
target locked: nansha! 2024 national cyber ​​security publicity week is here


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on september 2, a press conference for the 2024 national cyber ​​security publicity week was held in beijing. the 2024 national cyber ​​security publicity week is scheduled to be held nationwide from september 9 to 15, and will be jointly organized by ten departments including the central propaganda department and the central cyberspace affairs commission. this year's cyber ​​security week will continue to be themed "cyber ​​security for the people, cyber ​​security relies on the people". among them, important events such as the opening ceremony will be held in guangzhou.
reporters learned from the press conference that this year's cyber ​​security week has two prominent features, namely "linking the bay area and coordinating with hong kong and macao", and "promoting innovation in science and technology industries and promoting high-quality development". the hong kong and macao delegation will make its debut at the cyber ​​security week. guangdong, hong kong and macao will jointly sign a memorandum on cyber security exchanges and cooperation and cross-border data flow. during the meeting, the construction of the nansha (guangdong, hong kong and macao) data service pilot zone will be launched, and a series of major achievements in the field of cyber security will be released.
many important events will be held in nansha, guangzhou
gao lin, director of the cyber ​​security coordination bureau of the cyberspace administration of china, said that this year's cyber ​​security week includes many important activities, including: the opening ceremony of cyber ​​security week, the main forum of the cyber ​​security technology summit and the guangdong-hong kong-macao cyber ​​security conference, 5 sub-forums, 5 seminars, the cyber ​​security expo and cyber ​​security products and services supply and demand fair, six cyber security theme day activities, and the "six-in-one" cyber security publicity and popularization activities.
among them, the opening ceremony of cyber ​​security week will be held at the permanent venue of the international financial forum conference center in nansha district, guangzhou on the morning of september 8. the main forum of the cyber ​​security technology summit forum and the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area cyber ​​security conference will be held on september 9. during the meeting, the "artificial intelligence security governance framework", the chinese corpus training data resource platform and the 2024 artificial intelligence technology empowerment network security application test results and other achievements will be released. from september 9 to september 11, sub-forums on related topics such as network security collaborative governance, personal information protection, intelligent connected car safety, youth network protection, and internet government application security will be held in succession.
this year's cybersecurity expo has an exhibition area of ​​10,000 square meters, with exhibition areas such as the cybersecurity important industry application area, the innovation achievement area, and the interactive experience area. in the interactive experience area, the public can immerse themselves in the innovative achievements of cybersecurity. this year, for the first time, activities such as the cybersecurity supply and demand fair, cybersecurity talent recruitment, and cybersecurity innovation and entrepreneurship investment were held. among them, the talent recruitment activities will provide tens of thousands of high-quality jobs for college graduates.
during the cyber ​​security week, the co-organizing departments will also hold a series of theme day activities such as campus day, telecommunications day, rule of law day, finance day, youth day, and personal information protection day, as well as publicity and popularization activities such as cyber security in communities, rural areas, enterprises, government agencies, campuses, military camps, and families.
focusing on two major features, guangzhou makes every effort to host the cyber ​​security "canton fair"
"the opening ceremony of the 2024 national cyber ​​security awareness week and other important events are held in guangzhou. for guangzhou, this is a grand event and a happy event." du xinshang, member of the standing committee of the guangzhou municipal party committee and minister of the municipal party committee propaganda department, introduced that the opening ceremony of this national cyber ​​security awareness week and other important events focused on the theme of "cyber ​​security is for the people, cyber ​​security relies on the people", aiming to promote the integrated development of cyber security education, technology, and industry, highlighting the two major characteristics of "linking the bay area and coordinating with hong kong and macao" and "promoting innovation in science and technology industries and assisting high-quality development", and strive to create a fruitful and influential cyber security event.
first, we will give full play to our locational advantages and strive to hold a network security "promotion conference" based in the bay area, in coordination with hong kong and macao, and radiating across the country. guangzhou nansha is the geographical center of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area. this cyber ​​security week will be held in guangzhou, with shenzhen, zhuhai, foshan, huizhou, dongguan, zhongshan, jiangmen, and zhaoqing in conjunction with the two special administrative regions of hong kong and macao, to give full play to their respective advantages and participate together, to promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the bay area in terms of network security talent training, technological innovation, and industrial development, and to promote network security publicity to thousands of households. among them, the hong kong and macao delegation will make its debut at the cyber ​​security week.
