
after 3 years of living a simple life, i got rid of 8 "housework" things. now my home is more spacious and my life is more comfortable.


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"minimalism" has never been a goal, but a method, a method that can return life to purity. when your life is burdened with too much, you should learn to let go.

the same is true for life. if your home always makes you feel tired, you should "let go"

if you are doing endless housework every day and your home is always piled up with various sundries and crowded, it is time to "unload" some burdens. maybe you will get new annoying things by throwing away some things.

after 3 years of minimalist living, i found that some of the housework was just something i imposed on myself, but in fact, there was no need to do it. i threw away these 8 "housework". now my home is cleaner, i have less housework, and my life is more comfortable.

01. stop folding clothes

is it the same in your home? you put the clothes on the balcony to dry after washing, and then fold them neatly and put them in the closet after drying. but after searching through the closet, they are in a mess again.

i also have to spend time organizing. i used to find that i was always folding clothes. after minimizing, i organized my closet and threw away clothes that i hadn’t worn for a long time.

i also hang up all the clothes i wear in that season and never fold clothes again. i find that hanging all the clothes up makes it easy to see and find them, and they are no longer messy.

02. no more carpet cleaning

in order to make the living room more cozy, i bought a large carpet and laid it in the middle of the living room. however, i didn't expect that the beauty would require me to do more housework. the carpet is very easy to get dirty.

it needs to be vacuumed every day, otherwise bacteria will breed. and it needs to be taken to the bathroom and brushed with a brush every ten days or half a month, and then taken to the balcony to dry. because it is quite large, it is very troublesome.

after living in minimalism, i came to my senses. i decided not to add more housework to myself just for the sake of appearance, so i threw away the big carpet. now the living room is spacious and it is easier to mop the floor. it is very convenient without the carpet.

03. no more cleaning the coffee table

in addition to throwing away the large carpet, i have also seen the large coffee table in the previous home thrown away. in fact, many people say that the large coffee table is still useful, but for me, it only adds to the housework because the coffee table is always full of miscellaneous items.

every day when i clean up, it is still a mess with all kinds of snacks, remote controls, and sundries, and they take up space. after throwing them away, the living room is no longer messy. i bought a small side table and put it next to the sofa. it can store things and can be moved, and it doesn’t take up any space at all.

04. don’t wash the toilet seat

i don’t have a smart toilet at home, so i bought a toilet mat. i feel that it won’t feel cool when i sit on it, but the toilet mat needs to be washed frequently. although it doesn’t look dirty, there are still a lot of bacteria on it. after all, the lid is covered when you flush the toilet.

i didn't want to wash the toilet mat all the time, so i threw it away. i found that it didn't feel very cool, so it was acceptable. the toilet mat was really unnecessary.

05. stop cleaning multiple trash cans

how many trash cans do you have at home? i used to have one in the bathroom, one in the living room, and one in the kitchen, but i found that more trash cans meant more garbage was dumped.

and they had to use garbage bags, so i threw away the extra garbage cans, and the whole family only had one garbage can in the kitchen.

garbage is collected centrally and there is no trash can in the bathroom. there is only a bag on the wall, and one trash can is covered with multiple trash bags. although it is a lazy method, it is really practical.

06. no more overstocking your fridge

i have seen many home bloggers share how tidy their refrigerators are, and how all the food is stored in storage boxes. however, when i bought a lot of storage boxes, i found that using storage boxes actually reduced the storage space.

because food comes in different sizes, using storage boxes would waste space. after minimizing, these useless storage boxes are thrown away and food is stored in plastic bags.

07. no more flowers

not everyone can grow flowers well. i saw other people's flowers blooming beautifully so i bought some myself, but i didn't have time to take care of them. as a result, the flowers withered and died.

later, i bought it again without giving up, but the result was the same. so i advise everyone not to grow flowers if they don’t have time, because pruning, fertilizing and watering require a lot of effort.

08. use the original packaging of seasonings

i bought a nice-looking condiment storage, and i use this uniform storage bottle for soy sauce and vinegar. it is indeed very nice, but i have to refill it every time i use it up.

moreover, the bottle mouth is small, which is not convenient at all. after simplifying it, whether it is soy sauce, vinegar or other condiments, they are all in their original packaging.


in fact, some housework can be omitted. there is really no need to add housework just to "look good". life is for yourself, and it is best to do less housework as long as you feel comfortable.