
as the ai ​​native era arrives, experts suggest three major development directions for the server operating system community


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china news service, beijing, august 31 (reporter xia bin) the intelligence emergence and generalization capabilities of large models will create thousands or even millions of ai native applications, reconstructing the industry architecture and underlying foundation. with the advent of the ai ​​native era, changes in human-computer interaction methods, programming paradigms, kernel complexity, etc. are giving rise to deep changes in server operating systems.

as a result, ai native applications have put forward higher requirements for system software. zhang dong, vice chairman of the longxi community, recently proposed three major development suggestions for the server operating system community when attending the 2024 longxi operating system conference.

zhang dong, vice chairman of the longxi community, recently delivered a speech in beijing. photo provided by the organizer.

the first is "ai native first", which means fully embracing ai, deeply integrating ai capabilities, creating the best basic software for upstream chip to algorithm application development manufacturers, and realizing the rapid value conversion of ai capabilities.

the second is to adhere to the application orientation, emphasize the close integration of community technology innovation and application scenarios, innovate the collaborative model between basic software, hardware and applications, and create the best solutions for vertical scenarios in the field.

the third is to strengthen openness and neutrality. the community should tear off the label of a single manufacturer, emphasize co-governance, co-construction and sharing, establish open standards, actively connect with the world's leading communities, maintain synchronous development, and form a prosperous ecosystem.

china news service reporters also learned at the meeting that as the leading open source operating system root community in china, the longxi community has launched three major plans based on "cloud + ai" innovation, including the "anolis os23 ecological derivative plan", "centos replacement plan", and "ai application promotion plan" to promote the virtuous cycle development of the commercialization of open source operating systems.

as the vice chairman unit of the longxi community, inspur information has been actively involved in community construction since joining the community in 2022. relying on the inspur information longxi joint laboratory, it has promoted community construction in multiple dimensions such as technological innovation, standard setting, ecological construction, and operation promotion.

for example, in response to the complete shutdown of the open source server operating system centos on june 30 this year, inspur information joined hands with the longxi community to launch the "worry-free suspension" action plan as early as june, providing vulnerability and bug repair, fault location and resolution, security reinforcement and other services to effectively prevent new vulnerabilities that may appear after the shutdown of centos, information leakage caused by malicious code, business interruption, ransomware attacks and other serious risks.

zhang dong emphasized that the operating system is the core of the collaborative design and optimization of software and hardware. we will adhere to the "application-oriented, system-centric" approach, truly leverage the advantages of system manufacturers, and through the drive of the entire machine, better realize the system design of collaborative software and hardware, accelerate technological innovation, and ensure the continuous iteration and evolution of the longxi operating system.

zhang dong also bluntly stated in an interview with china news service that this wave of ai technology is coming very fast, so fast that it has posed challenges to computing power, storage, data and other aspects. this has forced people who make operating systems to constantly integrate resources and move forward to "catch up" with the development speed of ai.

some people have suggested that in the future, developers can directly use natural language for development. the operating system not only needs to support new programming paradigms, but also needs to make corresponding improvements in user interface and user experience to adapt to the needs of the ai ​​native era.

at the same time, with the trend of ai native, the "kernel layer" of the operating system has become more complex, and the underlying hardware needs to provide more complex computing resources, including diversified general-purpose processors and ai acceleration chips, more efficient memory, networks, etc., requiring the operating system to effectively manage and allocate the above resources to ensure the efficient operation of ai applications. (end)

(china news network)