second, we will focus on industrial development and strive to hold a "canton fair" that promotes the integrated development of education, technology, and industry in the field of cybersecurity. this cyber ​​security week aims to serve the high-quality development of the economy and society. in addition to holding traditional activities such as the cyber ​​security technology summit forum and the cyber ​​security expo, it will hold innovative entrepreneurship competitions, special events for innovative entrepreneurship investment, cyber security industry and service supply and demand talks, cyber security talent recruitment and other activities in various forms such as conferences, forums, competitions, and exhibitions, so as to jointly create a "canton fair" in the field of cybersecurity.
the third is to strengthen innovation leadership and strive to hold a "showcase" of cutting-edge technologies and the latest achievements in domestic network security. this year's cyber ​​security week has brought together high-quality companies and research institutions in the fields of domestic internet and network security. through physical displays, video presentations, human-computer interaction and other methods, it comprehensively displays major achievements, cutting-edge technologies and the latest achievements in the field of network security. in recent years, guangzhou has also had representative displays of cutting-edge "black technologies" in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, etc. the expo also has interactive experience areas such as smart eyes identification of network risks and vr security king, which give the audience a refreshing visual and auditory experience.
fourth, we will focus on the participation of all citizens and strive to hold a "promotion meeting" to enhance cybersecurity awareness and protection skills. on the basis of the regular organization of six theme day activities, cyber ​​security week arranged a series of cybersecurity activities in communities, enterprises, rural areas, families, campuses, and government agencies, released the first ai-themed promotional film of cyber ​​security week, launched the cybersecurity "bay area tour" and the "fengqingyang" cybersecurity science caravan rural tour, and the cybersecurity theme station citywalk check-in activities, so that cybersecurity publicity can be segmented, personalized, and fully covered.
why is this year’s important cyber ​​security week event held in guangzhou?
why did this year's important cyber ​​security week activities take place in guangzhou? to answer this question, we can analyze it from two aspects: the development of guangzhou's digital economy and the construction of a strong cyber city.
in terms of digital economic development, guangzhou has effectively consolidated the foundation of digital infrastructure, made breakthroughs in key core technologies, and continuously enhanced digital public service capabilities. in 2023, the added value of guangzhou's digital economy core industries reached 394.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.6%, accounting for 12.8% of the city's gdp. it is expected that by 2025, the scale of guangzhou's cybersecurity industry will reach 30 billion yuan.
specifically, as of july this year, guangzhou has built more than 100,000 5g base stations, becoming the first to build a nationally leading "gigabit city", with more than 19 million 5g users in the city. guangzhou has currently deployed the only international ipv6 root server in south china. the national supercomputing guangzhou center has become one of the supercomputing centers with the largest number of users and the widest application range in the world. in terms of the operation of the guangzhou artificial intelligence public computing center, the pazhou computing valley shaxi intelligent computing center project was officially launched, and it also became the first intelligent computing center in the bay area to serve large models. guangzhou has built a digital security operation center to achieve integrated network security operations throughout the city. the "sui hao ban" government service brand of "one-stop service, city-wide service" can provide more than 10,000 services at your fingertips.
in terms of building a strong network city, guangzhou has promoted the development of informatization in a coordinated manner, continuously optimized the industrial environment, innovation environment, and business environment, and the cybersecurity industry has developed well. a number of leading cybersecurity companies have chosen to settle in guangzhou. the public's cybersecurity awareness and cybersecurity literacy have gradually improved.
guangzhou in numbers: development of digital economy and cybersecurity industry
in 2023, the added value of guangzhou's core digital economy industries will reach 394.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.6%, accounting for 12.8% of the city's gdp.
it is estimated that by 2025, the scale of guangzhou's cybersecurity industry will reach 30 billion yuan.
the cybersecurity industry continues to grow and develop, with more than 400 cybersecurity-related companies in the city.
the top 10 companies in china's cybersecurity industry in 2023 have all established subsidiaries or branches in guangzhou.
there are a total of 8 colleges and universities in guangzhou that offer cybersecurity-related majors, ranking third in the country.
a number of leading internet companies such as netease, wechat, vipshop, and kugou were born in guangzhou.
·in 2024, there will be 24 companies selected by hurun global unicorn, ranking ninth among cities in the world and fourth in china.
three local information technology companies with a market value of hundreds of billions of yuan have emerged: netease, vipshop, and xiyin.
guangzhou has 7 of the top 100 internet companies in china, ranking third in the country.
in 2023, guangzhou's ranking in the "nature index - research city" will jump to eighth in the world and fourth in china.
text and photos by guangzhou daily new flower city reporters: zhang shuhong and xie qishanposter copywriter/zhang shuhongposter design/zhang yanguangzhou daily new flower city editor: zhang yu