
from the south to the north! who can shake the 37℃ heat wave? a new typhoon is brewing


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as september approaches, the weather differences between the north and south will become more obvious. in the next three days, the high temperature range above 37°c in the south will continue to expand, while the north will gradually bid farewell to the summer heat and respond to the call of autumn under the influence of waves of cold air and rainfall.

high temperature

from the south to the north! the 37℃ hot summer will expand significantly

today, large areas of high temperatures appeared in the south. the hot area above 37°c has spread from the sichuan basin to the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river. tomorrow will be the day with the largest range and strongest intensity of this round of high temperatures.

it is expected that the range and intensity of high temperatures will continue to expand and strengthen tomorrow, and the maximum temperature in a large area from the huanghuai to south china will reach above 35°c. among them, eastern sichuan, chongqing, northern guangxi, northern jiangnan, jianghan, and eastern jianghuai will experience high temperatures above 37°c, and locally above 40°c.

from september 2nd to 3rd, the high temperatures in huanghuai, jianghuai, and eastern jiangnan will gradually subside, and then from september 4th to 5th, the high temperatures will expand eastward is expected that in the next 10 days, there will be 5 to 10 high temperature days in the sichuan basin, jianghan, jiangnan, and south china.among them, the highest temperature in some areas such as sichuan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, and zhejiang can reach 40~43℃.

overall,the sichuan basin is still the place with the strongest and most endurance of this round of high temperatures.this will also be the area with the highest concentration of 40℃ heat waves in the country in the next ten days. for example, in chongqing, the highest temperature in the next seven days will still be close to or reach 40℃, which shows how strong the high temperature dominates.

↑ in the next 10 days, the sichuan basin will be shrouded in high temperatures, orange and red... (taken from the national highest temperature forecast map at 08:00)

alsoxi'an reported high temperatures for four consecutive days from september 1 to 4, which has never happened in september in local history (previously the longest consecutive high temperature day in september was 3 days).

the autumn heat in the south is fierce. who can shake off such a hot summer? you may wish to pay attention to the future typhoon trends.

there is news about a new typhoon!in early september, 1-2 typhoons will form in the northwest pacific or the south china sea, one of which may affect my country's southeastern coast by the end of the decade.

xin xin, chief meteorological analyst at china weather network, said that at present, convection is extremely active in the convergence zone east of the philippines, and some clouds can be seen rotating counterclockwise. disturbance 92w will strengthen in the future and may become typhoon makar around september 2-3. according to the current european numerical report, makar will first land in taiwan and then in fujian, while the us numerical report bypasses taiwan and directly lands in zhejiang.

if the typhoon moves westward after making landfall, it is expected to alleviate the persistent high temperatures in the south, but its future path is still subject to great uncertainty, and we will continue to pay attention!


an autumn rain brings a chill. autumn is coming to the north to catch up with the progress.

in contrast, the summer heat in most parts of the north is coming to an end. in the next 10 days, there will be more short-wave trough activities in the upper air, and the cold and warm air will meet. there will be more rainfall in the north, and the autumn rain will bring a cool weather. the "late" autumn in the northwest and northeast is finally coming.

tomorrow, the rain will intensify in southern gansu, southern liaoning, northern hebei and other places, with moderate rain in some areas and heavy rain in some local areas.

from september 2 to 4, there will be light to moderate rain or showers from west to east in the eastern part of northwest china, northern north china, northeast china and other places, with heavy rain or rainstorms in some local areas.

affected by rainfall and cold air, the temperature will drop today and tomorrow mainly in qinghai, gansu, northern north china and northeast china.the day after tomorrow, many places in north china and the huanghuai area will experience a temperature drop of 4 to 10℃.in addition, some areas will have winds of level 4 to 5, with gusts of level 6 to 7.

↑ this afternoon, there was a significant drop in temperature in qinghai, gansu and western inner mongolia. for example, the temperature in eastern qinghai and parts of western gansu dropped by more than 10℃ at 14:00 compared with yesterday at 14:00. the temperature was generally around 20℃, which was very cool.

so far, lanzhou, yinchuan, changchun and taiyuan, which should enter autumn during the beginning of autumn, have not yet entered autumn. lanzhou even had the latest high temperature day in history yesterday. in the future, driven by waves of cold air and rainfall, lanzhou, yinchuan, taiyuan, changchun and other places will have the opportunity to enter autumn in early september.