
hu jing: because she is so beautiful, she was noticed by the richest man in the world. in order to let her sleep peacefully, he was willing to remove her organs.


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if some people cannot find true love in their entire lives, then for chinese actress hu jing, who comes from a wealthy family, she is undoubtedly destined to meet her mr. right.

in 2005, at a small-scale entertainment industry cocktail party, this actress who was about to reach the peak of her career fell in love at first sight with a malaysian wealthy businessman zhu zhaoxiang, thus starting a legend of transnational love.

it all started at a cocktail party

one autumn day in 2005, the rising star hu jing was invited by director derek yee to attend a small entertainment industry cocktail party. during this event, hu jing met a wealthy businessman from malaysia named zhu zhaoxiang.

zhu zhaoxiang was 39 years old at the time, 12 years older than hu jing. as the heir to the richest man in malaysia, he had worked hard in the family business in his early years and accumulated a lot of wealth. he came to china this time to handle some business affairs and to find a partner who could add color to his life.

as soon as zhu zhaoxiang saw hu jing, he was attracted by her beauty. although this wealthy malaysian businessman from a wealthy family was successful in his career, he was still a bachelor at heart. when he saw such a beautiful actress, he was immediately attracted. so he took the initiative to talk to hu jing, and the two soon had a lively conversation.

from acquaintance to love

the two people who originally exchanged contact information just out of courtesy soon developed into a transnational love affair during their subsequent interactions. although the two people's work environments and social circles were very different, zhu zhaoxiang did not care about these at all, but instead took the initiative to pursue this beautiful and lovely actress.

from then on, zhu zhaoxiang often flew from malaysia to china to visit hu jing on his private jet. they would have dinner together at high-end restaurants across china and stroll along the streets of bustling cities. zhu zhaoxiang tried his best to win hu jing's heart in various ways.

although hu jing had some concerns at first, after all, zhu zhaoxiang's age and status were very different from hers. but under zhu zhaoxiang's unremitting pursuit, her heart was gradually shaken. the two spent more and more time together, and their feelings became deeper and deeper. finally, in 2008, hu jing and zhu zhaoxiang officially entered the palace of marriage.

grand wedding

on september 27, 2008, this transnational couple held a sensational and luxurious wedding in kuala lumpur, the capital of malaysia.

this wedding was the most grand one in the history of malaysian entertainment industry. thousands of celebrities from the political and business circles were invited to attend, and the scene was quite spectacular.

the bride hu jing prepared a total of 4 wedding dresses worth millions, all designed by internationally renowned designers. the wedding scene was decorated extremely gorgeously, and the newlyweds walked slowly on a 500-meter-long beam bridge paved with white roses, and held a grand wedding ceremony.

the wedding cost 50 million malaysian ringgit, which undoubtedly set a new record for wedding expenses in malaysia. but for zhu zhaoxiang, who is worth billions, this is undoubtedly the most sincere gift, expressing his love and respect for his wife.

entering a wealthy family, never forgetting your career

many women who marry into wealthy families often choose to give up their careers and focus on family life, but hu jing did not do so.

after getting married, hu jing did not completely quit the entertainment industry, but continued to develop her career. with the strong support of her husband zhu zhaoxiang, she participated in the filming of many hit tv series, and in 2017, she starred in the highly acclaimed tv series "in the name of people", becoming a hot star in one fell swoop.

hu jing believes that even if she marries into a wealthy family, she should remain independent and should not rely entirely on others to support herself. this persistence not only won her husband's respect, but also allowed her to continue to achieve success in her career development.

caring husband

for hu jing, meeting such a considerate husband is undoubtedly the greatest luck in her life.

zhu zhaoxiang knows how to take care of his wife's needs. for example, he knew that hu jing had high requirements for sleep quality, so in order not to affect her rest, he took the initiative to undergo tonsillectomy. although this would cause inconvenience to his breathing, he did it without hesitation.

in addition, when hu jing was filming, zhu zhaoxiang would often visit the set to give encouragement and support. he knew that his wife was an excellent actor, so he never interfered with her work. on the contrary, as long as hu jing had a good performance opportunity, he would strongly encourage her and provide various convenient conditions.

this considerate behavior made hu jing deeply feel her husband's love. she also cherished this marriage more, and their feelings became deeper and deeper.

conferred the titles of "datin" and "datuk"

in addition to her career achievements, hu jing and her husband zhu zhaoxiang's marriage life has also attracted much attention.

in 2010, on the occasion of their second wedding anniversary, hu jing and zhu zhaoxiang were conferred the titles of "datin" and "datuk" in the malaysian sultan's palace. this is the highest honorary title awarded by the malaysian royal family, and no chinese artist has ever received this honor before.

this is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of the relationship between this multinational wealthy couple. although the two come from different cultural backgrounds, after years of getting along, they have completely integrated into each other and become a beautiful landscape in malaysian society.

twenty years of sweetness

today, hu jing and her husband zhu zhaoxiang have been married for 20 years. during these long years, they not only maintain a deep relationship, but also respect and care for each other.

even though some unpleasant news occasionally came out, it turned out that the couple's relationship was still as solid as ever. zhu zhaoxiang always took care of hu jing and helped her adapt to every bit of life in a foreign country. hu jing also insisted on her career pursuit. the two supported each other and thus formed a beautiful way of getting along.

such a transnational marriage between wealthy families has undoubtedly become the object of envy for countless people. hu jing and zhu zhaoxiang wrote a moving love epic with their sincere love, setting one benchmark after another of "fairy love" for the world.


from meeting to falling in love, from getting married to being together for twenty years, hu jing and zhu zhaoxiang's transnational romance with wealthy families is undoubtedly an extraordinary love legend.

with their sincere feelings and mutual consideration, they have established an enviable marriage life and become the envy of countless people. this not only proves the power of love, but also shows the world a happy and complete wealthy family. i believe that their story will surely become the motivation and benchmark for more people to pursue happiness.