one diagnosis and treatment, lifelong immunity" so that the enterprise will no longer have similar business risk problems in the future.
taxkirin uses technology to replace experts and quickly improve the supply and demand relationship in the industry. traditional accounting firms, tax firms or management consulting companies usually organize a large number of professional audit resources to conduct audit work on-site in the form of audit projects. a team of about 7 people usually needs to stay on-site for about 1 month, so the service method is neither scalable nor economical. however, taxkirin uses information technology to achieve a change in working methods from "on-site + manual" to "off-site + personalized", and from "point-in-time audit" to "continuous audit". the number of experts is reduced to 0-2 people, and the time is reduced to 1-5 days, which greatly improves the timeliness, economy and reliability of the work, and provides long-term business support to expand the depth and breadth of corporate services.
at the same time, in traditional audits, when faced with data in the millions or tens of millions, only "sampling audits" can be used. tax kirin uses the information technology of industry, finance, taxation, law, business and character rules to change the audit method from "sampling audit" to "full audit", conduct a comprehensive scan and investigation, and thus reduce audit risks.
in addition, through the mining technology of massive data, taxkirin can help enterprises significantly improve their tax management capabilities. breaking through the isolation walls between business departments, comprehensive screening and correlation analysis, the audit findings of financial and tax data will be more extensible and in-depth. by establishing a working model under data audit, the focus of audit work will gradually shift from discovering risks to predicting risks, providing customers with more value-added services such as compliance physical examinations, tax burden structure design, system construction, data governance, business and financial integration, tax consulting, etc., to help enterprises solve corporate compliance problems at a lower cost and higher efficiency in the compliance era.
from the effect point of view, the tax health check of tax kirin has improved the speed of identifying the business risks of enterprises themselves. enterprise managers, actual controllers and shareholders of the company can accurately discover the irregular business behavior of the enterprise and reduce business risks. enterprises can also recognize the causes of their own risk problems in a timely manner, enhance the awareness of compliance management of enterprises, and improve the compliance of business, finance, taxation, law and business figures. at the same time, according to the indicators, combined with the problems of "going out of order", the causes of "problems" can be analyzed, and timely cleaned up and responded, and risk control mechanisms and compliance systems can be established to avoid making similar mistakes again. by "preventing illness before it occurs", the effect of "solving one problem, standardizing a type of problem, and preventing industry risks" can be achieved, helping enterprises to grasp the overall risk profile and real-time changes in business, finance and taxation data, and improve the overall compliance management and digital decision-making capabilities of enterprises.
since the taxshield artificial intelligence tax service cloud platform was launched on the market, it has provided industrial upgrading and one-stop comprehensive compliance service needs for dozens of parks and thousands of enterprises across the country, helping the country increase tax revenue by 5 billion and helping enterprises reduce operating costs by more than 200 million yuan. its risk detection products have provided professional and reliable third-party risk detection reports to thousands of enterprises, with a cumulative warning risk amount of more than 400 million yuan and a reduction in comprehensive operating costs of more than 20%. its ai consulting has provided consulting for nearly 100 enterprises and individuals. its data governance solutions have provided integrated data governance solutions for dozens of enterprises, helping enterprises to efficiently analyze and mine industry, finance and tax data, and significantly improve the digitalization level of enterprises.
taxqilin has been deeply engaged in the compliance field for 12 years. as a leader in combining industry, finance, tax, law, and business rules with advanced technologies and a promoter of digital innovation for enterprises, taxqilin combines ai technology and big data service capabilities to provide enterprises with business risk control and big data application services, helping enterprises to achieve digital reform and achieve long-term plans for healthy development in the compliance era.