
tencent music entertainment group and angela chang join hands to deliver more spiritual power through music


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on the afternoon of august 28, angela chang, the national queen of chinese music, held a unique music sharing session at the shenzhen office of tencent music entertainment group (hereinafter referred to as "tme"). at the sharing session, angela chang talked about the current situation of her music career and the accumulation and reflection of her many years of music career, and had close exchanges and interactions with tme employees. at the same time, it was officially announced at the meeting that tme will reach a series of strategic cooperation with angela chang. in the future, the two parties will work together to help continue to enhance the influence of her classic music works and promote the positive spiritual energy in angela chang's music works to affect more music fans. tme will also focus on angela chang's musical characteristics to help her explore more possibilities of music career and professional identity, and witness more shining moments in angela chang's career.

(sharing event site)

breaking out of the cocoon and transforming along the way, inspiring life to constantly expand the boundaries of self

as a representative female singer of the golden age of chinese music, angela chang has released 10 personal music albums including "over the rainbow", "aurora", "total fall", "?" in the 23 years since her debut. she has created many popular hits such as "fable", "aurora", "invisible wings", "dear, that's not love", "breaking the cocoon", etc. she has held nearly 100 personal concerts of various types. with the excellent quality of her works and unparalleled singing ability, she has won numerous awards in her career. from searching for "invisible wings" to having "invisible wings", angela chang has experienced countless challenges. looking back on her music career, angela chang said: "we must tell ourselves that life will not always be smooth, so don't be afraid of challenges, otherwise you will lose the courage to try things when you are young. what is a dream? dreams are like breathing when you are alive."

in addition to being a singer, angela chang is also the music planner, producer, and mv director of many of her own albums. in the 2024 "angela chang" world tour, she also serves as the chief planner of the concert. by strictly controlling every detail of the concert, she will present the most extreme audio-visual feast for the fans present. at the sharing session, angela chang also shared the thoughts behind her continuous self-breakthrough. she said frankly: "in this world, if you are not better than others, you will be eliminated. therefore, i can't live in a framework. i must constantly break through myself. i must make changes at a certain point in my life, change my heart and my views on things, and everything starts from the heart. if you want to go a long way, you can only be irreplaceable if you really walk into the hearts of others." speaking of the "sense of relaxation" that many people pursue, angela chang believes: "the real sense of relaxation is that you have to look inward, not outward. everything that grows from the outside is an illusion."

the persistence and dedication to each work is also zhang shaohan's requirement for herself and her response to every passion. the enthusiasm and expectations of the fans at each concert also made zhang shaohan express her true feelings. she said: "the only thing i can't let down is my professionalism and the expectations of my fans. this is also my weakest point. every time i stand on the stage and face the sincere eyes of the audience, i don't want to disappoint them. i can tell the audience responsibly that you bought tickets to watch my concert, and i have nothing else but a sincere heart."

through the new cooperation with tme, angela chang will also have a comrade-in-arms to work together in her music career. in the future, tme will strongly support the full development of angela chang's music career, and together they will explore the greater cultural, artistic and social value in her works, and continuously amplify the influence of high-quality music content.

deliver more spiritual strength and let passion and dreams move forward

angela chang has always insisted on "writing my own songs with my own life", and has inspired countless fans and listeners with her own experiences and strong determination to fight against fate. angela chang shared: "doing the "fable" concert made me realize that fairy tales are often not so perfect. but i told myself that darkness is the dormancy before the arrival of light, and when you encounter setbacks and difficulties, even a simple sentence will affect you for a long time." therefore, during this year's world tour, angela chang also launched a collection activity on social media #be your own life screenwriter like angela chang#, and many fans shared their moments of encountering angela chang in life. a fan wrote: "a good idol can be the light that illuminates your life in the darkest moments, and you are one of them."

the mutual support and love between singers and fans are also two-way, just as she interpreted this world tour: "it tells a deeper story, which is our spirit of not compromising and not giving up; it is the courage to stick to our inner sincerity and bravely pursue the future even in the face of pressure." in this world tour that "hopes to show the thoughts of millions of chinese people", angela chang took the lead in perfectly integrating chinese culture into the city, makeup, arrangement, stage design and other aspects. at the same time, she also hopes to convey the spiritual core of the chinese people, "humility, forbearance but not admitting defeat, fighting against fate to the end", to every live audience in the form of music.

in terms of delivering love and energy through music and creating greater value for music with technology, angela chang and tme also share the same goal. at the sharing session, angela chang said: "in future cooperation, i hope to combine with technology to create a new world of music." this is consistent with tme's mission and vision of "using technology to create unlimited possibilities for music." since its establishment, tencent music entertainment group has been committed to working with partners, singers and musicians to bring unlimited energy of music to music fans and the general public, and to work together to create a better future for the music industry. in the future, tme will also work with angela chang to move forward with love and dreams, so that more people can feel resonance and gain strength from angela chang's music.