
larger than hong kong! china regained a territory lost for a century, and unexpectedly discovered a large amount of resources after the return


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speaking of pamir, many people may feel a little unfamiliar, because this land was "lost" for 128 years and did not return to china until 2011. at that time, china and the republic of tajikistan signed a contract to further clarify the border between the two sides. in other words, from that moment on, china's lost homeland for a hundred years returned to the embrace of the motherland, and everyone was immersed in this joy. this land covers a large area, even far larger than hong kong, and is very important to china. what people did not expect was that in the later exploration process, the explorers actually discovered rich natural resources in the pamir region. soon the news spread to the ears of other countries, and many people were jealous after hearing the news.

so why was the ownership of the pamirs given to other countries in the first place? how did this land return to the embrace of the motherland a hundred years later? what have experts discovered on this land, and what is unique about it?

the pamirs no longer belong to china

during the qing dynasty, the pamir region was still chinese territory and was under the rule of the qing dynasty. but after the qing dynasty became corrupt, various countries began to gradually show their true intentions and set their sights on chinese territory, and the pamir region was one of them. historically, the pamir region was a must-pass place on the silk road, connecting china with other countries in trade. once this territory is lost, it will be a huge loss for china. in the 19th century, xinjiang and other places were in turmoil, and tsarist russia took the opportunity to seize china's ili region. in order to take this place back, the qing dynasty sent a special person to negotiate, hoping that both sides could reach an agreement to return the chinese land.

the expansionist desire of tsarist russia grew day by day, and it even forced the qing government of china to sign an unequal treaty. the qing government did not do as they wished. after learning the terms of the treaty, it sent representatives to negotiate with tsarist russia again. in the continuous debate and negotiations between the two sides, although the ili region was taken back, it also brought us huge losses. tsarist russia obtained nearly 70,000 square kilometers of land. in 1884, tsarist russia once again turned its attention to china. under their coercion, the qing government divided the pamir region into three parts, one for the qing government, one for tsarist russia, and the ownership of the rest was to be discussed. in 1892, tsarist russia sent troops again and invaded various regions at the same time, disturbing the qing government. faced with the pressure from tsarist russia, the qing government could only send troops to assist, but failed to effectively solve the practical problems.

after all, the qing government was weak at the time and could not confront tsarist russia head-on. it could only adopt a conservative strategy to minimize its own losses. in order to avoid conflict, the troops sent by the qing government were always in a passive defensive state and never took the initiative to initiate conflict with tsarist russia. because of this, other countries began to turn a blind eye to the qing government and blatantly began to negotiate the ownership of the pamirs. tsarist russia and other countries pointed fingers at chinese territory, showed no respect for our position, and did not care about our ideas at all. the northern part of the pamirs was controlled by tsarist russia, while britain obtained the wakhan pamirs. the qing government had no choice but to endure the humiliation and watch its territory disappear bit by bit.

however, it didn't take long for things to take a turn for the better. with the outbreak of the first world war, the october revolution broke out in tsarist russia. these invaders could not protect themselves and were too busy to make any comments on china's territorial issues. the qing government took this opportunity to start a comprehensive rectification and restoration of the country in an attempt to save the situation. however, due to its limited capabilities, the ruling power of the pamir region was still not obtained, and it was eventually controlled by tsarist russia. in 1960, china and afghanistan signed a border treaty, formally demarcating the border between the two countries, and at the same time acknowledging the abandonment of the wakhan pamir region originally occupied by britain. in 1990, tajikistan officially declared independence. according to the previous relevant administrative divisions, tsarist russia divided the occupied pamir region to tajikistan, and never asked about this area again.

pamirs return, huge resources discovered

china's return of the pamir region can be traced back to the end of the anti-japanese war. in this brutal war, japan surrendered unconditionally, and china won the final victory, proving its strength to the world. china stood up again and began to pursue the land that was taken away by the invaders. with china's continuous efforts, many regions have returned to the embrace of the motherland. but it is not so easy to take back the pamir region. in 1999, china and tajikistan signed a series of agreements, hoping to regain the pamir region. during the negotiations, tajikistan has always maintained a due attitude towards china's proposal and has been constantly dealing with it.

