
tencent video: let self-media creators "have opportunities to show their talents"


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in this era of fast-flowing self-media, time is becoming more and more fragmented. short plays, short series and short programs, with their short and compact features, perfectly fit the fragmented time consumption habits. while these short contents are loved by the audience, they also allow many self-media creators to find a way to get rich.

compared with big ips, the creation of short dramas, short series and short programs does not require extremely high costs, providing more creative creators with opportunities to showcase themselves. major platforms are also eager to recruit talents and have joined the game.

as a result, all the bigwigs who were keenly aware of the opportunities and difficulties of creators began to battle. among them, of course, tencent video, the leading online video platform in china, was indispensable.

tencent video has chosen to use the "video album" model to provide a broader and more professional platform for short dramas, short episodes, and short programs. this model not only lowers the entry threshold, allowing more creators with creative abilities to participate, but also brings tangible benefits to creators through various monetization methods such as member sharing and single-point payment.

fighting alone is definitely not as easy as standing on the shoulders of giants to reach the stars. tencent video's "video album" has extended an olive branch to creators to work together, and also given a shot of adrenaline to creators who are truly capable and have dreams: it turns out that content is the best stepping stone. as long as the content is strong enough, talents will surely be met and their skills will be fully utilized.

the platform extends an olive branch to help good content to be successfully monetized

behind the glamour, there are dangers everywhere. in fact, many current video creators are in a confused stage and are crossing the river by feeling the stones.

looking around, in the internet environment where massive amounts of content are flooding, we all have the worry that "even good wine needs a bush". even if we create high-quality content, it may be difficult to be discovered due to lack of sufficient exposure opportunities. in addition, the market is flooded with a lot of content that is homogeneous, vulgar, and crudely produced, resulting in many excellent works being buried, and the efforts and talents of creators cannot be rewarded as they should be.

creators who want to really make content have no traffic and cannot make ends meet, which inevitably leads to disappointment and frustration. therefore, tencent video provides a broader and more professional platform for creators and organizations of short dramas, short episodes, and short programs through the "video album" model, allowing more talented creators to participate. in terms of revenue, it has launched a membership split and single-point payment monetization model. not only that, the guaranteed split function has also entered internal testing, which will further provide solid support for content creation in the future.

the only requirement to obtain these guarantees and benefits is the ability to create good content.

at the 2024 tencent video "good time afternoon tea" creator salon, the ecological product operation team also aimed at the direction of "high-quality story-telling video albums", encouraging creators to produce high-quality, continuous and in-depth content, and more accurately push high-quality content to target users, thereby increasing the exposure and influence of the content.

to put it bluntly, the "video album" model is to ensure that truly good content and good creations receive the rewards they deserve.

top author services, mining the rich mine of good content value

tencent video’s full sincerity can be seen from the author service in the “video album” model.

the official will provide 1v1 content guidance to the top creators, help them optimize their content, and answer various questions and problems, which can be called the content steward around them. at the same time, various categories of solicitation activities have been launched, with traffic packages and bonuses, to help creators incubate more and better content.

tencent video is also an expert at community operations, with many activities such as daily traffic lotteries, business activities, and submission promotions, allowing creators to not only keep abreast of daily incentive activities, but also learn and communicate with other like-minded people.

offline activities are also indispensable, including salon exchanges, etc., to help everyone get the current industry trends and create good works that keep up with the times. on september 20, tencent video will also hold the "tencent video aigc short film creation" industry exchange meeting in beijing, inviting some new companies and experts in the domestic ai field to hold special forums to guide short film creators to use ai to create content. being able to listen to lectures from big guys, improve yourself, and gain resources, this exchange meeting will definitely make the trip worthwhile for all creators!

it is precisely because of tencent video's sincere support that creators have the opportunity to break out of the circle. so how effective is the "video album" model? we have to use data to speak.

since the launch of the membership revenue sharing model, tencent video has generated over 300 million yuan in revenue for creators. this data fully proves the success and effectiveness of the membership revenue sharing model.

one of them is "returning from xiuxian to become a boss". this short series produced by "qixiang animation" has quickly become a hotly discussed series among young people since it was launched on tencent video in july 2023. with refined content of about 5 minutes per episode and fascinating xiuxian theme, the play has been played more than 180 million times on tencent video, with a total of 240,000 followers, and the amount of revenue sharing has exceeded 5 million yuan.

another short series that also shines on tencent video is "the weird world". this work has attracted a large number of viewers with its unique setting and tense plot. from "breaking the curse, lin feng binds xuan hua" to "lin feng fights the abyss-level evil spirit", each episode is full of suspense and surprises. currently, "the weird world" has been updated to the second season, which can be regarded as another masterpiece in the field of short series.

the success of these two works once again proves the powerful driving force of tencent's "video album" model. through precise content positioning and efficient distribution mechanism, tencent video not only delivers high-quality short works to the audience, but also provides creators with broad development space and rich returns.

with fame and income, creators can be said to have made a lot of money. these two cases also prove that "good content" is still the engine driving progress, and the value of good content is far from being fully explored.

0 fans are enough to join, creative activities beyond imagination

do you have to be a mature top account to join? not really. creators who don’t have a fan base on the site can also come in and get a piece of the pie as long as they have good content.

tencent video has specially added a channel for 0 fans to enter the platform, so that creators without a fan base can also have the opportunity to showcase their talents. this move has lowered the entry threshold and provided opportunities for more potential creators.

at the same time, tencent video also understands the creators' thinking very well. the marketing method of "video album" is naturally endowed with the internet's free and open communication genes. through various unique and immersive activities, it ignites the creators' enthusiasm for participation in minutes.

for example, the "top creative students" activity launched an incubation plan for short films and short programs, which included more than 400,000 in cash rewards to encourage creators to actively participate.

the "i have a billion points of humor" event closely follows the platform's popular ips, providing a stage for creators with comedic talents to showcase their talents. these popular events have greatly stimulated the creators' creative enthusiasm, allowing their talents to be displayed and providing growth opportunities for "potential stocks" in creation. whether participating in the event or joining the platform, you can enter the creator center of tencent video on your computer and open the door to a new world.

in this era full of opportunities and challenges, whether you are a fledgling new star or an experienced veteran, you can create your own shining star in tencent video's "video album". tencent video's "video album" activates the creators' self-generating ability, encourages creators and organizations to produce short and concise content, and maximizes content production and monetization through full-scene distribution, professional creator services and multiple monetization models. here, creators can focus on content creation itself without any worries, which will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the entire video industry.