
immediate review|young hearts, getting closer and closer


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on august 29, the delegation of mainland olympic athletes from the paris olympics arrived in hong kong and began a three-day trip, including three public events, the "olympic athletes gala" and the "mainland olympic athletes show style". after the tickets for the event went on sale, hong kong citizens responded enthusiastically, and more than 5,000 tickets were sold out within an hour. many citizens said that "it is impossible to get a ticket."
on august 31, 2024, 26 chinese mainland olympic athletes who won the diving, swimming, synchronized swimming and canoeing championships at the paris olympics went to the victoria park swimming pool in hong kong to participate in the "mainland olympic athletes show style" event. visual china photo
this scene seems familiar: three years ago, tickets for the public activities of the mainland olympic athletes visiting hong kong were also hard to come by, and they were all sold out soon after they were publicly available. when chinese people encounter happy events and successes, they always share them with their families as soon as possible. as hong kong chief executive john lee said at the welcome party, "we are a family."
in just three days, wherever the olympic team went, they were welcomed with the warmest welcome, just like three years ago. what made the hong kong citizens sincerely admire was not only the brilliant achievements of the olympic athletes, but also the sportsmanship they represented. at st. paul's college, a hong kong child asked diving athlete quan hongchan how long it would take to master the "disappearing water splash technique". she revealed her heart, "during the ten years of training, there were times when i wanted to give up, but every time i thought, i have persisted until now, why not persist?" at the peak, swimmer zhang yufei also shared her struggle experience: "it is easy to give up when encountering difficulties, but persisting is the coolest."
every time they visit hong kong, olympic athletes use their own growth stories to help young people in hong kong establish their own dreams and inspire them to work hard for their dreams. in fact, the "hong kong spirit" of courage to fight and never give up has also infected young people in the mainland. at the paris olympics, the hong kong fencing team won two gold medals in history. hong kong player jiang minhui won the women's individual epee competition, and zhang jialang successfully defended the men's foil gold medal. not long ago, several young fencers from mainland provinces and cities who went to hong kong for training were so excited that they almost couldn't sleep all night after meeting jiang minhui and zhang jialang, taking photos and chatting.
whether it is a person, a city or a country, it must have this kind of perseverance and tenacity to steadily move towards the future. this is also the reason why the olympic team can always resonate with and inspire the spirit of "under the lion rock".
if the sportsmanship of every generation of olympic athletes is worth learning, then the olympic delegation visiting hong kong this time has demonstrated a more modern, diverse and confident image of chinese sports. during the three-day trip, what impressed hong kong citizens the most was the "relaxed feeling" of these young people.
swimmer tan haiyang compared the action of breaststroke to playing mahjong, "draw the cards first, then play them", which made the primary school students and the audience laugh. table tennis players ma long and fan zhendong demonstrated to the youth representatives on the super small table, and used tools such as pot lids, spatulas and trays to fight with them, which also made the participants laugh. when interacting with hong kong youth, weightlifter li wenwen demonstrated weightlifting movements on the spot and said "too light", which also attracted applause and laughter. dare to express oneself and dare to show confidence. this is the style of the new generation of chinese olympic athletes. because of this ease and easy-going, the hearts of young people are getting closer and closer.
badminton mixed doubles champions zheng siwei and huang yaqiong disguised themselves as court staff and fat middle-aged people, mixed in with the citizens who were playing, and exchanged skills with them, which brought great surprises; in the chorus of the "olympic athletes gala", fan zhendong raised the microphone to greet the audience, then turned around and said "i don't know", which made people laugh. when young people meet young people, sometimes they don't need too many words, a smile, a gesture, can make each other understand each other. olympic athletes are elites in the field of sports, but during the three-day trip to hong kong, they are the most cordial and lovely friends.
in recent years, many mainland tourists have expressed their feelings on social media after visiting hong kong, saying that "hong kong people are so friendly." hong kong residents have also "gone north" to consume, travel, and visit, and personally experience the tremendous development achievements of the mainland. it is through repeated exchanges and interactions that more and more young people in hong kong strongly feel that their destiny is closely linked to the motherland.
the chinese delegation won 40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze medals at the paris olympics, ranking first in the number of gold medals, showing the world that china has gradually moved from a "sports power" to a "sports powerhouse". what is particularly rare is that the olympic athletes have withstood multiple tests, including ultra-high frequency drug testing, and insisted on winning moral gold medals, stylish gold medals, and clean gold medals. how to keep moving forward and how to work hard are the most experienced and touched by young people in hong kong. today, hong kong, which has gone through ups and downs and crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, has also come to a new historical starting point, and its prosperity remains and its charm is even greater.
on the second day of the event, olympic athletes and representatives of primary and secondary school students from various schools in hong kong participated in the flag-raising ceremony in the auditorium of st. paul's college. when the five-star red flag rose slowly, the delegation members and hong kong teachers and students sang the national anthem, sincerely expressing their pride and honor of being chinese. every warm hug and cheer in the three days was a meeting of hearts. the gathering every four years is an unchanging agreement, and what is constantly changing is hong kong, which is developing faster, higher and stronger. we will see you after the next olympic games.
li qinyu, chief commentator of the paper
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