
to manage the “unlimited traffic”, more mechanism innovation is needed


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he yong
in response to a very small number of accounts attempting to stage false photos and impersonate parties involved in hot topics to take advantage of the popularity, a short video platform recently issued a "penalty announcement on the hot content verification mechanism", mentioning that since the launch of the mechanism on may 27, which was led by the platform and coordinated with relevant local agencies and news media to verify the parties involved in hot events and suspected interpretations of content, it has intervened in the verification of 203 hot events and punished 1,174 accounts that "have no bottom line in seeking traffic".
in recent years, with the vigorous development of internet content creation, short videos have become an important channel for people to obtain information and entertainment, and have become an indispensable part of people's daily life. this has attracted more and more people to participate in the creation of short video content. many excellent short video creators use high-quality short video content to share real and beautiful life, winning the love of users and social recognition.
but at the same time, a few short video bloggers, in order to pursue profits, attract attention, and gain traffic, resort to all means and lose their bottom line, through self-directed and self-acted staged photos or use social hot events to hype without bottom line, and even through counterfeiting and improper association with the parties involved in hot events. the harmfulness of these behaviors should not be underestimated. they not only mislead the public and damage the public interest, but also seriously disrupt the public order of cyberspace, destroy the health and harmony of the network ecological environment, and cause adverse social impacts, which are widely criticized. for example, the internet celebrity "mao yibei" who claimed to have "picked up elementary school students' homework in paris" used false staged photos as a traffic password, which actually destroyed social trust and endangered the order of news dissemination.
a short video platform announced a case of "a matrix account posing for arranged marriages three times since the age of 14". the account "i am the second sister of lao wang's family" posted a video claiming that her parents arranged three marriages for her between the ages of 14 and 20, and gave birth to a son with a "man 30 years older than her" at the age of 16, and has entrusted a lawyer to sue her biological parents. the account interacted frequently with several accounts claiming to be "third sister" and "eldest sister", and the content published covered topics such as parents arranging marriages, favoring boys over girls, underage children, domestic violence, and becoming a domineering boss through business. after research and judgment, the special team of the short video platform's "no bottom line to gain traffic" governance found that the background of the account's video shooting was a law firm, so they directly contacted the law firm to verify: the law firm had not received any relevant commissions, and checked the surveillance and found that someone used the law firm's background to pose for videos after get off work. the platform then contacted the relevant accounts and asked them to provide evidence, but was rejected, so the platform banned the relevant accounts.
in fact, this link hides an innovation in governance ideas and mechanisms. in the past, the governance actions of self-media platforms were generally passive. for false posing and other traffic-seeking events, the platform would often conduct corresponding governance after the news media or government agencies had an investigation conclusion. in this case, the platform took the initiative to verify and govern. as a short video platform, on the basis of conventional passive governance, we must continue to exert our strength, use innovative methods to link up with all sectors of society to verify, and take the lead in "unscrupulous traffic-seeking" behaviors, actively intervene in some hot events, and offer disposal methods including but not limited to banning accounts and canceling profit-making rights. this will undoubtedly govern "unscrupulous traffic-seeking" more deeply, cut off its financial path from the source, and force short video bloggers to abide by the rules and abide by the legal and moral bottom line when creating, which will objectively help ensure the authenticity, reliability and health of the content.
in fact, the phenomenon of "self-media's unscrupulous pursuit of traffic" has not only aroused the anger of the public, but has also long attracted the attention of the competent authorities. in april this year, the central cyberspace affairs commission launched a two-month special campaign across the country to "clear and rectify the unscrupulous pursuit of traffic by 'self-media'", focusing on rectifying prominent problems such as "self-directed and self-acted fraud", "using any means to hype social hot spots", "setting topics based on partial generalizations", "creating personalities in violation of public order and good customs", and the indiscriminate publication of "new yellow news". we also expect more internet platforms to fulfill their responsibilities, take on their responsibilities, innovate governance mechanisms, and protect a clear and clean cyberspace.
in short, when creating short videos, you can shoot jokes or facts, but you must never confuse the boundaries between jokes and facts.
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