despite this, china did not give up easily and continued to send delegations to tajikistan, determined to take back the land. it was not until 2011 that the border was redrawn after consultation between the two sides. since then, the pamir region has officially returned to the motherland after more than a hundred years of separation. under china's continuous governance, the pamir region seems to have changed its appearance and is no longer the uninhabited wasteland it used to be. the government sent a team of experts to conduct on-site surveys and discovered rich natural resources. many people choose to live there, truly relying on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water, and have achieved self-sufficiency.

not only that, the locals also used these natural resources to develop tourism and create a paradise suitable for leisure and entertainment. there is snow all year round, with an altitude of more than 7,000 meters. there are fountains, pastures, etc. around, and the scenery is very beautiful. staying in this place for a few days can also relieve your tired heart. the most popular check-in spots in pamir are princess castle and stone castle, where photos are very good. with the continuous development of the pamir region, it has attracted the attention of tourists from all over the country to visit. the local economy has also been driven by the tourism industry, and the lives of residents are getting better and better.

the heating and electricity problems of local residents have also been properly solved. relevant personnel discovered geothermal resources in the southern part of the plateau, solving a major problem in people's lives. not only that, pamir also gave us a huge surprise. during the survey, experts found that there are extremely rich mineral resources here, and the oil production is also very rich. there may be many undeveloped mineral resources underground, including uranium and lithium. uranium is the main raw material for nuclear weapons, and lithium is one of the essential elements for making lithium batteries. it should be known that these two materials are extremely scarce worldwide, and their importance is self-evident. they are crucial to national energy security and renewable energy technology. if these resources can be mined scientifically and efficiently and used reasonably, it will not only solve the problem of resource supply, but also provide strong support for china's future development. in addition, there are many undeveloped resources waiting for us to explore, and its value is far more than that.

geographical location of the pamir plateau

pamir is located at the junction of afghanistan, tajikistan and my country, and consists of multiple groups of parallel mountain ranges and river valley basins. the geographical environment here has a profound impact on local residents. previously, due to the harsh climate and limited land resources, the lives of local residents were very difficult. fortunately, after continuous development, the water resources here have gradually become abundant, and there are many rivers, which has solved the survival problems of local residents. the altitude here is very high, with an average altitude of more than 4,500 meters. in addition to high mountains, pamir also has lakes, glaciers and deserts. the glaciers on the plateau are the source of many large rivers such as the indus river and the syr darya river, and play a vital role in the water resources of other countries.

the eastern part of the pamirs is flat and relatively low in altitude, mostly around 5,000 to 6,000. because of the high mountains, the moist air currents from the west cannot flow through this area, resulting in long, cold winters and low precipitation. according to previous statistics, the highest precipitation in the pamirs is 100 mm. the terrain of the west pamir plateau is relatively complex, and most of them are strongly cut alpine terrains. the hillsides are mostly covered with bushes and plants such as kobresia, and the environment is relatively humid. compared with the east pamirs, the annual precipitation here is much higher and the vegetation types are richer. the west pamirs not only have grasslands and kobresia, but also plants such as poplars and willows, which constitute a unique geographical landscape with extremely high biological and natural research value.

the biodiversity here is very rich and it is the habitat of many rare animals. wild animals such as snow leopards and tibetan antelopes live and reproduce here.

however, in recent years, the problem of global warming has become increasingly serious, and the ecological environment of the pamir plateau has been greatly affected. as temperatures continue to rise, glaciers begin to melt faster, causing river levels to rise. problems such as grassland degradation frequently occur, vegetation coverage decreases, and the land lacks nutrients. this not only destroys the balance of the ecosystem, but also leaves many wild animals homeless and without habitats. the living environment is threatened, and some species are even at risk of extinction. the lives of local residents have also been affected, and protecting the local environment is the most important issue at the moment.

only through our joint efforts can we restore the original spiritual outlook of the pamir plateau, stabilize the ecosystem, and better utilize the resources here.


the difficult years in the past have become history. after untold hardships, we finally brought the pamirs back to the embrace of the motherland, and no longer have to be oppressed by other countries. today, china is in an international leading position in both military and experience, and has its own voice. if other countries infringe on our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, we will certainly make them pay a certain price.

this incident also shows that the country must continue to develop. if it stands still, it will inevitably be trampled under the feet of other countries. only by constantly improving, summing up experience in hardships, and seizing every opportunity to climb up. therefore, we must improve our economic level and comprehensive international situation, so that our international status will become higher and higher, and the initiative will be firmly in our own hands.