
the ministry of national security reported a data theft case: foreign intelligence agencies illegally collected 500g of data in one month


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it home reported on september 2 that the ministry of state security published an article on its official wechat public account today, saying that in recent years, foreign spy intelligence agencies have coveted china's core sensitive data and collected it in the name of foreign commercial companies and investigation agencies, posing a major risk to china's national security.

in 2020, a domestic information technology company received a commercial commission from a foreign company claiming that its client was engaged in technical support services for railway transportation and needed to conduct research on china's railway network in advance in order to enter the chinese market. although the company was aware that the foreign company had ulterior motives, driven by interests, the company still chose to purchase and install equipment according to the other party's requirements, collect data at fixed locations, and even conduct mobile testing and data collection in other cities and corresponding high-speed rail lines specified by the other party.

after verification, it was found that the overseas company's long-term customers included overseas spy intelligence agencies, overseas defense military units, and multiple government departments. the company illegally collected 500g of data in just one month, which is expressly prohibited by the data security law and other laws.

the relevant data collected by the company was identified as intelligence by the national secrets administrative department, and the relevant personnel were suspected of spying for foreign countries and illegally providing intelligence and were subject to compulsory measures in accordance with the law. in the end, the personnel involved were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and deprived of political rights. this case is the first case in which the data involved was identified as intelligence since the implementation of the data security law.