
beijing traffic management bureau: high-level patrol will be launched during the school opening period, and all motorcycle riders will be on the road


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next week, primary and secondary schools will open, and the traffic volume on weekdays will increase significantly. the municipal public security traffic management bureau announced on august 30 that during the school opening period, the traffic management department will launch a high-level duty plan, maximize the police force, and deploy 572 school protection posts around schools with complex traffic conditions. at the same time, the city will add about 40 school routes, serving a total of 108 schools. the police said that on the newly added complex routes, police officers will be arranged to conduct on-board research to solve the exposed problems as soon as possible.
during the summer vacation, the traffic management department carried out school protection projects around schools involving traffic organization, traffic facilities and order maintenance to improve the traffic safety environment around schools.
each traffic brigade has formulated targeted traffic organization optimization measures based on the characteristics of the schools in its jurisdiction. in order to address the hidden dangers of traffic congestion, mixed traffic of vehicles and non-vehicles, and interweaving of people and vehicles in front of schools, dynamic inspections are carried out during the summer vacation of students, and comprehensive improvements are made before the start of the autumn semester to ensure that the road safety facilities, signs and markings around the schools are complete and standardized, and to eliminate the risk of traffic accidents.
it is understood that in order to ensure a smooth return to school, the traffic management department has improved the traffic safety facilities around 244 schools during the summer vacation, re-marked traffic lines around 97 schools including dongsishitiao primary school, added deceleration facilities and no-parking facilities around 136 schools including hounancang primary school, added walkway barrier facilities in front of campuses such as fangcaodi international school, and expanded the scope of safety area facilities such as buffer zones, distribution areas, and school protection passages around 11 schools including beijing middle school no. 2 branch, to guide students to go to and from school in a dispersed manner and reduce the risk of safety accidents.
to accommodate the approximately 40 new school routes added after the start of the new school year, the traffic management department has improved the setting of school bus stops and optimized routes, and deployed police forces to strengthen maintenance and care at community boarding ends, school alighting ends and important nodes of the routes to ensure that the school buses run on time. for new routes and routes with complex road conditions, police officers will be arranged to conduct on-board research and follow-up guarantees to promptly resolve problems such as late departures, late boardings and delayed boarding.
in response to the significant increase in travel volume during peak hours after the start of school, the traffic management department will launch a high-level duty plan, deploy the maximum police force, and put all motorcycle traffic police on the road. they will focus on strengthening patrol control and traffic maintenance and guidance at congested sections such as ring roads, main roads, urban connecting lines, and bridge nodes, and dynamically adjust duty times to ensure that "no peak hours are exceeded and no police force is withdrawn" to prevent vehicles from queuing for long periods of time.
at the same time, we continue to carry out regular law enforcement crackdowns on major streets, key intersections and sections in front of the campus and its surroundings, strictly investigate traffic violations such as random parking of motor vehicles, driving in prohibited areas, and driving in the wrong direction, highlight special rectification of serious violations such as license plate violations, and strengthen interception and punishment of disorderly violations such as non-motor vehicles and pedestrians running red lights and crossing lines in front of and around the school, so as to effectively improve road traffic order around the campus.
before and after the start of school, the police will also organize propaganda police, "deputy traffic principals", and traffic police off-campus counselors to comprehensively use offline "school lectures" and online "internet +" and other traffic safety publicity models to carry out "know the dangers and avoid them", "one helmet and one belt", "give way to zebra crossings", "traffic language recognition" and other traffic safety knowledge as the main content of the "first lesson of school", cultivate students' safety awareness, guide parents to travel in a green and civilized manner, and help them develop good travel habits.